On 2nd draw, JETE G9 49 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other moves: JEE G9 39, JET G9 39, JOE G9 39, JOT G9 39, HETERO G9 36 JETE G9 49 musdrive JOE G11 29 pandora1._
On 3rd draw, ENGORES I9 88 --- ENGORE to gore [v]
Other moves: ENGORES 13A 81, NEGROES 13A 81, ENGORE I9 37, ERGONS I9 37, ERGON I9 36 GREENS 13B 29 musdrive GONERS 13B 29 pandora1._
On 4th draw, DITHERY J3 86 --- DITHERY nervously excited [adj]
Other moves: HEREDITY 14H 84, HEREDITY 14F 77, YIRTHS 15D 48, HIDERS 15D 42, DRYISH 15E 39 HIDERS 15D 42 musdrive SHIRTED 15I 36 faythe HI J14 28 pandora1._
On 5th draw, FOVEAS 15D 48 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FAVOSE 15E 36, ASLOPE 15H 33, FAVES 15E 33, FEAL K4 30, FLAPS 15E 30 FLOPS 15E 30 faythe EF J13 28 musdrive VASE 15G 21 pandora1._
On 6th draw, R(E)ZERO 8J 72 --- REZERO to reset (a gauge) back to zero [v]
Other tops: REZ(E)RO 8J 72, ROZ(Z)ER 8J 72
Other moves: EVZO(N)E 14I 50, ZOI(S)M 4H 50, Z(A)IRE 4H 46, RO(N)ZER 8J 42, RO(Z)ZER 8J 42 Z(A)IRE 4H 46 musdrive (F)EZ 14H 32 pandora1._
On 7th draw, ZAMPONE L8 40 --- ZAMPONE sausage made with pig's trotters [n]
Other moves: REPOMAN N8 34, PIKEMAN 4I 32, AMEN 9L 31, AMOK 14B 31, OMEN 9L 31 AMOK 14B 31 musdrive RAKE N8 18 pandora1._
On 8th draw, ROYA(L)ISE N8 86 --- ROYALISE to play the king [v]
Other moves: O(B)ESITY 5E 36, SA(T)IETY 5E 36, SO(C)IETY 5E 36, (G)ASEITY 5E 36, A(B)SEY I3 34 YI(P)ES M10 32 musdrive YEA M13 24 pandora1._
On 9th draw, CRIMEFUL 4H 88 --- CRIMEFUL criminal [adj]
Other moves: MERCIFUL 4F 82, FEM K4 32, MULE K10 30, EF J13 28, LUCIFER 4G 26 MULE K10 30 musdrive EF J13 28 pandora1._
On 10th draw, TICCA H1 27 --- TICCA hired [adj]
Other tops: ANIL O12 27, ANTE O12 27, CINCT H1 27, TITAN 5J 27
Other moves: DATE 3J 26, DENI 3J 26, ERICA I3 26, CLAME K1 25, CLIME K1 25 DATE 3J 26 musdrive CLUE N2 12 pandora1._
On 11th draw, STUBBLED 1G 64 --- STUBBLE a short, rough growth of beard [adj] --- STUBBLED having a stubble [adj]
Other moves: BLEBS 13C 33, BLUBS 13C 33, BLUDES 13B 33, BULBS 13C 33, DEBUS 13C 31 BULBS 13C 33 musdrive DUDE 3J 29 GLOBEMAN BLED M6 16 pandora1._
On 12th draw, EUK K10 32 --- EUK to itch [v]
Other moves: UKE K11 30, KUGEL 14A 27, TREK 14B 27, DURE 3J 26, KEG 15M 24 UKE K11 30 musdrive LUKE 14A 21 GLOBEMAN EEK 14H 19 pandora1._
On 13th draw, DAW 2M 23 --- DAW to dawn [v]
Other tops: TUNA 5J 23
Other moves: FAWNED M4 22, DEW 15M 21, FANGED M4 21, GOWAN O7 21, WADT O11 21 DEW 15M 21 GLOBEMAN, pandora1._ WED 15M 21 musdrive