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Game of July 2, 2013 at 00:00, 3 players
1. 684 pts MrIdanga
2. 89 pts CyborgD
3. 26 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beekno   H8    84    84   betoken
 2. ailrtty   I2    69   153   tartily
 3. degiotu   H1    29   182   gude
 4. eimnost  15F   119   301   mestino
 5. eeoprtx  I11    47   348   pox
 6. aeehorv  10A    73   421   overheat
 7. adfhilt  14B    53   474   faith
 8. ?aiiiru  13H    26   500   exurbia
 9. eijmrsy   D8    46   546   jerry
10. aaeglnw   8A    39   585   ganja
11. bcmoors   O8    59   644   coombs
12. deiilsu  15A    33   677   seld
13. adiprst   J2    37   714   sprad
14. ainoqrv   L9    26   740   niqab
15. ailotuv   C2    22   762   volutin
16. aefrtuw   M3    83   845   wafture
17. cdeiloz   L1    70   915   cloze
18. deginnw   N1    35   950   wing

Remaining tiles: deeiin

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8117 FileMrIdanga    8 15:10  -266  684     1.8117 MrIdanga    8 15:10  -266  684 
  2.  -  FileCyborgD     0  7:22  -861   89            Group: advanced
  3.7000 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:51  -924   26     1.7000 GLOBEMAN    0  1:51  -924   26 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  CyborgD     0  7:22  -861   89 

On 1st draw, BE(T)OKEN H8 84 --- BETOKEN to indicate [v]
Other moves: BE(T)OKEN H4 80, BE(T)OKEN H3 76, BE(T)OKEN H6 76, BE(T)OKEN H7 76, BE(T)OKEN H2 74
BE(T)OKEN H8 34 MrIdanga

On 2nd draw, TARTILY I2 69 --- TARTILY in a tarty manner [adv] --- TARTY suggestive of a prostitute [adv]
Other tops: RATTILY I2 69
Other moves: ALTERITY 13E 63, ALTERITY 9E 63, RIYAL I9 28, KITTLY 12H 26, TAILYE 13C 26
TRAY G6 25 MrIdanga

On 3rd draw, GUDE H1 29 --- GUDE something that is good [n]
Other moves: DIET J6 26, TIDE H1 26, DIE J6 25, DITE H1 25, DOE J6 25
GUDE H1 29 MrIdanga

On 4th draw, MESTINO 15F 119 --- MESTINO a person of mixed ancestry [n]
Other tops: MONTIES 15B 119, SENTIMO 15H 119
Other moves: MOISTEN 15E 116, NEOTERISM 4D 94, MOISTENER 4A 78, SEMITONE 13G 78, TOKENISM 12F 78
SENTIMO 15H 69 MrIdanga

On 5th draw, POX I11 47 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: EXPERT 13H 46, EXPORT 13H 46, OX I12 40, PETER 14J 40, PETRE 14J 40
POX I11 47 MrIdanga

On 6th draw, OVERHEA(T) 10A 73 --- OVERHEAT to heat to excess [v]
Other moves: HERO J10 37, EVHOE 14B 32, EVOHE 14B 32, HEAVE 14B 32, HEVEA 14B 32
HERO J10 37 MrIdanga

On 7th draw, FAITH 14B 53 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other tops: FILTH 14B 53
Other moves: HALID 14J 51, LAITH 14B 47, HALOID A7 36, HALF 14J 35, AHOLD A8 33
FAITH 14B 53 MrIdanga

On 8th draw, EXUR(B)IA 13H 26 --- EXURBIA a residential area beyond the suburbs in a city [n]
Other moves: EXU(V)IA 13H 24, ARA(K) G8 19, RU(B)AI J1 19, ARIO(S)I A7 18, A(B)RI J2 18
RAI 15A 16 MrIdanga

On 9th draw, JERRY D8 46 --- JERRY a German soldier [n]
Other moves: JIRRE D8 40, MISER O11 38, MYOPIES 11F 37, RYES 15A 37, MYOPES 11F 35
JERRY D8 46 MrIdanga

On 10th draw, GANJA 8A 39 --- GANJA cannabis used for smoking [n]
Other moves: LAWN 15A 37, WEAN 15A 34, WAG 15A 29, ALEW 12L 28, GAEN 15A 28
GANJA 8A 39 MrIdanga

On 11th draw, COOMBS O8 59 --- COOMB a narrow valley [n]
Other tops: CROMBS O8 59
Other moves: BROOMS O8 53, COMBOS O8 53, BROMOS O8 47, BOSOM O11 44, COMARB N10 36
COOMBS O8 59 MrIdanga

On 12th draw, SELD 15A 33 --- SELD rare [adj]
Other moves: DELS 15A 28, DIEL J6 26, DIES J6 26, SIELD J6 26, DIE J6 25
DELS 15A 28 MrIdanga

On 13th draw, SPRAD J2 37 --- SPREAD to open or expand over a larger area [v]
Other moves: SPAIT J2 31, SPRAT J2 31, SPRIT J2 31, TAPAS G7 31, PAID J3 29
TAPIS F4 27 MrIdanga
SPIRIT 6E 16 CyborgD

On 14th draw, NIQA(B) L9 26 --- NIQAB (Arabic) a type of veil worn by some Muslim women that is made of lightweight opaque fabric and leaves only the eyes uncovered [n]
Other moves: VARA G7 23, OVERRAN 4F 20, AVAL C12 19, IRON 14K 19, NOVA G5 19
VARNA E4 16 MrIdanga
VARY 12A 14 CyborgD

On 15th draw, VOLUTIN C2 22 --- VOLUTIN a granular substance that is common in micro-organisms [n]
Other tops: ARIL 11C 22
Other moves: LATI M8 21, LOTI M8 21, AVAL C12 19, OVAL C12 19, ULVA G5 19
VALUTA E3 18 MrIdanga

On 16th draw, WAFTURE M3 83 --- WAFTURE the act of wafting [n]
Other moves: WEFT K5 36, TWA N9 33, FRAE 11C 31, FRAT 11C 31, FRET 11C 31
WEFT K5 36 MrIdanga
FELT 4A 22 CyborgD

On 17th draw, CLOZE L1 70 --- CLOZE a test of reading comprehension [n]
Other moves: COZIE L2 66, ZO N10 66, COZE L2 62, DOZE L2 60, COZ L2 55
CLOZE L1 70 MrIdanga
COLLED 4A 24 CyborgD

On 18th draw, WING N1 35 --- WING to travel by means of wings (organs of flight) [v]
Other moves: DING N1 31, WE N10 30, DEG N2 29, ENG N2 27, NEG N2 27
WING N1 35 MrIdanga
WENDING A2 13 CyborgD

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