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Game of August 4, 2013 at 23:43, 2 players
1. 332 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 37 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deirst   H7    68    68   astride
 2. ?eehils   8A    83   151   relishes
 3. cdehlor  11C    78   229   chloride
 4. ainorrw   B1    76   305   ironware
 5. aeopsxy   K7    64   369   pyxes
 6. aeeemqt   A1    73   442   qat
 7. degnoru   A8    80   522   reground
 8. aalmnuw  12D    37   559   maw
 9. amnstty   J8    48   607   mayest
10. beknnot  10F    39   646   kor
11. belnopt   8J    36   682   myelon
12. acelptu   N8    78   760   outplace
13. aabefgo  15L    39   799   feeb
14. afgiint   I1    68   867   fiating
15. aeginnt   E1    68   935   antigens
16. abdiorv   1G    36   971   vifda
17. abeioor   C2    30  1001   broo
18. aeijouz   M3    46  1047   jezail

Remaining tiles: eiouuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6893 FileGLOBEMAN    2 10:34  -715  332     1.6893 GLOBEMAN    2 10:34  -715  332 
  2.3075 Filedan65       0  4:51 -1010   37            Group: not rated
                                             1.3075 dan65       0  4:51 -1010   37 

On 1st draw, (A)STRIDE H7 68 --- ASTRIDE with one leg on each side [adv]
Other tops: DIEST(E)R H4 68, DIET(E)RS H4 68, DIRE(C)TS H4 68, DIRT(I)ES H4 68, DISR(A)TE H4 68, DIS(S)ERT H4 68, DITS(I)ER H4 68, DIT(H)ERS H4 68, DI(A)STER H4 68, DI(E)STER H4 68, DI(E)TERS H4 68, DI(S)SERT H4 68, DI(V)ERTS H4 68, D(I)RTIES H4 68, D(I)TSIER H4 68, D(U)STIER H4 68, EDIT(O)RS H3 68, RED(U)ITS H2 68, REIST(E)D H6 68, RESIT(E)D H6 68, R(E)ISTED H6 68, R(E)SITED H6 68, R(O)ISTED H6 68, R(O)SITED H6 68, STER(O)ID H6 68, STIR(R)ED H6 68, STI(R)RED H6 68, STRIDE(R) H8 68, STRIDE(S) H8 68, STRI(P)ED H6 68, STRI(V)ED H6 68, ST(A)IDER H8 68, ST(A)IRED H6 68, ST(O)RIED H6 68, ST(R)IDER H8 68, S(H)IRTED H6 68, S(K)IRTED H6 68, S(O)RTIED H6 68, S(P)IRTED H6 68, TID(I)ERS H2 68, TIER(O)DS H7 68, TIR(A)DES H8 68, TRI(O)DES H8 68, T(I)DIERS H2 68, (A)STERID H6 68, (B)ESTRID H6 68, (B)ISTRED H6 68, (F)RISTED H6 68, (S)TRIDES H8 68
Other moves: DIEST(E)R H2 66, DIEST(E)R H3 66, DIEST(E)R H6 66, DIEST(E)R H8 66, DIET(E)RS H2 66

On 2nd draw, (R)ELISHES 8A 83 --- RELISH to enjoy [v]
Other tops: HELI(O)SES 8A 83, HI(D)ELESS 8A 83, HI(V)ELESS 8A 83, SHEL(T)IES 8A 83
Other moves: HEI(R)LESS 8A 80, HI(R)SELED 12A 80, SHEL(T)IES 8H 80, (W)HEELIES 13F 80, ELI(C)HES G3 78

On 3rd draw, CHLORIDE 11C 78 --- CHLORIDE a chlorine compound [n]
Other tops: CHLORIDE D3 78
Other moves: CHOIRED 11E 52, DOCILER 11E 40, CHORDEE B2 34, ECH(A)RD 7E 34, CH(A)DOR 7F 33

On 4th draw, IRONWARE B1 76 --- IRONWARE articles made of iron [n]
Other moves: IRONWARE 13A 74, IRONWARE J4 65, AROW 10G 33, RAWIN 10H 32, ROWAN 10H 32

On 5th draw, PYXES K7 64 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: PIXY 1A 60, EXPOS K7 58, PAXES K7 58, POXES K7 58, SEXY K11 58

On 6th draw, QAT A1 73 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: MATE A1 40, META A1 40, METE A1 40, TAME A1 36, TEME A1 36

On 7th draw, (R)EGROUND A8 80 --- REGRIND to grind again [v]
Other moves: GUERDON J2 76, UNDERGO L1 74, GUERDONS E1 70, UNDERGO J1 69, UNGORED I1 67

On 8th draw, MAW 12D 37 --- MAW to mow [v]
Other moves: AWE J9 36, NAME J8 36, YAMUN 8K 33, AMEN J9 31, WAR 10F 29

On 9th draw, MAYEST J8 48 --- MAY to gather flowers in the spring [v]
Other moves: STY C1 39, AYES J9 37, NAMES J8 37, AYE J9 36, NAME J8 36

On 10th draw, KOR 10F 39 --- KOR a Hebrew unit of measure [n]
Other moves: BOR 10F 27, BEKNOTS E2 26, REB G11 26, BOKE G5 25, KO C2 25

On 11th draw, MYELON 8J 36 --- MYELON the spinal cord [n]
Other moves: PEON C3 31, POET C3 31, TEOP(A)N 7D 27, NOEL C3 23, OP(A)L 7F 21

On 12th draw, OUTPLACE N8 78 --- OUTPLACE to find new employment for a redundant worker [v]
Other tops: COPULATE N7 78
Other moves: PECULATE G1 68, PECTATE 13G 34, CUE C3 27, OCTUPLE N8 26, OUTPACE N8 26

On 13th draw, FEEB 15L 39 --- FEEB a wimp (a weak or ineffectual person) [n]
Other moves: BEEF 15L 36, OAF M11 28, FOE C2 26, DOF I11 25, BEFOGS E3 24

On 14th draw, FIATING I1 68 --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: FAINTING O2 66, WAFTING 5B 28, WAIFING 5B 28, DAFT I11 26, WIFING 5B 26

On 15th draw, ANTIGENS E1 68 --- ANTIGEN a substance that stimulates the production of antibodies [n]
Other tops: GENTIANS E1 68
Other moves: ANTIGENE G1 65, ETNA H1 37, FEATING 1I 36, INFANTE 1G 33, ANTEING 5E 32

On 16th draw, VIFDA 1G 36 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other tops: OBA H1 36
Other moves: DOAB D1 35, BRAVADO 3G 32, ODA H1 32, OB H1 31, ID H1 27
FAVOR 1I 12 dan65

On 17th draw, BROO C2 30 --- BROO the eyebrow [n]
Other tops: BRAE C2 30
Other moves: BRAE B12 25, BREI B12 25, BROO B12 25, BAR D4 23, BOA C2 23
BIRO 5H 12 dan65

On 18th draw, JEZAIL M3 46 --- JEZAIL a heavy Afghan musket [n]
Other moves: ZOEAE L4 32, ZEA H3 29, TOAZE 4I 28, TOUZE 4I 28, TOZIE 4I 28
ZIT 4G 13 dan65

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