On 1st draw, CARDON H4 24 --- CARDON a perennial plant [n]
Other tops: CANDOR H4 24
Other moves: DACRON H4 22, CANDOR H3 20, CANDOR H7 20, CANDOR H8 20, CARDON H3 20
On 2nd draw, MESIC 10F 31 --- MESIC characterized by a medium supply of moisture [adj]
Other moves: FASCI 10F 30, CAFES 10D 28, FISC 10F 27, AMICES 10C 26, CAMISE 10D 26
On 3rd draw, FADABLE 5E 52 --- FADABLE capable of fading [adj]
Other moves: FABLED 11B 31, FADABLE 5G 26, DEAF 11D 25, FABLE 11B 24, FABLED 5G 24
On 4th draw, P(A)RVO 4A 29 --- PARVO a contagious disease of dogs [n]
Other moves: PROV(E) 4A 28, V(E)RSO 4A 27, P(A)RVOS 11B 26, PROV(E)S 11B 25, P(A)RGO 4A 25
On 5th draw, PAN(C)HEON A4 86 --- PANCHEON an earthenware pan [n]
Other tops: PAN(T)HEON A4 86
Other moves: (C)HACONNE J7 64, (P)ANCHEON J7 64, HER(E)ON 6F 43, HER(O)ON 6F 43, H(E)REON 6F 43
On 6th draw, DELETION K2 59 --- DELETION the act of deleting [n]
Other moves: DENTIL B10 31, DOLENT B10 31, DOLINE B10 31, DOILT B10 29, COEDIT 4H 27
On 7th draw, OVERT 8K 36 --- OVERT open to view [adj]
Other tops: OVATE 8K 36
Other moves: VERA L1 31, VITA L1 31, ARRIVE C3 26, AVI(A)TE B1 26, TARDIVE 2H 26
On 8th draw, HYRAX B10 70 --- HYRAX a small, harelike mammal [n]
Other moves: HYDRA B10 58, HARDY B10 55, AX B9 52, HYRAX 11C 49, D*RKYDARKY B10 43
On 9th draw, JAROSITE C2 84 --- JAROSITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: JAROSITE N6 83, JAI A13 48, JET A13 48, JOE A13 48, JOT A13 48
On 10th draw, ADJIGO 2A 34 --- ADJIGO an Australian edible yam [n]
Other moves: DAG A13 27, DEG A13 27, DOG A13 27, GADI L1 26, DIG C13 25
On 11th draw, ZO 1A 69 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZYME 1F 65, ZEE A13 56, MOZ A13 55, OYEZ 1F 50, ZONE 1F 50
On 12th draw, PAM A13 34 --- PAM the jack of clubs in certain card games [n]
Other tops: MAP A13 34
Other moves: PIMA L1 33, EMIT C12 31, MARE 6F 29, MERI 6F 29, MIRE 6F 29
On 13th draw, BAKEN 1D 58 --- BAKE to prepare food in an oven [v]
Other moves: BAKEN 1F 37, AKENE 1E 36, KIBE 1F 36, KINA L1 35, NEBEK 1F 35 KAB 1D 32 tonikay
On 14th draw, TEG C13 28 --- TEG a yearling sheep [n]
Other tops: NEG C13 28
Other moves: NET C13 26, TEN C13 26, NE C13 24, TE C13 24, GORE 6F 23 NET C13 26 tonikay
On 15th draw, GURUS D10 29 --- GURU a Hindu spiritual teacher [n]
Other moves: GUS D12 25, URUS D11 25, UTUS D11 25, JAROSITES C2 22, OHS 10A 22 JAROSITES C2 22 tonikay
On 16th draw, FAQIR N4 37 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FILA L1 31, FEARE 6E 30, FIERE 6E 30, FLARE 6E 30, FAIR 6E 25 FEARE 6E 30 tonikay
On 17th draw, WERE 6F 35 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: SEWEL O1 35, SWEEL O1 35, SWEET O1 35, TEWEL O1 35, TWEEL O1 35
Other moves: SWEE O1 30, TWEE O1 30, TEWELS J1 29, LUTES O1 26, SLEET O1 26 WEET O2 16 tonikay
On 18th draw, SLEY O1 45 --- SLEY a weaver's reed [n]
Other tops: STEY O1 45
Other moves: LYTES O1 35, YULES O1 35, LYSE O1 30, LYTE O1 30, STYE O1 30 YELD 7E 20 tonikay
On 19th draw, ERIONITE M8 68 --- ERIONITE a type of mineral [n]
Other moves: NIDE 7F 24, INTROIT O6 21, INTIRE O6 19, INTORT O6 19, IRONED 7C 19 TEND 7E 17 tonikay
On 20th draw, WELT 15L 33 --- WELT to mark with welts (ridges or lumps raised on the skin) [v]
Other tops: WEIL 15L 33
Other moves: WILI L1 31, WILI L11 27, WIT L11 23, EWT 15M 18, LITU L11 18 WIT J1 15 tonikay