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Game of July 24, 2013 at 00:45, 1 player
1. 513 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acelrvv   H4    32    32   varvel
 2. aadeems  10F    31    63   mased
 3. eegimot   4C    24    87   emotive
 4. efgnort   3I    37   124   forget
 5. acgnrty   5B    34   158   cray
 6. ?denorx   C3    48   206   xeroxed
 7. ?ikptuw   O1    46   252   tusk
 8. adiilop   8A    30   282   pleiad
 9. abeghor  11A    85   367   begorah
10. einstuz  B10    68   435   zeins
11. aeegirs  13A    70   505   anergies
12. acnootu   L1    22   527   cogon
13. aenortu   1F    80   607   outrance
14. abdfiil  14F    32   639   fail
15. dinoptu  15G    47   686   unipod
16. beistuw   A1    37   723   wites
17. ailnqtw   2D    30   753   lawn
18. behinuy   6B    53   806   honey
19. biijqtu  L12    28   834   quid

Remaining tiles: bijt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6028 Filetonikay     2 19:49  -321  513     1.6028 tonikay     2 19:49  -321  513 

On 1st draw, VARVEL H4 32 --- VARVEL a ring for a hawk's jess [n]
Other moves: VALVE H4 30, VARVE H4 30, CALVER H4 28, CARVEL H4 28, CLAVER H4 28
CRAVE H4 26 tonikay

On 2nd draw, MASED 10F 31 --- MASE to generate microwaves [v]
Other moves: EDEMAS 10C 28, MEASED 10E 28, DAMES 10D 27, DEMES 10D 27, AMAS 10E 25
SEAMED 10H 24 tonikay

On 3rd draw, EMOTIVE 4C 24 --- EMOTIVE pertaining to emotion [adj]
Other moves: GEMOT 11C 22, GEMOTE 11A 22, MOTIVE 4D 22, GEM 11E 20, ITEM 11D 20
MITE 11I 19 tonikay

On 4th draw, FORGET 3I 37 --- FORGET to fail to remember [v]
Other moves: FORGE 3I 35, GONEF 5A 34, FETOR 3I 33, FORTE 3I 33, FREON 3I 33
FONE 3C 32 tonikay

On 5th draw, CRAY 5B 34 --- CRAY crayfish [n]
Other tops: CYAN 3B 34, NECTARY C3 34
Other moves: AGENCY C2 32, GRAY 5B 32, RATANY 5E 32, CRAY 3B 31, YAG 3C 31
GRAY 11D 25 tonikay

On 6th draw, (X)EROXED C3 48 --- XEROX to produce by a xerox copying machine [v]
Other moves: DEX 3E 45, EXON(S) A1 45, NOXE(S) A1 45, OXER(S) A1 45, D(E)X 3E 43
DEX 3E 45 tonikay

On 7th draw, TU(S)K O1 46 --- TUSK to gore with a tusk (a long, pointed tooth extending outside of the mouth) [v]
Other moves: W(E)EK 8A 45, WI(S)P O1 43, K(N)EW 8A 42, P(E)EK 8A 42, P(E)EWIT 8A 42
KI(S) O1 28 tonikay

On 8th draw, PLEIAD 8A 30 --- PLEIAD a group of seven illustrious persons [n]
Other moves: APED 8A 27, APOD B7 27, CLAP B5 27, CLOP B5 27, OPED 8A 27
PIED 8A 27 tonikay

On 9th draw, BEGORAH 11A 85 --- BEGORAH used as mild oath [interj]
Other moves: CHOLERA B5 47, CHOLER B5 46, CHELA B5 43, CHOLA B5 43, HORE 6B 41
HOB 11E 24 tonikay

On 10th draw, ZEINS B10 68 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: ZEINS A1 55, ZINES A1 55, BIZES A11 51, ZIGS L1 48, AZINES 5H 45
ZONES D10 28 tonikay

On 11th draw, ANERGIES 13A 70 --- ANERGY lack of energy [n]
Other moves: GREASIER K2 68, GREASIER 6G 63, AGRISE A1 34, GREASE A1 34, REGIES 12D 34
GEAR 2J 23 tonikay

On 12th draw, COGON L1 22 --- COGON a tall tropical grass [n]
Other tops: CAGOT L1 22
Other moves: COAL B5 21, COOL B5 21, NOCTUA 11I 21, TOUCAN 11I 21, ACTON 12H 19
COOL B5 21 tonikay

On 13th draw, OUTRANCE 1F 80 --- OUTRANCE the last extremity [n]
Other moves: OUTEARN 14H 70, OUTEARN 12H 69, OUTEARN M5 61, TURNCOAT 1H 30, OUTRACE 1G 27
TONER 14G 11 tonikay

On 14th draw, FAIL 14F 32 --- FAIL to be unsuccessful in an attempt [v]
Other tops: FLAIL 9G 32
Other moves: FAB 3E 29, FIB 3E 29, IF 14E 29, DIF 2D 28, FA 14F 28
IF 14E 29 tonikay

On 15th draw, UNIPOD 15G 47 --- UNIPOD a one-legged support [n]
Other tops: POIND 15H 47, POUND 15H 47
Other moves: PINOT 15H 41, PINTO 15H 41, PITON 15H 41, POINT 15H 41, POTIN 15H 41
POUND 15H 47 tonikay

On 16th draw, WITES A1 37 --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: BITES A1 34, BUTES A1 34, TUBES A1 34, TU(S)KIEST O1 33, TEWS 2D 30
WEBS M12 28 tonikay

On 17th draw, LAWN 2D 30 --- LAWN an area of grass-covered land [n]
Other moves: AWN 2E 29, BLAIN A11 29, QAID L12 28, LAW 2D 27, NAW 2D 27
WILT 14K 22 tonikay

On 18th draw, HONEY 6B 53 --- HONEY to sweeten with honey (a sweet, viscid fluid) [v]
Other moves: HONE 6B 41, HOY 6B 40, BUHL 9E 37, BUOY 2J 35, HOE 6B 34
HEY 11I 26 tonikay

On 19th draw, QUID L12 28 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: JIB 14K 24, JOUR D10 22, JIN 5J 20, JUN 5J 20, BINIT 5J 14
QUID L12 28 tonikay

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