On 12th draw, WOAD 6J 41 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other tops: WOLD 6J 41
Other moves: WO 6J 38, LAWER 3I 31, TAWER 3I 31, AREW 6G 30, AROW 6G 30 WOLD 6J 41 tonikay WOAD 6J 41 GLOBEMAN
On 13th draw, YONNIE D1 30 --- YONNIE (Australian slang) a stone, when thrown [n]
Other moves: ANYONE D1 24, ANNOY D1 23, YE B14 22, YEN 14B 22, ANYON D1 20 YE B14 22 GLOBEMAN DEY 10D 15 tonikay
On 14th draw, KYTHES 1C 48 --- KYTHE to make known [v]
Other tops: TYKISH 1C 48
Other moves: FIKY 1A 42, FISK F3 41, SHEIK N6 40, KHI C1 38, KEA F6 36 YIKES 1D 36 tonikay ERK 6D 17 GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, BENE 14B 22 --- BENE a prayer [n]
Other moves: ANCLE 3C 21, UNCLE 3C 21, ACERBER 6B 19, BE B14 18, BEN 14B 18 BE B14 18 GLOBEMAN BE 7B 12 tonikay
On 16th draw, AEMULING N7 78 --- AEMULE to emulate [v]
Other moves: MIAULING B3 67, MULLIGAN O5 62, MULLIGAN O6 62, AMAIN F6 29, HAMING F1 29 AMAIN F6 29 tonikay MAIN 2F 29 GLOBEMAN
On 17th draw, HAFIZ 12K 60 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: HOATZIN 12I 40, ZHO 2I 37, NOAH 2G 32, FAA F6 30, ZOO 2B 30 FAA F6 30 GLOBEMAN HAO F7 14 tonikay
On 18th draw, ZOON O12 44 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n] --- ZOON to zoom [v]
Other tops: ZEIN O12 44, ZOOT O12 44
Other moves: NETOP 11H 28, OPTION 11G 28, POTION 11G 28, NOOP 11I 26, NOOP 2G 26 ZOOT O12 44 tonikay ZOON O12 44 GLOBEMAN
On 19th draw, VICE 11I 34 --- VICE to grip with a special tool [v]
Other moves: CEIL 11K 33, MELIC 11G 32, MICE 11I 32, VEHMIC K10 32, CLEM 11I 30 CLEM 11I 30 GLOBEMAN MAIL F7 21 tonikay
On 20th draw, QUILT B6 36 --- QUILT to stitch together with padding in between [v]
Other moves: QUIM B6 35, QUIT B6 33, QI J10 31, TUM 2H 23, MAUL F7 21 QUIM B6 35 tonikay QI J10 31 GLOBEMAN