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Game of July 29, 2013 at 14:30, 1 player
1. 71 pts Losh

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bcegrs   H3    24    24   scribe
 2. aeknotu   5E    44    68   outrank
 3. ?aadeim   2H    82   150   amidase
 4. deejmrt   1L    80   230   jeed
 5. efhlpru   6C    32   262   pruh
 6. dinoors   L5    72   334   sordino
 7. eeilmny   3A    78   412   myelines
 8. dhilost   K9    81   493   doltish
 9. beiinow   M9    44   537   bowne
10. aegiirt   8A    80   617   aegirite
11. aeeeist  15I    33   650   atheise
12. enoortv   O8    86   736   overtone
13. aacfnpw   A1    39   775   camp
14. aefloru  14F    25   800   foules
15. aafinqv   2E    28   828   qi
16. aagilnx  N12    39   867   axis
17. agnrtwy  15A    50   917   twangy
18. afglruv   3J    26   943   fag

Remaining tiles: lruvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3396 FileLosh        1  4:27  -872   71     1.3396 Losh        1  4:27  -872   71 

On 1st draw, SCR(I)BE H3 24 --- SCRIBE to mark with a pointed instrument [v]
Other tops: BR(A)CES H4 24, C(A)BERS H4 24, C(O)RBES H4 24, C(U)BERS H4 24, REB(E)CS H8 24, R(E)BECS H8 24, SCR(I)BE H8 24, SCR(O)BE H3 24, SCR(O)BE H8 24
Other moves: BEC(K)S H4 22, BEG(A)RS H4 22, BERGS H4 22, BR(A)CE H4 22, B(A)RGES H4 22

On 2nd draw, OUTRANK 5E 44 --- OUTRANK to rank higher than [v]
Other moves: KOAN 2F 28, NEUK 2G 28, OKTA 2E 28, TANK 2G 28, TEAK 2G 28
OUTRANK 5E 44 Losh

On 3rd draw, AMIDA(S)E 2H 82 --- AMIDASE an enzyme [n]
Other tops: AMIDA(S)E 2B 82, MADEI(R)A 2B 82
Other moves: (S)EAMAID 2D 75, (S)EAMAID 2G 75, AMIDASE(S) 3C 74, (S)EAMAIDS 3A 74, AMIDA(S)E 2D 73

On 4th draw, JEED 1L 80 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEER 1L 77, JETE 1L 77, JADE L1 40, MEED 1L 40, JEE 1L 38
METER I8 12 Losh

On 5th draw, PRUH 6C 32 --- PRUH a call for a horse to stop [interj]
Other tops: FEH 6D 32
Other moves: HE(I)L 6F 31, HE(I)R 6F 31, PEH 6D 31, PUH 6D 31, REH 6D 29
HOPEFUL E4 15 Losh

On 6th draw, SORDINO L5 72 --- SORDINO a device used to muffle the tone of a musical instrument [n]
Other tops: INDOORS 9F 72, SORDINO 9E 72
Other moves: INDOORS 9B 71, SORDINO 9H 71, INDOORS I7 69, BRIDOONS 7H 63, SORDINO I8 62

On 7th draw, MYELINES 3A 78 --- MYELINE a fatty substance that covers certain nerve fibres [n]
Other moves: MYELINE G8 71, MYELINE I8 71, MEDLEY 8J 36, MEINEY M6 33, LIMEY K9 32

On 8th draw, DOLTISH K9 81 --- DOLT a stupid person [adj] --- DOLTISH dull [adj]
Other moves: DOLTISH 9C 79, DOLTISH G8 66, DOLTISH I8 66, MODISH A3 39, HOD 2A 34

On 9th draw, BOWNE M9 44 --- BOWNE to prepare [v]
Other tops: BOWIE M9 44
Other moves: HOWBE 15K 42, WEMB A1 42, WOMB A1 42, NIMBI A1 36, NIMB A1 33

On 10th draw, AEGIRITE 8A 80 --- AEGIRITE a green mineral [n]
Other moves: ARIGHT 15G 33, GATHER 15H 33, MIGRATE A3 33, EIGHT 15H 30, GAMIER A1 30

On 11th draw, ATHEISE 15I 33 --- ATHEISE to talk as an atheist [v]
Other moves: SAITHE 15G 30, SEETHE 15G 30, SITHEE 15H 30, EATHE 15H 27, HAETS 15K 27

On 12th draw, OVERTONE O8 86 --- OVERTONE a higher partial tone [n]
Other moves: VOMER A1 33, ROMEO A1 24, ORT 3K 23, EON 2A 22, GOVERN C8 22

On 13th draw, CAMP A1 39 --- CAMP theatrical [adj] --- CAMP to live in the open [v]
Other moves: FAA 2B 32, CAMAN A1 30, CWM A1 30, FAW 3J 30, AWA 2B 29

On 14th draw, FOULES 14F 25 --- FOULE fulled cloth [n]
Other tops: FARLES 14F 25
Other moves: FAR 3J 24, FER 3J 24, FOR 3J 24, PELA 4A 23, PULA 4A 23

On 15th draw, QI 2E 28 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: AVAS N12 27, AYIN B2 22, FILA D1 22, VALI D1 22, VAS N13 22

On 16th draw, AXIS N12 39 --- AXIS a straight line about which a body rotates [n] --- AXIS an Asian deer [n]
Other moves: XIS N13 34, XI 4C 31, AXAL N5 29, AXIL N5 29, GALAX 15C 28

On 17th draw, TWANGY 15A 50 --- TWANGY twanging [adj]
Other moves: GANTRY 15A 41, GYRANT C8 28, ANY 2A 27, AYONT 6J 25, NAW 3J 24

On 18th draw, FAG 3J 26 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: GYAL B2 26
Other moves: FAR 3J 24, PULA 4A 23, RYAL B2 22, LAUF 9A 21, AVRUGA C10 20

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