On 1st draw, CAXONS H4 36 --- CAXON a type of wig [n]
Other moves: CAXON H4 34, CAXONS H3 32, CAXONS H7 32, CAXONS H8 32, CAXON H8 30 AXONS H4 26 SQUAW1
On 2nd draw, RIVAL(E)D 5E 40 --- RIVAL to strive to equal or surpass [v]
Other moves: DILAT(E)R 5E 28, DILAT(O)R 5E 28, T(H)RID I3 27, LIR(O)T I5 24, V(E)RDICT 4C 24 D(E)LI G5 21 SQUAW1
On 3rd draw, FEY 6J 32 --- FEY slightly mad [adj] --- FEY to clean out [v]
Other tops: FAY 6J 32
Other moves: LIFE I5 31, FATE 6J 30, FAUT 6J 30, FEAT 6J 30, FETA 6J 30 FEAT 6J 30 SQUAW1
On 5th draw, GOBIIDS A9 36 --- GOBIID a fish of the goby family [n]
Other moves: KOBS 4J 33, KIDS 4J 31, KOB 4J 31, BOKS M3 30, KOBS M3 30 BOD 10B 27 SQUAW1
On 6th draw, DEATHY 14A 42 --- DEATHY like death [adj]
Other moves: TAHA B8 32, AHA B9 31, AYAH B7 31, AYE B9 31, HOYA 8B 31 AYE B9 31 SQUAW1
On 7th draw, FAUN 13C 36 --- FAUN a woodland deity of Roman mythology [n]
Other moves: AFT 10E 30, EFT 10E 30, NEF 10D 30, OFT 10E 30, TEF 10D 30 NEF 10D 30 SQUAW1
On 8th draw, QADI F2 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAID 8C 33, QADI B8 29, QAT 4D 28, CANID 4H 27, QANAT B8 26 QAID C7 24 SQUAW1
On 9th draw, ACKNOWS 12F 98 --- ACKNOW to recognize [v]
Other moves: SWACK 15F 48, SNOWK 15F 42, SWANK 15F 42, WACKOS M1 40, KAWAS B8 39 KAWAS B8 39 SQUAW1
On 10th draw, HAQUETON 2D 72 --- HAQUETON a type of jacket [n]
Other moves: HOVEN G3 43, HOVE G3 38, OHONE 10A 34, HAUNT 11J 33, HAUTE 11J 33 KHAN H12 33 SQUAW1
On 11th draw, WIPER 1H 56 --- WIPER one that wipes [n]
Other moves: WIPE 1H 50, PEW 1H 43, JEEP G7 40, JEER G7 38, JEE G7 37 WIPER 1H 56 SQUAW1
On 13th draw, BOILER 11J 32 --- BOILER a vessel for boiling [n]
Other tops: ABOIL 11I 32, BAILER 11J 32, BAILOR 11J 32
Other moves: CARIBE 4H 31, ABOIL 13I 30, BOLAR 3C 30, EARLOBE B1 30, KBAR H12 30 BOILED 4A 26 SQUAW1 BORE 7K 18 tonikay
On 14th draw, MERES 6B 34 --- MERE a pond or lake [n] --- MERE to bound [v]
Other moves: DEMES 13J 33, DEMES 6B 33, MELDERS O6 33, SKELM H11 33, DEMERSE N8 32 MEERED N10 30 SQUAW1 MES 6D 26 tonikay
On 15th draw, TRUDGE O10 27 --- TRUDGE to walk tiredly [v]
Other tops: TRUDGER O5 27
Other moves: DELUGE N10 24, GELDER N10 24, KELT H12 24, OUTLED 7H 24, GURLED 4A 23 GADE B8 21 SQUAW1 GREED C3 18 tonikay
On 16th draw, JIZ 11D 54 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: MOZING 14J 48, JEEZ G7 47, JOINED 4A 47, KOJI H12 45, ZEE G7 45 ZONED 4B 33 SQUAW1 ZO 8B 24 tonikay
On 17th draw, REMOLD 13J 34 --- MOLD to work into a particular shape [v] --- REMOLD to mold again [v]
Other moves: MOLAR 3C 30, MORAT 3C 30, RAMET B8 29, MELOID 4A 27, MILTED 4A 27 RAMI B8 26 SQUAW1 MORE 7A 16 tonikay
On 18th draw, CANOLA 4H 27 --- CANOLA an oil from the seeds of a kind of herb [n]
Other moves: LORAN 3C 26, ROTAN 3C 26, TOLAN 3C 26, TOLAR 3C 26, TORAN 3C 26 KOAN H12 24 SQUAW1 NOTAL 7K 15 tonikay
On 19th draw, KURI H12 24 --- KURI (New Zealand) a mongrel, an extinct native dog [n]
Other tops: KUTI H12 24
Other moves: VIRTUE N6 23, ERUVIM B1 22, VAG 3E 22, TURGID 4A 21, GIVER C3 20 VID 4D 17 SQUAW1 GAR M3 8 tonikay