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Game of July 28, 2013 at 16:03, 1 player
1. 22 pts mj880

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deinpt   H4    74    74   printed
 2. almnorz   6G    36   110   mirza
 3. ?eopsvy   K1    80   190   overpays
 4. aejrssw   1J    60   250   jowars
 5. eeginrs   N1    72   322   resigner
 6. acdeiio   8C    63   385   dacoities
 7. adenrtv   O7    33   418   deva
 8. aeegott   2I    26   444   gave
 9. elmnotu   M7    88   532   moulten
10. hiioqst   E5    48   580   stichoi
11. ginortu   3J    29   609   genus
12. abcelow  D11    32   641   below
13. hnnoruy  F10    45   686   horny
14. allortu   4J    30   716   art
15. acellrr  15A    30   746   crawl
16. afloqru   6B    33   779   quat
17. deefirt  L12    32   811   feed
18. filortt  15G    30   841   florid
19. abeiotu  B10    28   869   baiter
20. iknotux  A12    36   905   xu

Remaining tiles: iknot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5392 Filemj880       0  1:58  -883   22     1.5392 mj880       0  1:58  -883   22 

On 1st draw, P(R)INTED H4 74 --- PRINT to produce by pressed type on a surface [v]
Other tops: DEP(A)INT H2 74, DIPNET(S) H2 74, P(A)INTED H4 74, P(A)TINED H4 74, P(O)INTED H4 74
Other moves: DEP(A)INT H4 72, DIPNET(S) H4 72, P(A)INTED H6 72, P(A)TINED H6 72, P(O)INTED H6 72

On 2nd draw, MIRZA 6G 36 --- MIRZA a Persian title of honour [n]
Other moves: LAZO G1 27, LAZO I1 27, MAZER 9E 27, MOZ G9 27, MOZ I9 27

On 3rd draw, OVE(R)PAYS K1 80 --- OVERPAY to pay too much [v]
Other moves: SAVE(L)OY K5 48, POSEY L4 45, PAVO(N)ES K5 44, PES(K)Y L4 43, PES(T)Y L4 43

On 4th draw, JOWARS 1J 60 --- JOWAR durra (an Indian grain crop) [n]
Other moves: JOSSER 1J 42, JEERS 3I 40, RESOWS 1H 39, SEROWS 1H 39, SOWARS 1J 39

On 5th draw, RESIGNER N1 72 --- RESIGNER one that resigns [n]
Other moves: ANERGIES M1 70, RESIGNE(R) 5A 70, ENERGIDS 10B 66, DESIGNER 10H 64, REDESIGN 10F 64

On 6th draw, DACOITIES 8C 63 --- DACOITY robbery by Indian gangs [n]
Other moves: DECO O7 30, SCARE 8K 30, SCORE 8K 30, CAVE 2I 27, COVE 2I 27

On 7th draw, DEVA O7 33 --- DEVA a Hindu god [n]
Other tops: DERV O7 33
Other moves: DEV O7 30, ENDART O8 30, DEARN O7 27, DENAR O7 27, DERAT O7 27

On 8th draw, GAVE 2I 26 --- GIVE to transfer freely to another's possession [v]
Other moves: EAVE 2I 25, AVE 2J 24, AVO 2J 24, TOGATE N10 22, ZOEAE J6 21

On 9th draw, MOULTEN M7 88 --- MOULTEN having moulted [adj]
Other moves: MELTON N10 38, MOLTEN N10 38, MELON N10 36, MENTO N10 36, METOL N10 36

On 10th draw, STICHOI E5 48 --- STICHOS a line of a manuscript [n]
Other moves: DHOTIS C8 28, HIOI L12 28, HIST L12 28, HITS L12 28, HOST L12 28

On 11th draw, GENUS 3J 29 --- GENUS a kind, sort, or class [n]
Other tops: GENTS 3J 29
Other moves: RENTS 3J 26, AUTOING D8 25, GEN 3J 21, GET 3J 21, DORTING C8 20

On 12th draw, BELOW D11 32 --- BELOW something that is beneath [n]
Other moves: ABLOW D11 30, BAWL L12 30, BOWEL F10 30, BOWL L12 30, WOE F10 29

On 13th draw, HORNY F10 45 --- HORNY hornlike in hardness [adj]
Other moves: YOURN F10 36, HOY F10 35, HORN F10 33, HOUR F10 33, YOUR F10 33
YO L12 22 mj880

On 14th draw, A(R)T 4J 30 --- ART an esthetically pleasing and meaningful arrangement of elements [n]
Other moves: (R)ATIO 4K 26, TRAWL 15A 24, ALOW 15A 21, AROW 15A 21, RATO C12 21

On 15th draw, CRAWL 15A 30 --- CRAWL to move with the body on or near the ground [v]
Other moves: CLAW 15A 27, CLEW 15A 27, CRAW 15A 27, CREW 15A 27, CLEARER 12H 24

On 16th draw, QUAT 6B 33 --- QUAT a pimple [n]
Other moves: AFOUL L11 32, QUARTO 11I 30, FARL L12 28, FARO L12 28, FAUR L12 28

On 17th draw, FEED L12 32 --- FEED to give food to [v]
Other tops: DEIF L12 32
Other moves: REIFIED I6 31, DEFT 9G 30, FETIDER 12H 30, REIFIER I6 30, DEFIER B10 28

On 18th draw, FLORID 15G 30 --- FLORID ruddy [adj]
Other moves: FIORD 15H 27, FETT 9G 26, FET 9G 23, FIR 7A 23, TEF 9G 23

On 19th draw, BAITER B10 28 --- BAITER one that baits [n]
Other tops: BOATER B10 28
Other moves: BETA C12 22, BA H1 21, ZOEAE J6 21, OBITER B10 20, OUTBAR B10 20

On 20th draw, XU A12 36 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: XI A12 36
Other moves: IKON A8 30, KNOT A8 30, TONK A9 30, KINO A7 28, DUX 10H 27

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