On 1st draw, SWEV(E)N H3 30 --- SWEVEN a dream or vision [n]
Other tops: N(A)VEWS H8 30, SW(E)VEN H3 30, V(I)NEWS H4 30, V(I)NEWS H8 30, W(O)VENS H4 30
Other moves: F(A)VES H4 28, F(A)WNS H4 28, F(I)VES H4 28, F(L)EWS H4 28, N(A)VEW H8 28
On 2nd draw, BENETS 9C 24 --- BENET to net [v]
Other moves: BESET 9F 21, NEBS 9E 21, BEETS 9D 20, BENES 9D 20, BENETS G7 20
On 3rd draw, RIGAUDON E2 70 --- RIGAUDON a lively dance [n]
Other moves: GIAOUR 8A 35, GOAD 8A 33, GRAD 8A 33, IGAD 8A 33, ORAD 8A 30
On 4th draw, SY(M)BIONT 3H 82 --- SYMBIONT an organism living in close association with another [n]
Other moves: BOT(A)NY D1 41, OBEYIN(G) D7 38, OBE(S)ITY D7 38, BIN(A)RY 2A 36, BETONY D8 35
On 5th draw, FORGO F3 33 --- FORGO to refrain from [v]
Other moves: AFRO 4K 32, GOFER F6 30, FA 10F 28, IFTAR O1 27, OAF 4J 27
On 6th draw, YUTZ O1 78 --- YUTZ a stupid, foolish, or ineffectual person [n]
Other moves: ZETA G7 48, ZEIN L1 46, ZETA D8 44, ZEA D8 43, ZEE D8 43
On 7th draw, POSE D1 34 --- POSE to assume a fixed position [v]
Other moves: LOSEL D1 31, OUSEL D1 31, POLS 10B 29, SELL D3 29, PEELS D8 27 PELLS D8 27 GLOBEMAN
On 8th draw, MENAGE D8 31 --- MENAGE a household [n] --- MENAGE to manage [v]
Other tops: MAGI 2J 31
Other moves: MEANIE D8 29, MENGE D8 29, MAG 2J 28, GAMP 1A 27, GIMP 1A 27 BEGIN K3 16 dan65
On 9th draw, KHAT 2I 46 --- KHAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: HAWK C11 46
Other moves: HOKI 2J 43, WHAMO 8A 43, KAW C11 39, HAW C11 36, WHAP 1A 36 HA 2J 29 faythe WAIT L1 22 dan65
On 10th draw, ACESCENT 13B 78 --- ACESCENT something that is slightly sour [n]
Other moves: CANST 10B 34, ANENST 10A 29, ACES 1F 28, ACTS 1F 28, CANS 1F 28 ACCENTS 11D 22 faythe TICES L2 14 dan65
On 11th draw, AX 4K 43 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: OX 4K 43
Other moves: HOAX 14G 39, AX 14A 36, OX 14A 36, HAO 14F 33, AXON 10A 31 OX 4K 43 faythe TIX L2 20 dan65
On 12th draw, IMPEARL 14I 86 --- IMPEARL to make pearl-like [v]
Other tops: IMPALER 14I 86
Other moves: IMPALER 12I 76, IMPEARL 12I 76, AMPLER 14I 34, EMPARL 14I 34, IMPALE 14I 34 MAXI 4J 22 faythe DOP(E)R 7E 11 dan65
On 13th draw, FILATURE N8 63 --- FILATURE the reeling of silk from cocoons [n]
Other tops: FAULTIER N7 63
Other moves: FLEA 15L 52, FLUATE 15H 46, FETIAL 15G 44, FETIAL 15D 42, FLUATE 15D 42 FELL O12 33 faythe FATAL 11C 16 dan65
On 14th draw, DIED O6 36 --- DIE to cut with a die (a device for shaping material) [v]
Other tops: DILDOE 15F 36
Other moves: DOILED 15D 34, DILDOE 15D 33, DOODLE 15D 33, LIED O6 33, DOOLIE 15F 32 LIFE 8L 24 faythe DID 9M 7 dan65
On 15th draw, AVERRED 15C 99 --- AVER to declare positively [v]
Other moves: REDEAR 15G 39, REAVED 15D 37, EVADE 15F 35, VADE 15G 32, EAVED 15E 31 RAVED 15E 31 faythe VAT 12L 12 dan65
On 17th draw, WITAN B10 32 --- WITAN the members of a national council in Anglo-Saxon England [n]
Other moves: TWA 14A 27, WIS E11 25, WOS E11 25, WUS E11 25, NAW M13 24 WANT 11C 14 dan65
On 18th draw, HI 10F 28 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: AIOLI A8 28, HA 10F 28, HO 10F 28
Other moves: HOLP 1A 27, HOOP 1A 27, HALO A7 26, HILA A7 26, OHIA A7 26 HOO A8 23 faythe BA C9 10 dan65
On 19th draw, QUIP 1A 45 --- QUIP to make witty remarks [v]
Other moves: QUA A8 41, JAUP 1A 39, LALIQUE L8 34, QABALA K1 34, QUAIL 10J 34 QUIP 1A 45 faythe QUAIL 10J 34 dan65
On 20th draw, JIAO A8 40 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JIAO A7 38, JOLLOP K9 30, JALOP K10 28, JATO 12L 22, JOLE L11 22 JAIL 10K 11 dan65