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Game of July 31, 2013 at 22:21, 2 players
1. 653 pts musdrive
2. 261 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelmnst   H4    74    74   mantles
 2. ?ahooor   I7    25    99   ooh
 3. ?aegorr   4A    72   171   aerogram
 4. demopuw   A1    33   204   pomade
 5. ?ehikot   B6    86   290   hokiest
 6. bdiotuw  A10    45   335   woubit
 7. afilrsu  10F    78   413   fissural
 8. aeintvz   L8    50   463   zeatin
 9. adinpty   8L    48   511   zany
10. abcjosy   8A    48   559   okays
11. abdelpt   5G    79   638   baldpate
12. accegns   O1    44   682   cangs
13. aadeitv  13G    34   716   deviant
14. eegorwx   6L    61   777   wex
15. aijlnqr   2J    58   835   jarina
16. eginoru   K9    25   860   origane
17. deeeiru   B1    24   884   idee
18. efilruv  15J    39   923   levier
19. cefqruu  H12    33   956   feer

Remaining tiles: cquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7519 Filemusdrive    6 13:30  -303  653     1.7519 musdrive    6 13:30  -303  653 
  2.3046 Filedan65       0 22:09  -695  261            Group: not rated
                                             1.3046 dan65       0 22:09  -695  261 

On 1st draw, MANTLES H4 74 --- MANTLE to cloak [v]
Other tops: LAMENTS H2 74, MANTELS H4 74
Other moves: LAMENTS H3 70, LAMENTS H4 70, LAMENTS H6 70, LAMENTS H7 70, LAMENTS H8 70
LAMENTS H2 24 musdrive
STEAM H8 20 dan65

On 2nd draw, OOH I7 25 --- OOH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: HOORA(H) G9 24, HOORA(H) I9 24, HOORA(Y) G9 24, HOORA(Y) I9 24, HOORO(O) G9 24
OHO I8 23 musdrive
HOS(T)A 10F 17 dan65

On 3rd draw, AEROGR(A)M 4A 72 --- AEROGRAM an airmail letter [n]
Other tops: ERGO(G)RAM 4A 72, ER(G)OGRAM 4A 72, RE(N)OGRAM 4A 72
Other moves: ARM(I)GERO 4F 70, (A)EROGRAM 4A 70, (W)ORMGEAR 4E 70, ORA(N)GER J2 69, GROA(N)ER J2 67
GOR(S)E J6 22 musdrive
G(U)N 6F 7 dan65

On 4th draw, POMADE A1 33 --- POMADE to apply a perfumed hair dressing to [v]
Other tops: APEDOM A4 33, MEOW 3A 33
Other moves: AMPED A4 30, MOUP 3A 30, POEM 3A 30, DEMO 5B 29, MEW 3B 29
POMADE A1 33 musdrive
WAMED 5G 26 dan65

On 5th draw, HOKIE(S)T B6 86 --- HOKEY false; contrived [adj]
Other moves: HOKIE(S)T G9 83, THI(C)KOES 10A 74, HOKIE(S)T J1 68, TIKOLO(S)HE 8D 67, THEOTOK(O)I 7D 66
HOIKE(D) B6 35 musdrive
PO(L)K 1A 14 dan65

On 6th draw, WOUBIT A10 45 --- WOUBIT a hairy caterpillar [n]
Other moves: OUTMANTLES H1 36, BID C7 29, BOD C7 29, WIT C7 29, WOT C7 29
WOE B2 26 musdrive
WORD F2 16 dan65

On 7th draw, FISSURAL 10F 78 --- FISSURAL pertaining to a long narrow opening [adj]
Other moves: SKAIL 8A 30, SKIRL 8A 30, FAS C7 29, FURALS G9 29, RIF C7 29
RIF C7 29 musdrive
TRAILS 15A 7 dan65

On 8th draw, ZEATIN L8 50 --- ZEATIN a chemical compound found in maize [n]
Other moves: AVIZE J3 40, ZEATIN J2 40, NAZE J4 36, NERTZ F2 36, AVIZE 5H 34
RAZE F4 33 musdrive
ZEAL M7 24 dan65

On 9th draw, ZANY 8L 48 --- ZANY a zany person [n] --- ZANY ludicrously comical [adj] --- ZANY to play the zany to [v]
Other moves: ZATI 8L 39, PATY C7 38, PINY C7 38, PITY C7 38, PAND C7 34
ZANY 8L 48 musdrive
PANTY 13J 20 dan65

On 10th draw, OKAYS 8A 48 --- OKAY to approve [v]
Other moves: JAB 7M 46, JASY 14J 46, JOB 7M 46, OKAY 8A 45, BROSY C3 43
JOB 7M 46 musdrive
JOYS O6 14 dan65

On 11th draw, BALDPATE 5G 79 --- BALDPATE a bald head [n]
Other moves: BALLATED M7 41, BALLADE M7 40, DRAPET K9 31, BADE C7 30, PRATED K9 30
BADE C7 30 musdrive
PART F2 12 dan65

On 12th draw, CANGS O1 44 --- CANG a type of pillory [n]
Other moves: CAGES O1 41, ACNES O1 38, CANES O1 38, GEANS O1 35, GENAS O1 35
CANGS O1 44 musdrive
PACES 1A 10 dan65

On 13th draw, DEVIANT 13G 34 --- DEVIANT one who deviates from the norm [n]
Other moves: TEAED N2 29, OVATED 2A 28, VIAND 13I 26, ADVENT 13H 24, IDEE B1 24
DEVIANT 13G 34 musdrive

On 14th draw, WEX 6L 61 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WOX 6L 61
Other moves: GOX 6L 57, REX 6L 55, WEXE H12 54, EX 6M 52, OX 6M 52
WEX 6L 61 musdrive
WOT M3 12 dan65

On 15th draw, JARINA 2J 58 --- JARINA the hard seed of a palm tree [n]
Other moves: JEAN H12 57, JA 4L 47, QINDAR J2 41, JA N2 38, QAID J2 34
JEAN H12 57 musdrive
JAY D6 13 dan65

On 16th draw, ORIGANE K9 25 --- ORIGANE marjoram [n]
Other tops: EON 4J 25, ION 4J 25, OUR 4J 25
Other moves: ORIGAN K9 23, YOUNGER D8 22, GENE H12 21, GENU H12 21, GERE H12 21
YOUNGER D8 22 musdrive
EXON N5 11 dan65

On 17th draw, IDEE B1 24 --- IDEE an idea [n]
Other tops: DEERE C10 24
Other moves: MEED 3A 23, DEER C10 22, O(S)IERED 11A 22, RADE C7 22, DEER H12 21
DERE H12 21 musdrive
GREES E4 12 dan65

On 18th draw, LEVIER 15J 39 --- LEVIER one that levies [n]
Other tops: REFILE 15J 39, REFUEL 15J 39, RELIEF 15G 39, REVILE 15J 39
Other moves: FEVER 15H 36, FIVER 15H 36, FEEL H12 33, FEER H12 33, FERE H12 33
REVILE 15J 39 musdrive
FEY D6 9 dan65

On 19th draw, FEER H12 33 --- FEER to plough [v]
Other tops: FERE H12 33
Other moves: CERE H12 27, FIRED G9 26, REF 3K 26, FEN 3M 24, FUN 3M 24
REF 3K 26 musdrive
PIQUE 1A 17 dan65

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