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Game of September 5, 2013 at 20:52, 2 players
1. 81 pts selvap85
2. 65 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?inoqrr   H4    46    46   quino
 2. dilmopu   4H    32    78   quipo
 3. ?acefit   9G    83   161   factice
 4. aegntwy   5J    39   200   tawney
 5. aeillps  10A    68   268   illapse
 6. enosuvz   A8    57   325   suivez
 7. aijorst   7F    68   393   janitors
 8. adghior   O4    51   444   hydria
 9. dimnrru  13A    24   468   zin
10. adeeorr  D12    27   495   read
11. cefrstu   E9    34   529   uprest
12. agmotvw   3L    27   556   vow
13. abiortu   2I    42   598   rubato
14. ademorx   1D    71   669   xeroma
15. acegnoy   L9    32   701   cogency
16. eghlmno  15G    45   746   homelyn
17. abdeiln   2B    40   786   bailed
18. deeiknt  14J    37   823   deceit

Remaining tiles: fggkn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.3287 Fileselvap85    0  8:59  -742   81     1.7008 dannyboy    0  3:04  -758   65 
  2.7008 Filedannyboy    0  3:04  -758   65            Group: not rated
                                             1.3287 selvap85    0  8:59  -742   81 

On 1st draw, Q(U)INO H4 46 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: Q(U)OIN H4 46
Other moves: Q(U)INO H8 28, Q(U)OIN H8 28, Q(U)INO H5 26, Q(U)INO H6 26, Q(U)INO H7 26

On 2nd draw, QUIPO 4H 32 --- QUIPO a device to help memory [n]
Other moves: PULMO 9F 27, PLIM 9G 26, PLUM 9G 26, DOLIUM 9F 25, IDOLUM 9E 25

On 3rd draw, FACTI(C)E 9G 83 --- FACTICE a rubber substitute [n]
Other tops: FACTI(V)E 9G 83
Other moves: ACETIF(Y) 9H 82, FA(C)TICE 9G 80, FA(C)TICE I8 70, FACTI(C)E I8 67, FACTI(V)E I8 67

On 4th draw, TAWNEY 5J 39 --- TAWNEY light brown [adj] --- TAWNEY light brown [n]
Other moves: TAWNY 5J 37, AWNY 5K 33, WAY 8M 32, WEY 8M 32, WYE 8M 32
YAW 8M 32 dannyboy

On 5th draw, ILLAPSE 10A 68 --- ILLAPSE to glide in [v]
Other moves: SPLENIAL 7D 62, EPYLLIA O3 45, SPALLE N9 40, PSYLLA O3 36, SPEAL 6J 35
PALLY O1 33 dannyboy

On 6th draw, SUIVEZ A8 57 --- SUIVEZ to follow (music) [v]
Other moves: SOZINE A7 48, SENVY O1 45, ZEINS A8 45, ZONES 11G 43, SOZIN A7 42

On 7th draw, JANITORS 7F 68 --- JANITOR a maintenance man [n]
Other moves: JAILORS C7 46, JIAOS D8 40, JARS 3L 35, JATO 3L 35, JIAO 3L 35

On 8th draw, HYDRIA O4 51 --- HYDRIA a water jar [n]
Other moves: HYDRA O4 48, HYDRO O4 48, HYOID O4 48, HARDY O1 42, HOAGY O1 42

On 9th draw, ZIN 13A 24 --- ZIN a dry, red table wine [n]
Other tops: MUDIR 11G 24, MURID 11G 24, MURRIN 11G 24
Other moves: MURRI 11G 22, MI 11D 20, MID 3L 20, MUD 3L 20, MURRAIN D6 20

On 10th draw, READ D12 27 --- READ to look at so as to take in the meaning of, as something written or printed [v]
Other tops: REED D12 27
Other moves: DEARER 14B 26, OARED 14B 26, DARRE D9 25, DEAR D12 25, DEER D12 25

On 11th draw, UPREST E9 34 --- UPREST a rising [n]
Other moves: FEARS 14B 32, FEAST 14B 32, FEATS 14B 32, PREST E10 32, CRUDEST 15A 30

On 12th draw, VOW 3L 27 --- VOW to make a vow (a solemn promise) [v]
Other tops: GAWD 15A 27, GOWD 15A 27, VAW 3L 27
Other moves: GAVOT 11G 25, MAGOT 11G 24, MAW 3L 24, MOW 3L 24, WOAD 15A 24

On 13th draw, RUBATO 2I 42 --- RUBATO a fluctuation of speed within a musical phrase [n]
Other moves: TABOR 2K 38, *B* 2L 34, RATO 2K 30, BAR 2M 24, BAT 2M 24
FEAT G9 7 selvap85

On 14th draw, XEROMA 1D 71 --- XEROMA a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva [n]
Other moves: XEROMA 1F 55, MOXA 1H 54, REDOX 1F 50, MAX 1H 47, EXAM 1G 45
TEX J9 12 selvap85

On 15th draw, (C)OGENCY L9 32 --- COGENCY the state of being cogent [n]
Other moves: AYE 10M 30, NYE 10M 30, ACE 10M 27, YE 10N 27, GEYAN 11G 25
TOY J9 8 selvap85

On 16th draw, HOMELYN 15G 45 --- HOMELYN the spotted ray [n]
Other moves: HOMELY 15G 42, HOMEY 15H 39, HYMEN 15K 39, NEATH 14B 38, GEMONY 15G 36
HOG 11J 14 selvap85

On 17th draw, BAILED 2B 40 --- BAIL to set free by putting up security [v]
Other moves: DECANI 14J 37, ABIDE 2B 36, ALINED 2B 36, NAILED 2B 36, DECAL 14J 35
BLIND 13I 22 selvap85

On 18th draw, DECEIT 14J 37 --- DECEIT the act of deceiving [n]
Other tops: DECENT 14J 37
Other moves: EKED 14G 35, KENNED 13I 32, DEKING 11G 31, KENNET 13I 30, KED 14H 29
KING 11I 18 selvap85

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