On 1st draw, (E)X(O)TISM H3 94 --- EXOTISM an exotic [n]
Other tops: MIX(I)(E)ST H2 94, M(I)XI(E)ST H2 94
Other moves: MIX(I)(E)ST H4 84, M(I)XI(E)ST H4 84, (E)X(O)TISM H6 84, MIX(I)(E)ST H3 80, MIX(I)(E)ST H6 80
On 2nd draw, RETIRING 6F 63 --- RETIRE to go away or withdraw [v] --- RETIRING shy [adj]
Other moves: RERISING 8D 60, IGN(O)RER 5E 28, RENIG G3 28, GIEN G7 20, GENII I1 19 GI G7 12 Grace_Tjie
On 3rd draw, FACILITY K1 82 --- FACILITY ease in performance or action [n]
Other tops: FACILITY K3 82
Other moves: CRAFTILY F5 68, CRAFTILY J5 68, CALYX 4D 34, CYLIX 4D 34, FANCY L4 34
On 4th draw, AEROLIT(E) 3A 66 --- AEROLITE a meteorite containing more stone than iron [n]
Other moves: RETAILOR F6 60, LOFTIER 1I 33, REFLOAT 1I 33, TREFOIL 1H 33, LOAFER 1H 30 FLOAT 1K 27 Grace_Tjie
On 5th draw, AMAZE A1 78 --- AMAZE to overwhelm with surprise or wonder [v]
Other moves: AMAZE 2A 57, MAZE 2B 53, RETAMA 2B 50, ZARF 1H 48, RAZE 2B 45 ZEA 2A 41 Grace_Tjie
On 6th draw, WAIFT 1H 36 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other moves: RINGTAW M3 32, WAIF 1H 30, FAINT 1K 27, FITNA 1K 27, FRATI 1K 27 WAIF 1H 30 Grace_Tjie
On 7th draw, DIARRHOEA F2 69 --- DIARRHOEA [n]
Other moves: HYDRAE 8J 45, ODAH 2C 36, DAH 2D 33, DAROGHA M2 32, AHA 2E 31 HOARD G9 26 Grace_Tjie
On 8th draw, YOKER 8K 39 --- YOKER one who puts a yoke on [n]
Other tops: YOKEL 8K 39
Other moves: GRAKLE 11B 36, LEEAR B1 33, ALKO 11E 30, KALE 11D 30, KOEL 11C 30 KALE E8 26 Grace_Tjie
On 9th draw, FAIRS 2J 47 --- FAIR to make smooth [v]
Other moves: SJOE 6A 44, SIJO 10H 42, ROJIS 11B 38, JOES 11C 36, JORS 11C 36 JOES E8 35 Grace_Tjie
On 10th draw, BELEAPT 11D 86 --- BELEAP to leap upon [v]
Other moves: BELEAPT E8 80, BELEAPT E9 78, BELEAP 11D 34, BEPELT 11B 34, BLEEP 11E 32 BEEP E8 24 Grace_Tjie
On 11th draw, AHOLD H11 39 --- AHOLD a hold or grasp of something [n]
Other moves: DHOL 6A 34, BOILS 12H 33, SHOD 6A 33, KIBOSH M8 32, MHOS 2A 32 HOODS D1 26 Grace_Tjie
On 12th draw, SYNE 6A 32 --- SYNE since [adv] --- SYNE to rinse [v]
Other tops: SYEN 6A 32
Other moves: SYE 6A 31, SYN 6A 31, SNYE 12B 30, STEY 12A 30, STYE 12B 30 STEY 12A 30 Grace_Tjie
On 13th draw, JANES 12A 50 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JANE 12A 46, JAI G13 40, JEON D1 38, JA G13 36, KANJIS M8 36 JANES 12A 50 Grace_Tjie
On 14th draw, JONG A12 36 --- JONG friend (Afrikaans) [n]
Other tops: JUGA A12 36
Other moves: JANE A12 33, JEAN A12 33, JEON A12 33, AGEN 13A 31, AGON 13A 31 JONG A12 36 Grace_Tjie
On 15th draw, CODRIVEN O5 65 --- CODRIVE to work as a co-driver [v]
Other moves: INVADE B9 31, EVINCED N8 30, KNIVED M8 30, OVONIC 13H 30, NEVOID 14A 28 LIVED 14H 17 Grace_Tjie
On 16th draw, PEW I11 26 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other tops: PAW I11 26
Other moves: WAE B1 25, WEE B1 25, WAE G13 24, WAE I13 24, WAI G13 24 WAGE N11 23 Grace_Tjie W*G 13GWOG 13G 13 EvilGrin
On 17th draw, MOUP 2A 26 --- MOUP to nibble [v]
Other tops: BIPOD N11 26
Other moves: BAPU B11 24, BOODIE D1 24, IDIOT I4 23, BIDI 9L 22, BITOU I5 22 POOD D1 20 Grace_Tjie
On 18th draw, APOGEE D1 20 --- APOGEE the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth [n]
Other moves: GELT E1 18, NOUGAT 14A 18, EA 4C 17, ET 4C 17, TELA E1 17
On 19th draw, BIDI 9L 22 --- BIDI (Hindi) a hand rolled cigarette [n]
Other moves: BUDI N11 20, TABU B11 20, BIDI I5 19, OUTBID L8 18, BI 9L 16 BID N11 12 Grace_Tjie
On 20th draw, QUOTA 10B 42 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QUA B10 32, UNTO 13C 20, UNIT I4 18, INTO I6 16, QUOTA B8 16 QUA B10 32 Grace_Tjie