On 13th draw, CESURAE 15B 36 --- CESURA a pause in a line of verse [n]
Other moves: ACED 8A 25, CRED 8A 25, CRUD 8A 25, CUED 8A 25, ECAD 8A 25 CRED 8A 25 SQUAW1
On 14th draw, HINGE 2J 34 --- HINGE to attach a jointed device [v]
Other moves: EPHA M12 33, BINGLE 2J 30, PINGLE 2J 30, BILGE 2J 28, BINGE 2J 28 HINGE 2J 34 SQUAW1
On 15th draw, ESTIVAL 1E 87 --- ESTIVAL pertaining to summer [adj]
Other moves: VESTA 1H 37, VISTA 1H 37, LIVEST 1F 34, VESTAL 1F 34, VILEST 1F 34 VEALS 1F 29 SQUAW1
On 16th draw, BOWED I3 30 --- BOW to bend forward [v]
Other moves: OBDURE 5H 29, BOW 13G 28, BOWR 12K 26, DOW 13G 26, NOWED I3 26 WO 1N 20 SQUAW1
On 17th draw, ZAX 10B 43 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other moves: ZIP 13G 38, ZUPA F6 35, ZUPA 2B 32, ZEP 14M 29, ZUPAN 10K 29 ZAX 10B 43 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, KIP 13G 28 --- KIP to sleep [v]
Other moves: UPBOW 5E 24, BUIK 13L 20, KIN 13G 20, KNUB L10 20, NIB 13G 20 KIP 13M 18 SQUAW1