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Game of August 11, 2013 at 05:55, 3 players
1. 571 pts kellybelly
2. 524 pts jimbo
3. 306 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deginss   H8    72    72   designs
 2. degmnoo   G3    73   145   goodmen
 3. ciiloot  13H    72   217   noctilio
 4. ?eeinnt   5E    78   295   neotenic
 5. beoprwz   O8    81   376   rebozo
 6. ailnpvw   H1    30   406   paint
 7. ?efmosu  14A    78   484   famouses
 8. aekrstu   L3    74   558   ruckseat
 9. acefjrt  A12    75   633   jeff
10. aiortwy   6J    33   666   yok
11. aaciltw   M7    29   695   tawai
12. adellot  12A    28   723   jolted
13. acehilr   1H    98   821   parhelic
14. ahilprv  14J    30   851   ha
15. abgilpr  15K    35   886   pibal
16. aenrrtv   8A    39   925   aventred
17. degirvx  15C    38   963   ex
18. adquvwy   6B    41  1004   quay
19. dgiruvw   K9    26  1030   vid

Remaining tiles: grruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7599 Filekellybelly  6 13:55  -459  571     1.7599 kellybelly  6 13:55  -459  571 
  2.6738 Filejimbo       3 19:04  -506  524            Group: intermediate
  3.4386 Filedenbay      0 18:11  -724  306     1.6738 jimbo       3 19:04  -506  524 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4386 denbay      0 18:11  -724  306 

On 1st draw, DESIGNS H8 72 --- DESIGN to conceive and plan out [v]
Other tops: DESIGNS H4 72, SDEIGNS H3 72, SDEIGNS H8 72
Other moves: DESIGNS H2 70, DESIGNS H3 70, DESIGNS H6 70, DESIGNS H7 70, SDEIGNS H2 70
DESIGNS H4 72 jimbo

On 2nd draw, GOODMEN G3 73 --- GOODMAN the master of a household [n]
Other tops: GOODMEN I3 73
Other moves: DEMON I7 27, NOODGES 14B 26, SMOODGE 14H 26, SMOOGED 14H 26, DEMO G7 24
MONGED I4 22 jimbo

On 3rd draw, NOCTILIO 13H 72 --- NOCTILIO a South American bat [n]
Other moves: OOLITIC F9 66, OOLITIC 11E 36, COLITIS 14B 22, SCIOLTO 14H 22, SOLICIT 14H 22
CLOOT 5E 14 jimbo
COOL 5E 12 kellybelly
CLOD 6D 9 denbay

On 4th draw, NEOTENI(C) 5E 78 --- NEOTENIC pertaining to neoteny [adj] --- NEOTENY attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage [adj]
Other moves: ENTE(R)ING 12A 68, ENT(W)INES 14A 68, E(V)ENTING 12A 68, INTE(R)NES 14A 68, NETI(Z)ENS 14A 68
INTEN(D)ED 8A 27 jimbo
INTONE O10 21 denbay, kellybelly

On 5th draw, REBOZO O8 81 --- REBOZO a long scarf [n]
Other moves: ZOBO O12 75, ZOWIE N10 74, REBOZO O10 60, BOZO O12 54, BOOZE O11 51
ZOBO O12 75 kellybelly
ZIP L12 28 denbay
ZOO O12 22 jimbo

On 6th draw, PAINT H1 30 --- PAINT to make a representation of with paints (coloring substances) [v]
Other moves: PAVIN F8 27, LAPWING 12B 26, LAPWING 3A 26, PAWL F8 26, PAWN F8 26
WAVING 12C 26 kellybelly
WAP N9 25 jimbo
WAIT K10 14 denbay

On 7th draw, F(A)MOUSES 14A 78 --- FAMOUS to make widely known [v]
Other tops: FU(L)SOME N2 78
Other moves: FOMI(T)ES 11E 44, FO(L)IUMS 11E 44, FUMIES(T) 11E 44, O(A)FS 14L 43, O(O)FS 14L 43
O(O)S 14M 26 kellybelly
F(A)MOUS F8 25 jimbo
FIE L12 12 denbay

On 8th draw, RU(C)KSEAT L3 74 --- RUCKSEAT a folding seat [n]
Other moves: KAFS A12 48, KEFS A12 48, ARKITES 11E 44, KARITES 11E 44, STREAKED 8A 42
KEFS A12 48 kellybelly
KRAFT A11 39 jimbo
STRAFE A10 30 denbay

On 9th draw, JEFF A12 75 --- JEFF to ruthlessly downsize an organisation [v]
Other moves: CAFF A12 45, JET 13B 38, TAJ 13B 38, CAFE A12 36, JA 13B 34
JEFF A12 75 kellybelly, jimbo
CRAFT A11 33 denbay

On 10th draw, YOK 6J 33 --- YOK a boisterous laugh [n] --- YOK to laugh [v]
Other moves: AIRY M6 32, JOWARI 12A 32, WORDY 6D 31, JOWAR 12A 30, AY 6I 28
WAY N9 27 jimbo
WAY M9 24 kellybelly
PAW 1H 8 denbay

On 11th draw, TAWAI M7 29 --- TAWAI (Maori) a New Zealand beech [n]
Other moves: FLAW 15A 28, JACAL 12A 28, TAWA M7 28, WAAC K8 27, CLOW D12 26
WIT I9 24 kellybelly
WAIL F8 19 jimbo
WILT L12 16 denbay

On 12th draw, JOLTED 12A 28 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other tops: JOLLED 12A 28
Other moves: JODEL 12A 26, JOLED 12A 26, JADE 12A 24, JELLO 12A 24, ALOE 13C 22
JOLTED 12A 28 kellybelly
JADE 12A 24 denbay
LOAD F8 14 jimbo

On 13th draw, PARHELIC 1H 98 --- PARHELIC pertaining to parhelia [adj]
Other moves: HELIAC 11E 35, LICHTER K9 33, HA 14J 30, HE 14J 30, HI 14J 30
HE 14J 30 kellybelly
PARCH 1H 16 jimbo
LAME C12 12 denbay

On 14th draw, HA 14J 30 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other tops: HI 14J 30
Other moves: HIP K9 28, PAVID F8 28, AHI 11D 27, HAIR 11B 27, HILI 11E 27
HI 14J 30 kellybelly
HA 11E 23 jimbo
HALVE E8 22 denbay

On 15th draw, PIBAL 15K 35 --- PIBAL a small balloon for determining the direction and speed of the wind [n]
Other moves: PAGRI 15K 32, GRAIP 15K 31, BRAIL 15K 29, PILAR 15K 29, PRIAL 15K 29
PILAR 15K 29 kellybelly
BAP F8 22 jimbo
GLIM C11 14 denbay

On 16th draw, AVENTRED 8A 39 --- AVENTRE to thrust [v]
Other moves: VERRA 4A 26, NATIVE 11E 25, RAVINE 11E 25, EAT 12J 24, RAVED F8 24
TRAVE 4A 20 jimbo
TEAR 11B 18 kellybelly
VANED 8D 13 denbay

On 17th draw, EX 15C 38 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: VEX K9 38
Other moves: GRIEVED C3 36, DIXIE 11E 35, DIXI 11E 33, DEX K9 32, REX F8 29
EX 15C 38 kellybelly, jimbo
VEX C7 25 denbay

On 18th draw, QUAY 6B 41 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: WADDY 6D 37, ADDY 6E 33, SUQ 10H 32, YAUD 11B 31, WADI 11E 29
QUAY 6B 41 kellybelly
QUAY N4 24 jimbo
QUAY A6 16 denbay

On 19th draw, VID K9 26 --- VID short for video [n]
Other tops: VIG K9 26, VUG K9 26, WIG K9 26, WUD K9 26
Other moves: DIVI 11E 25, DIV K9 24, RIGID 11E 21, DIG K9 20, DUG K9 20
VIG K9 26 kellybelly
CRUD O1 9 denbay

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