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Game of June 29, 2013 at 23:10, 5 players
1. 644 pts sunshine12
2. 586 pts MrIdanga
3. 498 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiltuv   H4    24    24   valet
 2. achiknr   5C    84   108   chinkara
 3. ejoprty   D2    38   146   pothery
 4. ?adhotw   I7    75   221   towhead
 5. egilnot  12F    72   293   legation
 6. ?abirru  10B    66   359   airbrush
 7. airsstu   K1   100   459   aurists
 8. acegiru   1G    36   495   guaiac
 9. deimnos   M7    80   575   misdonne
10. deefgnz   8L    72   647   zing
11. aeilort   N1    74   721   relation
12. bdmooqy  14J    34   755   boyed
13. aefioqs   2F    37   792   qis
14. adeeiox   O1    69   861   exode
15. eefjlnw  15G    46   907   jefe
16. eflnopw  D10    32   939   reflow
17. aaemnpu   8A    33   972   pumy
18. aaeeinv  15A    30  1002   view

Remaining tiles: aaenn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7385 Filesunshine12  5 15:48  -358  644     1.8100 MrIdanga    3 13:20  -416  586 
  2.8100 FileMrIdanga    3 13:20  -416  586            Group: advanced
  3.7009 FileGLOBEMAN    5 11:11  -504  498     1.7385 sunshine12  5 15:48  -358  644 
  4.6789 FileWEASEL      5 12:45  -554  448     2.7009 GLOBEMAN    5 11:11  -504  498 
  5.6835 FileAMYtheROO   0  0:24  -985   17            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6789 WEASEL      5 12:45  -554  448 
                                             2.6835 AMYtheROO   0  0:24  -985   17 

On 1st draw, VALET H4 24 --- VALET to act as a personal servant to [v]
Other tops: VALUE H4 24, VAULT H4 24, VAUTE H4 24, VITAE H4 24, VITAL H4 24
Other moves: ELUVIA H3 20, ELUVIA H4 20, ELUVIA H7 20, ELUVIA H8 20, ALIVE H4 18
VITAL H4 24 sunshine12

On 2nd draw, CHINKARA 5C 84 --- CHINKARA a type of antelope [n]
Other tops: CHINKARA 5A 84
Other moves: CHIKARA 5B 32, CHIKARA 5D 32, KACHINA 5B 32, KACHINA 5G 32, HACK G7 31
HACK I7 31 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, POTHERY D2 38 --- POTHERY in a turmoil [adj]
Other moves: JOEY 4J 37, PROJET 4J 36, JOY 4J 35, POETRY 4J 34, PROJET 9D 33
JOEY 4J 37 sunshine12

On 4th draw, TOWH(E)AD I7 75 --- TOWHEAD a head of light blond hair [n]
Other moves: (S)HADOW K5 58, DHOW(S) K1 56, WHAT(S)O K1 56, (S)HOWD K5 56, THAW(S) K1 54
(S)HADOW K5 58 MrIdanga
WH(E)Y 8A 36 sunshine12

On 5th draw, LEGATION 12F 72 --- LEGATION the sending of an official envoy [n]
Other moves: GELATION 12F 70, ENTOIL H10 33, TOOTLING 8H 30, LOGIC C1 28, NOTICE C1 28
TONG H12 24 MrIdanga
LONG H12 24 sunshine12

On 6th draw, AIRBRU(S)H 10B 66 --- AIRBRUSH to apply in a fine spray by compressed air, as paint [v]
Other moves: BUR(S)AR K2 48, ABRI(S) K1 46, BAUR(S) K1 46, BIRR(S) K1 46, BURA(S) K1 46
BUR(S)AR K2 48 MrIdanga
BURY 8A 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL

On 7th draw, AURISTS K1 100 --- AURIST a specialist in diseases of the ear [n]
Other moves: AURISTS N8 78, AURISTS 14E 75, AURISTS 14C 73, AURISTS N6 71, UPSTAIRS 2C 64
AURISTS K1 50 MrIdanga
STARS K1 46 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, WEASEL

On 8th draw, GUAIAC 1G 36 --- GUAIAC a medicinal resin [n]
Other moves: CAGIER 1J 33, ACARI 1K 30, CAGY 8A 30, GAUCIE 1J 30, GAWCIER 9G 30
CAGIER 1J 33 MrIdanga
CURIE 2J 26 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 9th draw, MISDONNE M7 80 --- MISDO to do wrongly [v]
Other moves: EMODINS 14C 78, MISDONE 14G 78, MISDONNE M6 78, DOMINES 14C 76, DOMINES N6 76
MOSED N10 38 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN, WEASEL
EMODINS 14C 28 MrIdanga

On 10th draw, ZING 8L 72 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZINE 8L 69, ZINGED C9 54, ZINGED 4J 49, GEEZ H12 45, DZO 11K 43
ZING 8L 72 sunshine12, WEASEL, GLOBEMAN, MrIdanga

On 11th draw, RELATION N1 74 --- RELATION a significant association between two or more things [n]
Other tops: TAILERON N1 74
Other moves: AWETOS 9H 29, *L*Y*T 8A 27, LOTIC C1 24, LENTOR N6 23, LINTER N6 23
TRAY 8A 21 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
TACO C3 20 MrIdanga

On 12th draw, BOYED 14J 34 --- BOY to act a female role as a boy [v]
Other tops: BOOMY 11K 34
Other moves: GOBY H12 33, MOBY 8A 33, BOODY 11K 32, BOOMY 3C 32, MOODY 11K 32
MOBY 8A 33 MrIdanga, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL

On 13th draw, QIS 2F 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 2F 34, *F*YS 8A 33, *F*Y 8A 30, SEIF 15H 30, EFS N10 28
*F*YS 8A 33 MrIdanga
FOES 15H 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL

On 14th draw, EXODE O1 69 --- EXODE a farce [n]
Other moves: EXODE 15H 55, OXIDE 15H 55, EXO O1 47, AXOID 15G 46, DEXIE 15G 45
EXODE O1 69 GLOBEMAN, WEASEL, sunshine12
OXIDE 15H 55 MrIdanga

On 15th draw, JEFE 15G 46 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other moves: FLEW 15H 39, JEE 15H 34, REFLEW D10 32, ENEW 15H 30, FLEY 8A 30
JEFE 15G 46 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL
FLEW 15H 39 MrIdanga

On 16th draw, REFLOW D10 32 --- FLOW to move steadily and smoothly along [v] --- REFLOW to flow again [v]
Other moves: FLEY 8A 30, NOWY 8A 30, OWLY 8A 30, PEAFOWL B8 30, POW C1 30
FLEY 8A 30 MrIdanga, sunshine12

On 17th draw, PUMY 8A 33 --- PUMY a pebble [n]
Other tops: UMPY 8A 33
Other moves: MACE C3 28, MAWN 9G 28, PACA C3 28, PACE C3 28, PUCE C3 28
UMPY 8A 33 MrIdanga
PUNY 8A 27 sunshine12

On 18th draw, VIEW 15A 30 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: MEINIE C8 29, ELVAN 13C 23, AINEE 11A 22, ANEW 9F 22, ENEW 9F 22
VIEW 15A 30 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL, MrIdanga

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