On 1st draw, OO(M)IAC H7 20 --- OOMIAC an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other moves: AU(L)IC H8 18, AU(R)IC H8 18, A(Z)OIC H8 18, CIAO(S) H4 18, COA(T)I H4 18
On 2nd draw, RATLINS 13B 74 --- RATLIN one of the ropes forming the steps of a ladder on a ship [n]
Other moves: RATLINS G2 64, RATLINS I2 64, RATLINS G1 62, RATLINS I1 62, TONSILAR 7G 61
On 3rd draw, PROBATED 11D 102 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other moves: BEDROPT G2 75, BEDROPT G1 68, BORATED 11E 40, BEDROP B10 34, BETROD B10 30
On 4th draw, ALK(A)LOID K4 74 --- ALKALOID a type of chemical compound [n]
Other tops: (A)LKALOID K4 74
Other moves: (H)ALOLIKE J4 73, K(E)LOIDAL K6 62, (R)OADKILL K8 62, KALI 12A 40, KOLA 12A 40 LAK(E) 12A 32 tonikay
On 5th draw, HENRY J10 40 --- HENRY a unit of inductance [n]
Other moves: HOY L4 39, HENRY B10 38, HERRY B10 38, HERY L1 38, HEROIN 14A 36 HEY L2 28 tonikay
On 6th draw, MARTINS 15D 98 --- MARTIN a small bird [n]
Other moves: TAMARINS 4H 74, MARTIANS 4F 72, MARTINS G2 66, MARTINS I2 66, MONT(A)RIAS 7G 65 MARTINS 15D 48 tonikay
On 7th draw, WADI 12A 39 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: VALI 12A 36, WAID L4 36, WALI 12A 36, WAIL L4 33, DWAM L1 32 MAW L2 26 tonikay
On 8th draw, PLANED 8J 30 --- PLANE to make smooth and even [v]
Other moves: ENDOW A8 27, LOPED 8K 27, ANODE L6 26, PAND L1 26, PEND L1 26 DOPE L7 23 tonikay
On 9th draw, ZYGA L1 58 --- ZYGON a H shaped fissure of the brain [n]
Other moves: GAUZY G4 54, GAZY G5 53, GAZY L1 48, AGRYZE G4 46, REZ G5 43 GRAZE J1 30 tonikay
On 10th draw, DIORITE G3 69 --- DIORITE an igneous rock [n]
Other moves: DIORITE I1 63, DITZIER 1I 51, IODIZER 1H 51, DORIZE 1H 48, DOZIER 1J 48 ZITI 1L 39 tonikay
On 11th draw, OZONE 1K 42 --- OZONE a form of oxygen [n]
Other moves: ZONE 1L 39, ZOON 1L 39, CHON H1 36, OHONE H1 35, ECH 14A 33 ZONE 1L 39 tonikay
On 13th draw, MEARE B10 26 --- MEARE to bound [v]
Other tops: MAARE B10 26
Other moves: ARAME L6 24, EME 14A 24, AM 10E 22, EM 10E 22, EMERAUDE 3A 22 MEE 14A 20 tonikay
On 14th draw, VERNACLE N7 80 --- VERNACLE a handkerchief bearing the image of Christ's face [n]
Other moves: ENCLAVE N8 36, CALVE A6 34, CARVE A6 34, CLAVE A6 34, CRAVE A6 34 CAVE A7 31 tonikay
On 15th draw, TUBAGE A5 31 --- TUBAGE the insertion of a tube [n]
Other moves: BAGIE A6 28, BIGAE A6 28, YBET 2L 28, AUGITE A5 25, BIGA A7 25 BATE A7 22 tonikay
On 16th draw, JOG F2 35 --- JOG to run at a slow, steady pace [v]
Other tops: HOG B6 35
Other moves: HOT B6 33, JOT F2 33, GJU F4 31, JOG F5 31, JOY 2J 31 JOT F2 33 tonikay
On 17th draw, FUSE 15L 47 --- FUSE to equip with a fuse (a detonating device) [v]
Other tops: WISE 15L 47
Other moves: SEW 10D 35, WIFIES B1 34, WIFES B2 32, WIFE J2 26, IFS O13 25 WEYS 2J 22 tonikay
On 18th draw, WHITE O11 35 --- WHITE of the color of pure snow [adj] --- WHITE to whiten [v]
Other moves: HIT B6 33, WICH 12L 32, HI B6 30, TWIXT 5A 30, TIX B6 29 EX O1 9 tonikay