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Game of July 14, 2013 at 06:31, 4 players
1. 573 pts kellybelly
2. 493 pts jimbo
3. 178 pts banjowren

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aikmnot   H4    30    30   kation
 2. adeoprt   5E    94   124   tapadero
 3. aegossw   E4    74   198   stowages
 4. aefioru   6J    35   233   feria
 5. aeijrst   9H    67   300   nartjies
 6. adeeilu   4H    39   339   kidel
 7. ?eituvx   N9    64   403   exuviae
 8. adgostw  15J    42   445   tawsed
 9. ehiinor  F10    33   478   honer
10. adeelnr   O1    86   564   learned
11. abilopq   8A    51   615   qibla
12. bhioorv   D1    30   645   hobo
13. ?mnrtuu   B3    67   712   untruism
14. eimntvz   1D    51   763   hizen
15. cefioty   F5    32   795   aye
16. aceotuv  A10    40   835   avocet
17. cilmnuy   L9    34   869   juicy
18. afgilmo   A1    33   902   figo

Remaining tiles: aglmnp

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7526 Filekellybelly  3 17:44  -329  573     1.7526 kellybelly  3 17:44  -329  573 
  2.6679 Filejimbo       2 17:24  -409  493     2.7325 banjowren   1  7:50  -724  178 
  3.7325 Filebanjowren   1  7:50  -724  178            Group: intermediate
  4.6296 Filefaythe      0  6:47  -767  135     1.6679 jimbo       2 17:24  -409  493 
                                             2.6296 faythe      0  6:47  -767  135 

On 1st draw, KATION H4 30 --- KATION a positively charged ion [n]
Other moves: MAIKO H4 28, MAIKO H8 24, KATION H3 22, KATION H7 22, KATION H8 22
MINK H7 20 kellybelly
MONK H8 20 jimbo
TONK H8 16 faythe

On 2nd draw, TAPADERO 5E 94 --- TAPADERO a part of a saddle [n]
Other moves: ADOPTER G7 72, TAPADERO 5G 72, READOPT I8 69, ADOPTER G9 65, ADOPTER I9 65
PATED I3 28 kellybelly, jimbo
PAD G5 19 faythe

On 3rd draw, STOWAGES E4 74 --- STOWAGE goods in storage [n]
Other moves: AWETOS 6E 45, WETAS 6F 42, AWETO 6E 38, WATE 6F 35, WETA 6F 35
WATE 6F 35 kellybelly
SWAGS M1 30 jimbo
SOW 6D 29 faythe

On 4th draw, FERIA 6J 35 --- FERIA a weekday of a church calendar on which no feast is celebrated [n]
Other tops: FEUAR 6J 35
Other moves: FOUER F10 33, AUF F8 32, RIF F8 32, UFO F9 32, FER 6J 31
FERIA 6J 35 jimbo
FER 6J 31 kellybelly, faythe

On 5th draw, NARTJIES 9H 67 --- NARTJIE a small sweet orange [n]
Other moves: RAJES 4J 53, TAJES 4J 53, RAJ 4J 49, TAJ 4J 49, JEATS O5 45
JARS 4L 44 kellybelly
JAR D8 40 faythe
STAR O6 21 jimbo

On 6th draw, KIDEL 4H 39 --- KIDEL a stake fence for catching fish [n]
Other moves: DULIAS O4 36, AEDILE O1 33, AUDILE O1 33, IDEALS O4 33, LEASED O6 30
JAILED L9 28 kellybelly
AISLED O7 27 jimbo

On 7th draw, EXUVI(A)E N9 64 --- EXUVIUM the moulted covering of an animal [n]
Other moves: EXUVI(A) N9 62, E(A)UX F7 60, TAXE(D) F4 60, TAXE(R) F4 60, TAXE(S) F4 60
VOX 6D 54 kellybelly
XI 10N 52 jimbo

On 8th draw, TAWSED 15J 42 --- TAWSE to flog [v]
Other tops: DOWSET 15J 42, TOWSED 15J 42
Other moves: WODGES 15J 39, STOWAGE 15H 36, SWAGED 15J 36, TOWAGES 15I 36, TWAES 15K 36
TWAES 15K 36 kellybelly
WOES 15L 33 jimbo

On 9th draw, HONER F10 33 --- HONER one that sharpens [n]
Other tops: HEIRS O5 33, HERNS O5 33, HEROS O5 33
Other moves: NOH F8 32, HIOI F10 30, HIRE F10 30, HOER F10 30, HONE F10 30
NOH F8 32 kellybelly
NOAH F3 30 jimbo

On 10th draw, LEARNED O1 86 --- LEARN to gain knowledge by experience, instruction, or study [v]
Other moves: DEALERS O3 36, ENDEARS O3 36, REDEALS O3 36, RELENDS O3 36, AREDES O4 33
LEANED 13B 18 kellybelly
AD F5 14 jimbo

On 11th draw, QIBLA 8A 51 --- QIBLA the direction Muslims face when praying [n]
Other moves: QI G7 44, QIBLA K11 32, PIBAL D10 29, APIOL D9 28, BAP D8 28
QI G7 44 banjowren
QI D3 26 jimbo
BAP D6 26 kellybelly

On 12th draw, HOBO D1 30 --- HOBO to live like a hobo (a vagrant or tramp) [v]
Other tops: BOOH 6C 30
Other moves: BOH 6D 29, BOH G11 28, BOHO D1 28, HOBOS 4A 28, OOBIT 6D 27
BOOH 6C 30 kellybelly
AH F5 26 jimbo

On 13th draw, UNTRUI(S)M B3 67 --- UNTRUISM untrue platitude [n]
Other moves: MUNTU(S) 15A 32, HUM(I)NT 1D 30, HUM(O)UR 1D 30, THRUM(S) 1C 30, HUMU(S) 1D 27
HUM(O)UR 1D 30 jimbo
M(O)TH 1A 24 kellybelly

On 14th draw, HIZEN 1D 51 --- HIZEN a type of Japanese porcelain [n]
Other moves: ZINE A1 47, MINIVET 7G 39, MIZEN C10 38, ZIN A1 38, MIZEN 13C 34
ZINE A1 47 kellybelly
METH 1A 27 jimbo, banjowren

On 15th draw, AYE F5 32 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other tops: FEY A1 32, FOY A1 32
Other moves: FY N2 31, FICE D10 30, FICO D10 30, FOY 6D 30, COY 6D 29
AYE F5 32 banjowren, jimbo
FOY 6D 30 kellybelly

On 16th draw, AVOCET A10 40 --- AVOCET a wading bird [n]
Other tops: EVOCATE 2I 40, OCTAVE A10 40
Other moves: COATEE 2J 28, JUVE L9 28, AVOCET C10 26, JUCO L9 26, OCTAVE 2J 26
COLA D6 23 kellybelly
VECTOR 14A 22 jimbo
COVET 13C 22 banjowren

On 17th draw, JUICY L9 34 --- JUICY full of juice [adj]
Other moves: CLY A1 29, ICY A1 29, LIMEY 13C 28, LYCEUM 13C 28, LYM A1 28
JUICY L9 34 kellybelly
CLY A1 29 banjowren
CRY J8 16 jimbo

On 18th draw, FIGO A1 33 --- FIGO a rude gesture [n]
Other moves: FILM D10 30, MAGI A1 30, MILAGE 2J 30, LOGIA A1 29, MOFO 2C 29
FIGO A1 33 kellybelly
FAG A1 24 jimbo, banjowren

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