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Game of July 2, 2013 at 00:44, 1 player
1. 467 pts CyborgD

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afinoo   H4    24    24   fanion
 2. aiinops   G3    84   108   sinopia
 3. aeefnst   I4    32   140   steane
 4. aehikly   4C    34   174   khalifs
 5. dgimnow   5E    48   222   donating
 6. flnoory   C1    30   252   forky
 7. aegltuu   K4    68   320   ungulate
 8. aprstuw   1A    36   356   wafts
 9. degortx  L11    45   401   detox
10. ?abdeim  13H    80   481   imbathed
11. ceilrsy   F8    82   563   clerisy
12. deeloot  15H    39   602   detox
13. ahinprv  N10    38   640   haver
14. cejnort   O7    43   683   rejon
15. abelmov   N1    84   767   movable
16. eegnpru  12A    87   854   pureeing
17. ceiiirt   1K    30   884   crime
18. iiqtuwz   C9    48   932   quirt

Remaining tiles: iwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  FileCyborgD     2 23:08  -465  467     1.  -  CyborgD     2 23:08  -465  467 

On 1st draw, FA(N)ION H4 24 --- FANION a cape worn by the Pope [n]
Other tops: FANIO(N) H4 24, FOI(S)ON H4 24
Other moves: A(L)OOF H8 22, FAIN(E) H4 22, FAIN(S) H4 22, FAIN(T) H4 22, FANO(N) H4 22
A(L)OOF H8 22 CyborgD

On 2nd draw, SINOPIA G3 84 --- SINOPIA a red pigment [n]
Other moves: SINOPIA G1 74, SINOPIA 10H 72, SINOPIA G8 66, PIANINOS 9C 65, PIANI(N)OS 6C 63

On 3rd draw, STEANE I4 32 --- STEANE a two handled earthenware container [n]
Other tops: FEENS I4 32
Other moves: ANNATES 5E 28, FASTEN I2 28, FEEN I4 28, FEES I4 28, FEET I4 28
FASTEN F9 19 CyborgD

On 4th draw, KHALIFS 4C 34 --- KHALIF a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: YAK F2 31, HYKES 3C 30, KHANATE 5D 28, KYLIE F9 28, KYLE F9 27
LEAKY F9 18 CyborgD

On 5th draw, DONATING 5E 48 --- DONATE to contribute [v]
Other moves: DOWING 10I 25, OW 5D 25, DOMING 10I 24, GOWK C1 24, MAWING E3 24
MOWING F9 24 CyborgD

On 6th draw, FORKY C1 30 --- FORKY resembling a fork [adj]
Other tops: FOLKY C1 30
Other moves: FLONG L1 26, YOOF 6K 26, N**KY C1 24, ROOKY C1 24, FY F9 23
FOLKY C1 30 CyborgD

On 7th draw, UNGULATE K4 68 --- UNGULATE a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: FLUATE 1C 30, LEFT 1A 24, TUFA 1A 24, AGLU 4L 18, AGUE 4L 18
LEFT 1A 24 CyborgD

On 8th draw, WAFTS 1A 36 --- WAFT to carry lightly over air or water [v]
Other moves: STRAW 12K 34, WARST 12H 34, WRAST 12H 34, WURST 12H 34, SWO(N)E 6E 33
WAFTS 1A 36 CyborgD

On 9th draw, DETOX L11 45 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other moves: REDOX L11 44, EXO 2A 43, OXO 2A 43, DEXTRO L9 42, LOXED 8K 42
OX B5 30 CyborgD

On 10th draw, IMBAT(H)ED 13H 80 --- IMBATHE to bathe [v]
Other tops: (G)AMBITED 13G 80
Other moves: AMBE(R)OID 14G 78, AM(O)EBOID 14G 78, EMB(R)AIDED 11D 78, AMEB(O)ID B5 74, BEMIX(E)D 15H 54
(O)XIDE 15K 36 CyborgD

On 11th draw, CLERISY F8 82 --- CLERISY the well-educated class [n]
Other moves: CLERISY 14C 73, CLERISY F9 72, CYLIX 15H 51, SEXILY 15J 48, CYDER O11 45
SILEX 15H 36 CyborgD

On 12th draw, DETOX 15H 39 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other tops: EXODE 15K 39
Other moves: EXTOL 15K 36, TELEX 15H 36, TODDLE O10 30, DOODLE O10 27, EDILE H11 24
LOOTED O8 24 CyborgD

On 13th draw, HAVER N10 38 --- HAVER to hem and haw [v]
Other tops: HAVEN N10 38, HIVER N10 38
Other moves: VIPER N10 36, HAIRPIN 12A 32, PAREV N10 32, PAVEN N10 32, PAVER N10 32
RAVINE N8 17 CyborgD

On 14th draw, REJON O7 43 --- REJON a bullfighting lance [n]
Other tops: JETON O7 43
Other moves: JEON O8 40, JOE O8 35, CORNET O6 31, CRONET O6 31, ENJOY 14B 30
CORNET O6 31 CyborgD

On 15th draw, MOVABLE N1 84 --- MOVABLE something that can be moved [n]
Other moves: MOVABLE B5 75, AMOLE E9 31, BEMA E10 30, BOMA E10 30, MABE E10 30
MOVABLE B5 25 CyborgD

On 16th draw, PUREEING 12A 87 --- PUREE to reduce to a thick pulp by cooking and sieving [v]
Other moves: GRUMP 1K 33, GUMP 1L 33, PEERING 12B 29, PREEING 12B 29, PUERING 12B 29
GRUMP 1K 33 CyborgD

On 17th draw, CRIME 1K 30 --- CRIME a violation of the law [n] --- CRIME to convict over a breach of regulations [v]
Other tops: TRICEP A7 30
Other moves: CRUET B10 26, PICE A12 24, REI 14H 23, RIME 1L 21, TIME 1L 21
PIER A12 18 CyborgD

On 18th draw, QUIRT C9 48 --- QUIRT to strike with a riding whip [v]
Other moves: PUTZ A12 45, QUIZ B11 44, QUITE 10B 34, WIZ M8 31, QUIT B11 26
QUIZ B11 44 CyborgD

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