On 1st draw, JASY H6 28 --- JASY a wig [n]
Other tops: JASY H5 28, JASY H7 28, JASY H8 28, JAYS H5 28, JAYS H6 28, JAYS H7 28, JAYS H8 28
Other moves: JAY H6 26, JAY H7 26, JAY H8 26, JINS H5 22, JINS H6 22 JAYS H5 28 musdrive
On 2nd draw, BLAW I4 31 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other moves: WIEL I7 29, LAW I5 28, NAW I5 28, ALIEN I6 27, AW I6 27 BLAW I4 31 musdrive
On 3rd draw, RE(V)ISIT J6 78 --- REVISIT to visit again [v] --- VISIT to go or come to see someone or something [v]
Other moves: ERISTI(C)S 8A 74, IRIS(A)TES 8A 74, IRIT(I)SES 8A 74, IR(I)TISES 8A 74, RE(V)ISITS 8A 74 IRES J5 26 musdrive, GLOBEMAN
On 5th draw, PONTIFF M8 32 --- PONTIFF a pope or bishop [n]
Other tops: NOPE K4 32, (S)PIFF L11 32
Other moves: GONEF H11 30, GONIF H11 30, OPE K5 30, FINO H1 29, FOP K4 29 FINO H1 29 musdrive TEF M11 12 GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, RILLE K3 28 --- RILLE a valley on the moon's surface [n]
Other moves: RILE K4 26, (S)LIER L11 24, GENII H11 21, GREIN H11 21, GRILL H11 21 (S)LIER L11 24 musdrive NE N12 9 GLOBEMAN
On 18th draw, NAE N12 23 --- NAE no; not [adv]
Other moves: AE N13 19, EA N13 19, PANE G2 19, PENI G2 19, PINA G2 19 NAE N12 23 musdrive FAP 14M 16 GLOBEMAN FAN 14M 12 dan65
On 19th draw, IT 6M 21 --- IT the 3d person sing. neuter pronoun [pron]
Other tops: TI 6N 21
Other moves: LAPI(S) L7 20, OBIIT 4H 20, PILI G2 19, ALI(S)T L8 18, LAP L7 17 VIE 2F 14 GLOBEMAN VIA B6 14 dan65 TI O14 12 musdrive
On 20th draw, WILI G2 21 --- WILI the spirit of a maiden [n]
Other moves: LAPI(S) L7 20, LAW L7 19, PILI G2 19, VIEW 2F 18, LAP L7 17 VIE 2F 14 musdrive PLU F6 11 dan65 FEW 14M 9 GLOBEMAN