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Game of July 30, 2013 at 01:17, 1 player
1. 212 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. elorsty   H3    26    26   oyster
 2. aadeils   5F    68    94   assailed
 3. ?aclotw   E2    98   192   cotwals
 4. abeksuw   8A    48   240   wauks
 5. ?adegno   A8    89   329   waggoned
 6. aiioprt   B2    30   359   atropia
 7. eghmorr   4L    37   396   herm
 8. delnotv   O4    33   429   moved
 9. adefiis  11A    76   505   gasified
10. cgnoptu   O1    42   547   outmoved
11. bceennt  12D    29   576   tenne
12. efinnor   N8    89   665   inferno
13. aceorsy  15J    47   712   creasy
14. begimqr  10F    32   744   brim
15. aijlotv   G1    35   779   taj
16. beglnop   A1    33   812   pleon
17. beghuxz   6D    60   872   zax
18. begilqu  12K    30   902   quire
19. gghiluv   F1    31   933   uh
20. bggiilv   I1    24   957   gib

Remaining tiles: gilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3041 Filedan65       0 17:49  -745  212     1.3041 dan65       0 17:49  -745  212 

On 1st draw, OYSTER H3 26 --- OYSTER to gather oysters (edible mollusks) [v]
Other tops: ROSETY H7 26, SORELY H7 26, STOREY H7 26, TOLSEY H7 26, TROELY H7 26, TYLERS H3 26, TYROES H3 26
Other moves: RESTY H8 24, STORY H8 24, STROY H8 24, YELTS H4 24, YORES H4 24

On 2nd draw, ASSAILED 5F 68 --- ASSAIL to attack [v]
Other tops: ASSAILED 5G 68
Other moves: SALARIED 8D 60, DEASILS 5E 32, SALSAED 5E 32, DIALYSE 4D 22, EYLIADS 4G 22

On 3rd draw, COTWAL(S) E2 98 --- COTWAL an Indian magistrate [n]
Other moves: COTWAL(S) 9B 72, O(U)TCRAWL 8D 63, COTWAL E2 48, COTWA(L) E2 46, COTW(A)L E2 46

On 4th draw, WAUK(S) 8A 48 --- WAUK to wake [v]
Other tops: SWACK 2B 48
Other moves: BASK(S) 8A 45, BAUK(S) 8A 45, BEAK(S) 8A 45, BUSK(S) 8A 45, SKAW(S) 8A 45
WED M3 14 dan65

On 5th draw, WA(G)GONED A8 89 --- WAGGON to transport in a four wheeled horse-drawn vehicle [v]
Other tops: WAG(G)ONED A8 89
Other moves: REN(E)GADO 8H 83, R(E)NEGADO 8H 83, (P)OUNDAGE C6 72, (R)ENEGADO L2 72, (R)ENEGADO L4 72
GEN(I)E L4 12 dan65

On 6th draw, ATROPIA B2 30 --- ATROPIA a medicine derived from the deadly nightshade [n]
Other moves: APORT 4K 29, TAPIR 4J 29, POSIT G3 28, PATIO 4J 27, APRICOT 2A 26
PORT 3G 10 dan65

On 7th draw, HERM 4L 37 --- HERM a type of statue [n]
Other moves: HOME B12 36, OHM F1 35, HM F2 34, HOME 4L 33, MHO F1 33
RHIME J3 16 dan65

On 8th draw, MOVED O4 33 --- MOVE to change from one position to another [v]
Other moves: DOLMEN O1 27, MOLTED O4 27, LOSED G3 24, MELTON O4 24, MODEL O4 24
DOVEN 3G 15 dan65

On 9th draw, GASIFIED 11A 76 --- GASIFY to convert into gas [v]
Other moves: LADIFIES K5 74, (G)ASIFIED 10A 65, FAE 3M 40, FAS 6J 35, DEFI B12 34
FOES 3G 12 dan65

On 10th draw, OUTMOVED O1 42 --- OUTMOVE to move faster or farther than [v]
Other moves: OPT 10E 28, TOP 10D 28, PICONG D10 26, OP 10E 25, COPOUT 3G 22
COUP 3G 12 dan65

On 11th draw, TENNE 12D 29 --- TENNE orange-brown [n]
Other moves: BEEN 10F 27, BEET 10F 27, BEE 10F 26, BEEN C2 24, BET 3M 24
DEBT 15A 8 dan65

On 12th draw, INFERNO N8 89 --- INFERNO a place that resembles or suggests hell [n]
Other moves: INFERNO 13H 76, INFERNO 10H 74, FROE 10F 36, FIN 6J 35, FIR 6J 35
FONE 3G 12 dan65

On 13th draw, CREASY 15J 47 --- CREASY having folds or wrinkles [adj]
Other tops: CARSEY 13C 47, COSY 15L 47
Other moves: RESAY A1 39, CASE 15L 38, COARSE 15J 38, COSE 15L 38, ARSY 15L 35
OYERS 3H 18 dan65

On 14th draw, BRIM 10F 32 --- BRIM to fill to the top [v]
Other moves: BRIG 10F 31, BEAM F3 30, BERMING 13I 30, BRIE 10F 30, GRIME 10F 29
HEM L4 8 dan65

On 15th draw, TAJ G1 35 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JAI A1 34, JOVIAL J2 34, JIVED M1 32, JA D3 31, JO N1 31
JOL 3G 19 dan65

On 16th draw, PLEON A1 33 --- PLEON the abdomen of a crustacean [n]
Other moves: ENGLOBE 14A 32, BOEP C2 30, BOA I3 28, BOEP M8 27, PLEON M7 25
PHENOL L3 12 dan65

On 17th draw, ZAX 6D 60 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: HEX C3 51, AX 6E 50, AX F5 50, EX B13 38, ZEX 7G 37
THE 1G 18 dan65

On 18th draw, QUIRE 12K 30 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: QUINE 13K 28, BLUEING 13I 26, BULGINE 13I 26, LIQUID 8J 26, QUIN 13K 26

On 19th draw, UH F1 31 --- UH used to express hesitation [interj]
Other moves: UGH C1 30, (G)HI 10A 28, HI 9C 24, HIVED M1 24, THIG 1G 24
JOG 3G 13 dan65

On 20th draw, GIB I1 24 --- GIB to fasten with a wedge of wood or metal [v]
Other moves: LIB I1 23, VIG I1 22, BIG I1 21, VIG 13J 21, BIG 13J 20
JOG 3G 13 dan65

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