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Game of July 5, 2013 at 23:19, 5 players
1. 642 pts musdrive
2. 550 pts tonikay
3. 289 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abeptv   H4    26    26   bovate
 2. ?eelory   3G    87   113   yodeler
 3. cefirsz   L1    46   159   zees
 4. dhiorrt   1L    39   198   zori
 5. cgiimsu   N3    24   222   scum
 6. aenortt   5E    24   246   arnotto
 7. adgilnw   F4    67   313   drawling
 8. deiioty   O5    33   346   toyed
 9. eehinst   I9    65   411   theines
10. aehiptu  H12    60   471   hapu
11. illostu  J12    21   492   sit
12. aaegiln   8A    27   519   lingel
13. aemoqwx   N8    37   556   wex
14. aaefiop   M8    32   588   apo
15. acefnru  L10    37   625   furcae
16. aeginor   A1    80   705   regional
17. defjmor  11K    31   736   rude
18. afijklm   J8    34   770   jam
19. bfiiklo   2I    27   797   if
20. abdklov   1E    41   838   vodka
21. bilnoqu  10B    34   872   quoin

Remaining tiles: biln

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7555 Filemusdrive    7 14:09  -230  642     1.8145 MrIdanga    6  6:44  -583  289 
  2.5965 Filetonikay     3 23:36  -322  550            Group: advanced
  3.8145 FileMrIdanga    6  6:44  -583  289     1.7555 musdrive    7 14:09  -230  642 
  4.6402 Filefaythe      2 15:12  -612  260     2.7158 sunshine12  0  1:43  -824   48 
  5.7158 Filesunshine12  0  1:43  -824   48            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6402 faythe      2 15:12  -612  260 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5965 tonikay     3 23:36  -322  550 

On 1st draw, B(O)VATE H4 26 --- BOVATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other tops: PA(R)EV H8 26, VE(S)PA H4 26
Other moves: BEPAT H4 24, BEPAT(S) H4 24, BE(S)PAT H4 24, B(R)AVE H4 24, PAVE(D) H4 24
VE(S)PA H4 26 faythe
B(R)AVE H4 24 musdrive
PAVE(D) H4 24 sunshine12
PAVE(R) H4 24 tonikay

On 2nd draw, YO(D)ELER 3G 87 --- YODELER one that yodels [n]
Other moves: (H)OLEYER 3G 81, YO(D)ELER I7 76, RE(C)OYLE 3E 74, ERO(S)ELY 10E 73, YO(D)ELER G9 73
YORE I7 26 musdrive, faythe
Y(A)RE G7 24 sunshine12
YE(A)R G7 22 tonikay

On 3rd draw, ZEES L1 46 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: FEZ 4L 42, VEZIRS 6H 38, FEZ 2L 37, RESIZE J2 37, VEZIR 6H 37
ZEES L1 46 faythe, musdrive
FEZ 4L 42 tonikay

On 4th draw, ZORI 1L 39 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: DOH I7 29, HID G7 29, HID I7 29, HOD I7 29, HORRID I7 29
ZORI 1L 39 musdrive
HOD I7 29 tonikay
THIRD G9 15 faythe

On 5th draw, SCUM N3 24 --- SCUM to remove the scum (impure or extraneous matter) from [v]
Other moves: MUSIC G9 22, MUSIC I9 22, SIMI I7 22, CIVISM 6F 21, MESIC J2 21
SMUG N3 21 tonikay, faythe
SIM I7 21 musdrive

On 6th draw, ARN(O)TTO 5E 24 --- ARNOTTO a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: NATTER O5 24, NOTATE O5 24, RATTEN O5 24, RATTON O5 24, ROTATE O5 24, ROTTAN O5 24, ROTTEN O5 24, TORTEN O5 24
Other moves: ATONER O6 22, ATTONE O6 22, ATTORN O6 22, ORNATE O6 22, ATTORN 2B 21
NOTATE O5 24 musdrive
TAROT O5 21 faythe
RENT O5 18 tonikay

On 7th draw, DRAWLING F4 67 --- DRAWL to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged [v]
Other moves: GAWD O5 34, DAWING G7 33, WADING I7 33, AWING O6 31, DIWAN G7 31
WADING I7 33 musdrive
WADI I7 30 tonikay
WING I7 27 faythe

On 8th draw, TOYED O5 33 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other tops: TYDE O5 33, TYED O5 33
Other moves: YITIE O6 31, YODE O6 31, TEDY O5 30, TIDY O5 30, TODY O5 30
TOYED O5 33 musdrive
TIDY O5 30 faythe
YOD I7 29 tonikay

On 9th draw, THEINES I9 65 --- THEINE caffeine [n]
Other moves: HENTED 4A 30, HINTED 4A 30, HISTED 4A 30, EH 2I 27, HENTS I7 27
HINTED 4A 30 musdrive
HENTS I7 27 tonikay
HINTS N8 18 faythe

On 10th draw, HAPU H12 60 --- HAPU a Maori subtribe (a subdivision of an iwi) [n]
Other moves: PUHA H12 56, HATE H12 52, HAUTE H11 45, PATE H12 44, PATU H12 44
HATE H12 52 musdrive
HEAPS 15E 30 faythe
HASP 15G 27 tonikay

On 11th draw, SIT J12 21 --- SIT to rest on the buttocks [v]
Other tops: TIS J12 21
Other moves: ITS J10 20, LOUIS E9 20, LOUTS E9 20, HILLOS 12H 18, LOUS E9 18
SIT J12 21 musdrive, tonikay

On 12th draw, LINGEL 8A 27 --- LINGEL a shoemaker's waxed thread [n]
Other moves: AGNAIL N9 25, AGNAIL 8A 24, GENIAL 8A 24, GALENA 2B 23, LAGENA 2B 23
GAINED 4A 22 musdrive
AGE E8 11 tonikay

On 13th draw, WEX N8 37 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WAX N8 37, WOX N8 37
Other moves: MOXA N8 36, EXAM J7 35, MAX N8 35, MOXA 2D 34, WAXED 4B 34
WAX N8 37 musdrive, tonikay
WOX N8 37 MrIdanga

On 14th draw, APO M8 32 --- APO a type of protein (apolipoprotein) [n]
Other tops: APE M8 32, FAP M9 32, FOP M9 32, OPE M8 32
Other moves: FAA M9 30, FAE M9 30, FAP M7 30, FOE M9 30, FOP M7 30
APE M8 32 musdrive
OPE M8 32 MrIdanga
FAP M9 32 tonikay

On 15th draw, FURCAE L10 37 --- FURCA Any forklike structure esp. in insects [n]
Other moves: FARCED 4A 34, FECUND 4A 34, FACER L10 33, FARCE L10 33, FRANC L10 33
FURCAE L10 37 MrIdanga
FACER L10 33 tonikay
ACER L9 31 musdrive

On 16th draw, REGIONAL A1 80 --- REGIONAL something that serves as a region [n]
Other tops: GERANIOL A1 80
Other moves: ERINGO 2B 27, IGNARO 2B 23, ORIGAN 2B 23, REAGIN 2B 23, REGAIN 2B 23
REGIONAL A1 30 MrIdanga
REGION 2B 23 musdrive
GRAD 4C 14 tonikay

On 17th draw, RUDE 11K 31 --- RUDE a rude boy [n] --- RUDE discourteous or impolite [adj]
Other moves: JO 2F 30, MODE B2 30, FEE 2J 29, JUD 11K 29, DOF B2 28
RUDE 11K 31 MrIdanga
JO 2F 30 tonikay
FEE 2J 29 musdrive

On 18th draw, JAM J8 34 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: KELIM 15K 33, MELIK 15K 33, FLAM J7 31, KAM J8 31, FEMAL 15K 30
KELIM 15K 33 MrIdanga
JA 2F 30 tonikay
FAE 2J 29 musdrive

On 19th draw, IF 2I 27 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: OF 2I 27
Other moves: BILK B7 24, OIK G10 23, FOLK 2D 22, BILK 2D 21, KO 2F 21
IF 2I 27 MrIdanga
BILK B7 24 musdrive
KO 2F 21 tonikay

On 20th draw, VODKA 1E 41 --- VODKA a liquor [n]
Other moves: VOLK 1F 39, BALK 1F 36, BOAK 1F 36, BOK 1G 33, KAB 1G 31
VOLK 1F 39 musdrive
BALK 1F 36 tonikay
VODKA 2C 28 MrIdanga

On 21th draw, QUOIN 10B 34 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: BO 2F 27, BELON 15K 21, LINO B2 19, LION B2 19, BLUING 11A 18
QUOIN 10B 34 MrIdanga
BO 2F 27 musdrive
QUINO C5 16 tonikay

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