On 1st draw, VARVEL H4 32 --- VARVEL a ring for a hawk's jess [n]
Other moves: VALVE H4 30, VARVE H4 30, CALVER H4 28, CARVEL H4 28, CLAVER H4 28 CRAVE H4 26 tonikay
On 2nd draw, MASED 10F 31 --- MASE to generate microwaves [v]
Other moves: EDEMAS 10C 28, MEASED 10E 28, DAMES 10D 27, DEMES 10D 27, AMAS 10E 25 SEAMED 10H 24 tonikay
On 3rd draw, EMOTIVE 4C 24 --- EMOTIVE pertaining to emotion [adj]
Other moves: GEMOT 11C 22, GEMOTE 11A 22, MOTIVE 4D 22, GEM 11E 20, ITEM 11D 20 MITE 11I 19 tonikay
On 4th draw, FORGET 3I 37 --- FORGET to fail to remember [v]
Other moves: FORGE 3I 35, GONEF 5A 34, FETOR 3I 33, FORTE 3I 33, FREON 3I 33 FONE 3C 32 tonikay
On 5th draw, CRAY 5B 34 --- CRAY crayfish [n]
Other tops: CYAN 3B 34, NECTARY C3 34
Other moves: AGENCY C2 32, GRAY 5B 32, RATANY 5E 32, CRAY 3B 31, YAG 3C 31 GRAY 11D 25 tonikay
On 6th draw, (X)EROXED C3 48 --- XEROX to produce by a xerox copying machine [v]
Other moves: DEX 3E 45, EXON(S) A1 45, NOXE(S) A1 45, OXER(S) A1 45, D(E)X 3E 43 DEX 3E 45 tonikay
On 7th draw, TU(S)K O1 46 --- TUSK to gore with a tusk (a long, pointed tooth extending outside of the mouth) [v]
Other moves: W(E)EK 8A 45, WI(S)P O1 43, K(N)EW 8A 42, P(E)EK 8A 42, P(E)EWIT 8A 42 KI(S) O1 28 tonikay
On 8th draw, PLEIAD 8A 30 --- PLEIAD a group of seven illustrious persons [n]
Other moves: APED 8A 27, APOD B7 27, CLAP B5 27, CLOP B5 27, OPED 8A 27 PIED 8A 27 tonikay
On 9th draw, BEGORAH 11A 85 --- BEGORAH used as mild oath [interj]
Other moves: CHOLERA B5 47, CHOLER B5 46, CHELA B5 43, CHOLA B5 43, HORE 6B 41 HOB 11E 24 tonikay
On 10th draw, ZEINS B10 68 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: ZEINS A1 55, ZINES A1 55, BIZES A11 51, ZIGS L1 48, AZINES 5H 45 ZONES D10 28 tonikay
On 11th draw, ANERGIES 13A 70 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GREASIER K2 68, GREASIER 6G 63, AGRISE A1 34, GREASE A1 34, REGIES 12D 34 GEAR 2J 23 tonikay
On 12th draw, COGON L1 22 --- COGON a tall tropical grass [n]
Other tops: CAGOT L1 22
Other moves: COAL B5 21, COOL B5 21, NOCTUA 11I 21, TOUCAN 11I 21, ACTON 12H 19 COOL B5 21 tonikay
On 13th draw, OUTRANCE 1F 80 --- OUTRANCE the last extremity [n]
Other moves: OUTEARN 14H 70, OUTEARN 12H 69, OUTEARN M5 61, TURNCOAT 1H 30, OUTRACE 1G 27 TONER 14G 11 tonikay
On 14th draw, FAIL 14F 32 --- FAIL to be unsuccessful in an attempt [v]
Other tops: FLAIL 9G 32
Other moves: FAB 3E 29, FIB 3E 29, IF 14E 29, DIF 2D 28, FA 14F 28 IF 14E 29 tonikay
On 15th draw, UNIPOD 15G 47 --- UNIPOD a one-legged support [n]
Other tops: POIND 15H 47, POUND 15H 47
Other moves: PINOT 15H 41, PINTO 15H 41, PITON 15H 41, POINT 15H 41, POTIN 15H 41 POUND 15H 47 tonikay
On 17th draw, LAWN 2D 30 --- LAWN an area of grass-covered land [n]
Other moves: AWN 2E 29, BLAIN A11 29, QAID L12 28, LAW 2D 27, NAW 2D 27 WILT 14K 22 tonikay
On 18th draw, HONEY 6B 53 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: HONE 6B 41, HOY 6B 40, BUHL 9E 37, BUOY 2J 35, HOE 6B 34 HEY 11I 26 tonikay
On 19th draw, QUID L12 28 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: JIB 14K 24, JOUR D10 22, JIN 5J 20, JUN 5J 20, BINIT 5J 14 QUID L12 28 tonikay