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Game of July 29, 2013 at 01:22, 1 player
1. 175 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elrstuy   H6    78    78   sutlery
 2. abghinw  12D    28   106   whiny
 3. acejlrv  11C    35   141   vac
 4. ?eflmor   6B    72   213   formless
 5. abeirty   8G    66   279   ytterbia
 6. aeirssu   O2   116   395   sauries
 7. beeelrs   E2    74   469   resemble
 8. aefnrtt   3A    74   543   fattener
 9. ?alnoou  13B    31   574   solano
10. adenoox   N6    57   631   xoana
11. aeegikn   2J    42   673   kiangs
12. deinpuz   K5   130   803   unprized
13. dghiotu  O10    39   842   dought
14. deeiiiv   H1    36   878   derv
15. adgimqw   L1    48   926   qaid
16. acimopt  L10    45   971   atopic
17. aegioow   A1    33  1004   wife
18. aegimoo  15G    33  1037   ogamic

Remaining tiles: ejo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.2928 Filedan65       0 15:14  -862  175     1.2928 dan65       0 15:14  -862  175 

On 1st draw, SUTLERY H6 78 --- SUTLERY a camp hawker's stall [n]
Other moves: SUTLERY H2 72, SUTLERY H3 72, SUTLERY H4 72, SUTLERY H7 72, SUTLERY H8 72

On 2nd draw, WHINY 12D 28 --- WHINY tending to whine [adj]
Other tops: HAIN I7 28
Other moves: YAWING 12H 26, WASHING 6F 24, WINGY 12D 24, HANGI G10 23, BINGY 12D 22

On 3rd draw, VAC 11C 35 --- VAC a vacuum cleaner [n] --- VAC to clean with a vacuum cleaner [v]
Other moves: JAILER F10 31, LAC 11C 29, RAJES 6D 28, VARECH E7 28, AJEE 10E 27

On 4th draw, FORMLES(S) 6B 72 --- FORMLESS lacking structure [adj]
Other moves: FUMEROL(E) 7G 70, FUM(A)ROLE 7G 70, FUM(E)ROLE 7G 70, FUL(S)OMER 7G 68, F(U)LSOMER 6E 68

On 5th draw, YTTERBIA 8G 66 --- YTTERBIA a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: YTTERBIA 8F 64, BEATY 13C 53, REBAIT 13A 32, BEATIFY B1 30, BETRAY D3 30

On 6th draw, SAURIES O2 116 --- SAURY a marine fish [n]
Other tops: SAURIES O8 116
Other moves: AIRBUSES L5 70, ARISES O3 63, ASSURE O7 63, ISSUER O7 63, RAISES O3 63
FAIRS B6 10 dan65

On 7th draw, RESEMBLE E2 74 --- RESEMBLE to be similar to [v]
Other moves: BREESE 13B 37, BELEES 13A 32, BELEE 5A 31, BESEE 5A 31, LEESE 13C 31
BEARS N6 27 dan65

On 8th draw, FATTENER 3A 74 --- FATTENER one that fattens [n]
Other moves: FETTAS 2J 34, FANE D1 30, FARE D1 30, FATE D1 30, FEAT 13C 30
FEAT 3D 8 dan65

On 9th draw, (S)OLANO 13B 31 --- SOLANO a strong, hot wind [n]
Other moves: (L)LANO 13C 29, L(L)ANO 13C 28, (D)OOLAN 13A 26, (K)OULAN 13A 26, AN(N)UL N2 25
BOON(S) L8 12 dan65

On 10th draw, XOANA N6 57 --- XOANON a primitive statue [n]
Other moves: NOX N4 55, AX N5 52, EX N5 52, OX N5 52, DEX 7A 41
AXED N8 14 dan65

On 11th draw, KIANGS 2J 42 --- KIANG a Tibetan wild ass [n]
Other moves: KNAG 14F 39, NARK H1 39, NERK H1 39, KNEE 14F 38, EKE 2A 33
KERN H1 27 dan65

On 12th draw, UNPRIZED K5 130 --- PRIZE to value highly [adj] --- UNPRIZED not prized [adj]
Other moves: ZANIED L1 52, PUZEL 8A 51, PEIZED 10G 38, PEIZED J7 38, PIZED M10 38
ZIP K1 14 dan65

On 13th draw, DOUGHT O10 39 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other moves: DOUGH L11 37, TOUGH L11 34, DIGHT L11 31, GHOUL 8A 30, DOUGH 12K 28
KHI J2 10 dan65

On 14th draw, DERV H1 36 --- DERV fuel for a diesel engine road vehicle [n]
Other moves: VIED M7 31, DEVEL 8A 30, DEVIL 8A 30, VERD H1 30, DEFI A1 27
DIG 13M 10 dan65

On 15th draw, QAID L1 48 --- QAID a Muslim leader [n]
Other tops: QADI L1 48
Other moves: AMID L10 35, AMI L10 31, MAW 7A 26, MAW L11 26, DAW 7A 25
WAG 13M 14 dan65

On 16th draw, ATOPIC L10 45 --- ATOPIC relating to atopy [adj] --- ATOPY a type of allergy [adj]
Other tops: ATOMIC L10 45
Other moves: MAFIC A1 39, MAC N12 35, OMIT L10 33, TOPIC L11 32, AMI L10 31
PACT 15L 11 dan65

On 17th draw, WIFE A1 33 --- WIFE a woman married to a man [n] --- WIFE to marry a woman [v]
Other moves: AWE M11 30, AGIOS 4A 29, WOO M12 29, WOOSE 4B 29, AGIO M11 28
FAW B6 9 dan65

On 18th draw, OGAMIC 15G 33 --- OGAMIC written using ogam [adj]
Other moves: GAMIC 15H 30, MAGIC 15H 30, MATIER D1 30, MOTIER D1 30, OGMIC 15H 30
FAME B6 9 dan65

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