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Game of August 14, 2013 at 21:49, 3 players
1. 625 pts musdrive
2. 181 pts faythe
3. 174 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdghir   H7    32    32   diarch
 2. adeelov  10E    72   104   overlade
 3. eglnsuv   E6    74   178   ungloves
 4. efiistt   H7    45   223   diarchies
 5. efnortt  D12    28   251   terf
 6. ?adeiop   M8    84   335   oedipal
 7. arrtuwy   L4    39   374   warty
 8. eiilmno  11J    28   402   moline
 9. befmsuz   O7    57   459   fuzees
10. aabnstu   K3    31   490   tabus
11. bgmnoor   J4    37   527   mob
12. ?aeiilr   C7    75   602   irideal
13. ainrtuw  15A    33   635   waift
14. dehjott   B2    35   670   jotted
15. aginoop   G2    68   738   pogonia
16. aeenorx   C2    49   787   axe
17. cegknry   D1    59   846   gryce
18. hiknnru   M1    35   881   hunk
19. iinnoqr   H1    37   918   qi

Remaining tiles: innor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7590 Filemusdrive    7 11:35  -293  625     1.7590 musdrive    7 11:35  -293  625 
  2.6122 Filefaythe      2  6:11  -737  181            Group: intermediate
  3.3087 Filedan65       0 11:11  -744  174     1.6122 faythe      2  6:11  -737  181 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3087 dan65       0 11:11  -744  174 

On 1st draw, DIARCH H7 32 --- DIARCH having two xylem strands [adj]
Other tops: CHADRI H3 32
Other moves: CHADRI H4 30, DIARCH H8 30, CHARD H4 28, DIARCH H4 28, CHADRI H7 26
CHARD H4 28 musdrive

On 2nd draw, OVERLADE 10E 72 --- OVERLADE to load with too great a burden [v]
Other moves: HOVELED 12H 28, ALCOVED 11F 26, CLEAVED 11H 26, HALVED 12H 26, HEAVED 12H 26
HOVELED 12H 28 musdrive

On 3rd draw, UNGLOVES E6 74 --- UNGLOVE to uncover by removing a glove [v]
Other moves: EVULSING 8C 66, GUNSEL M8 29, LUNGES M8 29, NEVUS M10 29, GUVS M7 27
SLUNG M10 25 musdrive

On 4th draw, DIARCHIES H7 45 --- DIARCHY a government with two rulers [n]
Other moves: TIFTS 11J 29, CITIES 11H 28, FEIS D12 28, FEST D12 28, FETS D12 28
FIST D12 28 musdrive

On 5th draw, TERF D12 28 --- TERF turf [n]
Other tops: FENT D12 28, FERN D12 28, FETT D12 28, FOEN D12 28, FONE D12 28, FONT D12 28, FORE D12 28, FORT D12 28, OFTENER L7 28
Other moves: OFTEN 11K 27, OFTER 11K 27, REFT 11J 27, TOFT 11J 27, EFT I12 26
FORT D12 28 musdrive

On 6th draw, OEDIPA(L) M8 84 --- OEDIPAL pertaining to the libidinal feelings in a child toward the parent of the opposite sex [adj]
Other tops: ADIPO(S)E M9 84
Other moves: OEDIPA(L) C7 81, SEPA(L)OID 15H 80, OPIA(T)ED M4 75, OEDIPEA(N) 14G 74, ADIPO(S)E M5 73
D(R)APE C10 29 musdrive
DOPED 7H 10 dan65

On 7th draw, WARTY L4 39 --- WARTY covered with warts [adj]
Other tops: ARROWY 8J 39
Other moves: TWAY C10 35, TARRY L4 33, TOWY 8L 33, TURFY 15A 33, WAY C11 33
WARTY L4 39 musdrive
WART 13L 7 dan65

On 8th draw, MOLINE 11J 28 --- MOLINE a cross with two outward curving branches [n] --- MOLINE having arms forked and curved at the ends -- used of a heraldic cross [adj]
Other tops: COME 11H 28
Other moves: EMONG 8A 27, LOME K3 27, MOE C13 27, MOI C13 27, NOME K3 27
LOME K3 27 musdrive
MAN 5K 10 dan65

On 9th draw, FUZEES O7 57 --- FUZEE a large-headed friction match [n]
Other tops: FUZEES O8 57
Other moves: FEZES O8 54, FUZEE O8 54, FUZES O8 54, BEZES O8 51, FUZEE O7 51
BUFFS 15A 39 musdrive

On 10th draw, TABUS K3 31 --- TABU to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: ABAFT 15A 30, UNBAGS 8A 30, ABAS K4 29, SAUBA C10 29, TSUBA C10 29
STAB K2 25 musdrive
BARNS 6J 15 dan65

On 11th draw, MOB J4 37 --- MOB to crowd about [v]
Other moves: BESOMING 13C 34, NOB J4 33, ROB J4 33, MOB(L)OG 14J 32, BROOM F2 31
MOB J4 37 musdrive
BUM 6D 13 dan65

On 12th draw, IRI(D)EAL C7 75 --- IRIDEAL belonging to the iris family [adj]
Other moves: RA(M)ILIE N1 71, (V)IRELAI N1 71, AIRLI(K)E N1 67, AIRLI(N)E D1 67, AIRLI(N)E N1 67
RA(F)FLE 15A 24 musdrive
FRE(E)S 15D 7 dan65

On 13th draw, WAIFT 15A 33 --- WAIFT cast up goods [n]
Other moves: WAIF 15A 30, TWAIN B11 29, WAIN B12 25, WAIR B12 25, WAIT B12 25
WAIF 15A 30 musdrive
WAR 8A 18 dan65

On 14th draw, JOTTED B2 35 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other moves: DOETH F2 34, HAED 9G 31, JO N6 30, JOE B6 30, JOR 8A 30
JOTTED B2 35 musdrive
JUTE 6D 13 dan65

On 15th draw, POGONIA G2 68 --- POGONIA a small orchid [n]
Other moves: POGONIA G1 67, NAPOO C1 35, GAPO C1 33, APO C2 29, GAP C1 29
GAP C1 29 musdrive, faythe
JOG 2B 11 dan65

On 16th draw, AXE C2 49 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: NOX C1 47, RAX C1 47, AX C2 45, OX C2 45, NOX H1 43
AXE C2 49 faythe, musdrive
OXEN 3B 22 dan65

On 17th draw, GRYCE D1 59 --- GRYCE a little pig [n]
Other moves: KYNE D2 55, KYE D2 53, RYE D2 41, KEY H1 39, KY D2 36
KYE D2 53 musdrive
KEY H1 39 faythe
PECK 2G 22 dan65

On 18th draw, HUNK M1 35 --- HUNK a large piece [n]
Other moves: KHI G13 33, RINK M1 29, INK M2 27, IRK M2 27, KIN H1 27
HUNK M1 35 musdrive
KIN H1 27 faythe

On 19th draw, QI H1 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI N6 36, RONIN H1 30, QI B9 27, QUIN 2L 26, NONI H1 25
QI H1 37 musdrive, faythe
QUIN 2L 26 dan65

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