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Game of August 11, 2013 at 23:38, 2 players
1. 679 pts musdrive
2. 67 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adggisz   H6    28    28   zags
 2. abenqst   I4    27    55   stab
 3. ddennot   H1    24    79   eddo
 4. aimnopr   9A    66   145   rampions
 5. ehlnrsu   A4    42   187   hurlers
 6. aaeeinr   B2    25   212   raine
 7. aenotuw  10A    39   251   sweat
 8. einortx   1H    98   349   exertion
 9. ??eeovy   K1    74   423   reconvey
10. dijlnos   9K    32   455   sijo
11. acklnuw  11D    40   495   wack
12. dehllno  12A    40   535   hell
13. acgmnot  H11    44   579   octan
14. adiinqu   2F    43   622   qadi
15. aeeimor   C3    30   652   amie
16. bdeiopr  10L    35   687   dope
17. bfginoy   M9    34   721   joying
18. dinortv  O10    39   760   enviro
19. befglru  14J    32   792   bugger
20. defflru  A12    39   831   huff
21. deilrtt  14A    28   859   fitted

Remaining tiles: lru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7568 Filemusdrive   10 14:26  -180  679     1.7568 musdrive   10 14:26  -180  679 
  2.3112 Filedan65       1  5:39  -792   67            Group: not rated
                                             1.3112 dan65       1  5:39  -792   67 

On 1st draw, ZAGS H6 28 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other tops: ZAGS H5 28, ZAGS H7 28, ZAGS H8 28, ZIGS H5 28, ZIGS H6 28, ZIGS H7 28, ZIGS H8 28
Other moves: ADZ H6 26, ADZ H7 26, ADZ H8 26, ZAG H6 26, ZAG H7 26
ZAGS H5 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, STAB I4 27 --- STAB to pierce with a pointed weapon [v]
Other tops: QAT I5 27, SNAB I4 27
Other moves: BEZANTS 6F 26, NAB I5 26, QANATS 7G 26, SAB I5 26, TAB I5 26
STAB I4 27 musdrive

On 3rd draw, EDDO H1 24 --- EDDO a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: DONE H1 21, DOTE H1 21, NODE H1 21, STONNED 4I 20, NONE H1 18
DONE H1 21 musdrive

On 4th draw, RAMPIONS 9A 66 --- RAMPION a European plant [n]
Other moves: PANIM J6 46, PORINA J6 41, APO J5 38, PAM J6 38, P*M J6 38
APO J5 38 musdrive

On 5th draw, HURLERS A4 42 --- HURLER one that hurls [n]
Other moves: HURLIES E5 40, LUSHIER E5 40, HURLER A4 39, HUES 10B 38, HUE 10B 35
HURLERS A4 42 musdrive

On 6th draw, RAINE B2 25 --- RAINE a kingdom [n]
Other tops: ARENE B2 25
Other moves: AINEE 10C 23, AINE 10C 20, ANEARED 2B 20, ARANEID 2B 20, EINE 10C 20
RAINE B2 25 musdrive

On 7th draw, SWEAT 10A 39 --- SWEAT to perspire [v]
Other moves: NEWT C1 32, OWE 10E 31, TWA 10E 31, TWO 10E 31, EWT C2 30
SWEAT 10A 39 musdrive

On 8th draw, EXERTION 1H 98 --- EXERTION the act of exerting [n]
Other moves: EXON J5 69, EXO J5 68, EXERTION 1F 66, DEXTRIN 2H 62, EX J5 62
EXON J5 69 musdrive

On 9th draw, RE(C)O(N)VEY K1 74 --- RECONVEY to convey back to a previous position [v]
Other tops: RE(C)OVE(R)Y K1 74
Other moves: OVE(R)EY(E) J7 66, OVE(R)(D)YE J7 66, OVE(R)(E)YE J7 66, OV(E)(R)EYE J7 66, VE(L)O(C)ITY E4 48
OYE 2M 26 musdrive

On 10th draw, SIJO 9K 32 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other tops: SLOJD 11E 32
Other moves: DOJOS F6 30, JIGS 8F 30, JOGS 8F 30, MEJLIS C9 30, JO A1 29
JO A1 29 musdrive

On 11th draw, WACK 11D 40 --- WACK an eccentric person [n] --- WACK bad, unfashionable [adj]
Other moves: CAWK 11D 39, NAW 10L 38, WAULK 11D 38, AWL 10M 36, AWN 10M 36
WACK 11D 40 musdrive

On 12th draw, HELL 12A 40 --- HELL to behave raucously [v]
Other tops: DOH 10L 40
Other moves: DHOL 12A 38, NOH 10L 38, OH 10M 35, OLDEN H11 35, HEED 2J 34
HELL 12A 40 musdrive

On 13th draw, OCTAN H11 44 --- OCTAN a fever recurring every eighth day [n]
Other moves: NGOMA 1A 40, OGAM 1A 37, NOMA 10L 33, NAM 10L 32, NOM 10L 32
NOMA 10L 33 musdrive

On 14th draw, QADI 2F 43 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QUAD 14F 34, AQUA 14E 33, QUAI 14F 33, QUA 14F 32, QUINOS 4D 30
QUAD 14F 34 musdrive

On 15th draw, AMIE C3 30 --- AMIE a female friend [n]
Other tops: AMI 10M 30
Other moves: AM 10M 29, OM 10M 29, JORAM M9 28, MOIRAI L7 28, HAEM A12 27
OM 10M 29 musdrive

On 16th draw, DOPE 10L 35 --- DOPE to give a narcotic to [v]
Other moves: DOB 10L 34, DOP 10L 34, JIBED M9 30, JOBED M9 30, OBE 10M 30
DOPE 10L 35 musdrive

On 17th draw, JOYING M9 34 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: FOY 2M 32, FY 8N 32, JOBING M9 32, FY 2M 31, FY 2N 31
JOYING M9 34 musdrive

On 18th draw, ENVIRO O10 39 --- ENVIRO an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n]
Other moves: EDITOR O10 24, HIND A12 24, HOND A12 24, DINGO 14J 22, OVOID 4K 22
HOND A12 24 musdrive
VIGOR 14K 18 dan65

On 19th draw, BUGGER 14J 32 --- BUGGER to exhaust [v]
Other moves: BULGER 14J 30, BURGER 14J 30, HERB A12 27, FUN G7 25, FLEY 11J 24
HERB A12 27 musdrive
FLUTER 13E 11 dan65

On 20th draw, HUFF A12 39 --- HUFF to breathe heavily [v]
Other moves: OFFED 4K 28, FUN G7 25, FLEY 11J 24, HELD A12 24, HERD A12 24
HUFF A12 39 musdrive
(C)RUDE 3K 10 dan65

On 21th draw, FITTED 14A 28 --- FIT to bring to a required form and size [v]
Other tops: FLITED 14A 28
Other moves: FILTER 14A 22, FITTER 14A 22, DIED 3E 21, DREY 11J 20, EILD 3E 20
FLITED 14A 28 dan65

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