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Game of July 14, 2013 at 07:15, 4 players
1. 282 pts babsbedi
2. 65 pts banjowren
3. 36 pts mordeckhi

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcevwy   H4    34    34   wavey
 2. aaceers   9G    25    59   escar
 3. ?bgijtt   J8    29    88   bajri
 4. enorstz  12H    88   176   trizones
 5. bdemopt   8J    50   226   bombed
 6. adenprt   8A    97   323   pedantry
 7. aaehnru  13K    32   355   aha
 8. adgnrsu   B8    78   433   enguards
 9. eegltwy  15B    42   475   sweetly
10. aekorsv  14H    35   510   oaks
11. aghiiot   7K    27   537   ghat
12. adefior   N1    28   565   foredate
13. eiiloot   1L    24   589   life
14. aelnttx   4K    40   629   telex
15. agiilno   5E    32   661   logania
16. ceiinov   C1    80   741   invoiced
17. iimotuu   2A    28   769   ionium
18. inoprtu   6F    37   806   pivot
19. efinqru   A1    54   860   fique

Remaining tiles: inru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6621 Filebabsbedi    3  8:33  -578  282     1.7332 banjowren   0  2:14  -795   65 
  2.7332 Filebanjowren   0  2:14  -795   65     2.7288 argomearns  1  0:56  -836   24 
  3.4124 Filemordeckhi   1  1:46  -824   36            Group: intermediate
  4.7288 Fileargomearns  1  0:56  -836   24     1.6621 babsbedi    3  8:33  -578  282 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4124 mordeckhi   1  1:46  -824   36 

On 1st draw, W(A)VEY H4 34 --- WAVEY the snow goose [n]
Other tops: V(I)EWY H4 34, V(I)EWY H8 34, W(A)VEY H8 34
Other moves: BEV(V)Y H8 32, BE(V)VY H8 32, C(H)EVY H8 32, C(H)EWY H8 32, C(O)VEY H8 32

On 2nd draw, ESCAR 9G 25 --- ESCAR a narrow ridge of gravel and sand [n]
Other moves: AESC 9F 24, ARECAS 9C 24, CAESAR 9E 24, CREASE 9D 24, SCARE 9H 24

On 3rd draw, BAJ(R)I J8 29 --- BAJRI a type of millet [n]
Other tops: B(H)AJI J7 29, JIV(E) 6F 29, JIV(Y) 6F 29
Other moves: BAJ(U) J8 28, J(U)BA J6 28, GAJ(O) J8 27, J(A)GA J6 27, J(U)GA J6 27

On 4th draw, TRIZONES 12H 88 --- TRIZONE a country formed of three zones [n]
Other moves: RONZE(R)S 11E 60, BONZER 8J 56, BONZES 8J 56, ZEINS 12H 48, ZOIST 12H 48
ZONER K5 32 banjowren

On 5th draw, BOMBED 8J 50 --- BOMB to attack with bombs (explosive projectiles) [v]
Other moves: BEDPOST O7 36, OPED 13K 36, POMBES O7 36, DEMOBS O7 33, MOPEDS O7 33
DEMOBS O7 33 banjowren
POEMS O8 27 babsbedi

On 6th draw, PEDANTRY 8A 97 --- PEDANTRY ostentatious display of knowledge [n]
Other moves: PARENTED N2 76, PARENTED 7B 65, APERT 13K 37, APED 13K 36, APER 13K 33
PASTED O10 27 babsbedi

On 7th draw, AHA 13K 32 --- AHA used to express surprise, triumph, or derision [interj]
Other moves: DHARNA C8 28, DHURNA C8 28, AREA 13K 27, RUSHEN O10 27, HARE 7L 25
AHA 13K 32 babsbedi

On 8th draw, ENGUARDS B8 78 --- ENGUARD to guard [v]
Other moves: DURGANS 14E 75, DURGANS 11B 70, DURGANS 10A 66, ARG(A)NDS 5E 32, DANGS 14H 28
GRANDS 14F 28 babsbedi

On 9th draw, SWEETLY 15B 42 --- SWEETLY in a sweet manner [adv]
Other moves: SWEY O12 30, WALTY 12A 30, TWEE C11 28, TWEELY N5 28, TYEE C11 28
SWEY O12 30 babsbedi

On 10th draw, OAKS 14H 35 --- OAK a hardwood tree or shrub [n]
Other tops: ARKS 14H 35
Other moves: KAVAS 12A 34, KVAS 14H 34, KAVA 12A 32, KAES 14H 31, KEAS 14H 31
OAKS 14H 35 babsbedi

On 11th draw, GHAT 7K 27 --- GHAT a passage leading down to a river [n]
Other moves: HAO A12 24, HOA A12 24, HOI A12 24, SHAG O12 24, SHOG O12 24
SHAG O12 24 babsbedi

On 12th draw, FOREDATE N1 28 --- FOREDATE to antedate [v]
Other tops: FADIER 12A 28, FAIRED 12A 28
Other moves: DEAW C12 26, FADER 12A 26, FARAD 12A 26, FARED 12A 26, FOREDID C2 26
FREED G7 22 babsbedi

On 13th draw, LIFE 1L 24 --- LIFE the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter [n]
Other tops: LEFT 1L 24, LIFT 1L 24, LOFT 1L 24
Other moves: OLEO M1 21, LOTE M2 19, LOTI M2 19, LOTO M2 19, EFT 1M 18
LEFT 1L 24 babsbedi, mordeckhi
LOFT 1L 24 argomearns

On 14th draw, TELEX 4K 40 --- TELEX to send a message by a type of telegraphic system [v]
Other tops: LATEX 4K 40
Other moves: EX O3 36, SAXE O12 33, SEXT O12 33, NEXT 10D 30, TEXT 10D 30
SEXT O12 33 babsbedi

On 15th draw, LOG(A)NIA 5E 32 --- LOGANIA designating a family of flowering plants [adj] --- LOGANIA one of the family of Australian plans [n]
Other tops: ALINING E5 32, LOANING E5 32
Other moves: GONAD 5J 22, JINGAL 10J 21, LASING O10 21, LOSING O10 21, JINGO 10J 20
SILO O12 12 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, INVOICED C1 80 --- INVOICE to bill [v]
Other moves: DECISION O8 33, OVICIDE C3 33, VISCIN O10 33, COINER 3I 31, VOICE 4A 30

On 17th draw, IONIUM 2A 28 --- IONIUM an isotope of thorium [n]
Other moves: ONIUM 2B 26, OM 6E 22, MOIT 1A 21, OMIT 1A 21, MOI A12 20

On 18th draw, PIVOT 6F 37 --- PIVOT to turn on a shaft or rod [v]
Other moves: POI 1A 29, PIRNIT A1 27, PITURI A1 27, CROP 6C 26, ORPIN 1F 25

On 19th draw, FIQUE A1 54 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: RISQUE O10 45, FAQUIR 12A 44, FAQIR 12A 42, FAQUIR D7 41, QUINO 2J 38

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