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Game of September 7, 2013 at 22:50, 1 player
1. 144 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aegnprt   H6    74    74   trepang
 2. cefghor   6F    29   103   fetch
 3. ?elnort   8H    74   177   entresol
 4. abciklv   M3    36   213   blacks
 5. aeehlmy  11D   114   327   hymeneal
 6. aaimnrt   5A    75   402   tamarin
 7. aeilnqy   6A    36   438   ayin
 8. degirsu  13B    81   519   guiders
 9. ?dgisvz  B10    74   593   zigged
10. aelnost   3H    61   654   stonable
11. aejoptt   2J    59   713   jap
12. deioqrt   H1    36   749   qis
13. abnoorx  14D    56   805   nox
14. aeiosuv   4C    39   844   aves
15. deeiouw  15E    42   886   dowie
16. defirru   O7    63   949   flurried
17. iiostvw   O1    45   994   views
18. beiotuu  10D    25  1019   obe
19. eioottu   7D    24  1043   titer

Remaining tiles: ooouu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3207 Filedan65       0 10:44  -899  144     1.3207 dan65       0 10:44  -899  144 

On 1st draw, TREPANG H6 74 --- TREPANG a marine animal [n]
Other moves: TREPANG H2 72, TREPANG H3 72, TREPANG H4 72, TREPANG H7 72, TREPANG H8 72

On 2nd draw, FETCH 6F 29 --- FETCH to go after and bring back [v]
Other moves: FRENCH 11E 28, FEH I8 25, FOH G8 25, FOH I8 25, ARCHFOE 10H 23

On 3rd draw, ENTRE(S)OL 8H 74 --- ENTRESOL a mezzanine floor [n]
Other tops: ELE(C)TRON 8H 74, LENTOR(S) 13B 74
Other moves: EL(Y)TRON 5A 69, (H)ORNLET 5A 69, FLORE(A)NT F6 62, FOREL(E)NT F6 62, FOR(E)LENT F6 62
PORTEN(T) 9H 10 dan65

On 4th draw, BLACK(S) M3 36 --- BLACK to make black [v]
Other moves: BLACK 10F 29, BLOCK N6 29, BACKIE L3 28, CALK 5J 27, CAVIL 5J 27
NICK 11H 20 dan65

On 5th draw, HYMENEAL 11D 114 --- HYMENEAL a wedding song or poem [n]
Other moves: H**L* N6 39, HAO N6 35, HEMPY 9E 31, LYAM N2 31, YEAH N2 31
HAMAL 10G 12 dan65

On 6th draw, TAMARIN 5A 75 --- TAMARIN a South American monkey [n]
Other moves: AMARANT 10D 39, MAAING 12C 39, MARANTA 10E 36, ANIMA 12A 35, MANIA 12A 35
MIL 4K 10 dan65

On 7th draw, AYIN 6A 36 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: AYE 6A 33, YAE 6B 33, YEA 6B 33, YEN 6B 33, YIN 6B 33
HAYLE D11 24 dan65

On 8th draw, GUIDERS 13B 81 --- GUIDER one that guides [n]
Other moves: GUILDERS O5 61, SLUDGIER O7 61, GUDES 4D 36, REGIUS 7A 35, RUDIES 7A 35
GUARD 5K 14 dan65

On 9th draw, ZIGG(E)D B10 74 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ADZ(E)S 10H 69, ADZ(E) 10H 68, ZI(N)GS B10 68, ADZ 10H 67, Z(A)GS 10J 65

On 10th draw, STONABLE 3H 61 --- STONABLE able to be stoned [adj] --- STONE to pelt with stones (pieces of concreted earthy or mineral matter) [adj]
Other moves: LANOSE 4B 40, LANES 4B 35, NATES 4B 35, ASTONE L10 31, ELAN 4A 31
TAY B4 6 dan65

On 11th draw, JAP 2J 59 --- JAP to spatter [v]
Other moves: JAPE 10J 56, JAPE 4B 56, JAP 10J 55, JET 2J 55, JOE 2J 55
JEEP O1 48 dan65

On 12th draw, QIS H1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QADI J10 34, QAID J10 34, DOTER 4F 32, QAT J10 32, TIRL 4J 31

On 13th draw, NOX 14D 56 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other moves: AX 14E 53, OX 14E 53, LAX 4M 37, LOX 4M 37, OXEN O1 36

On 14th draw, AVES 4C 39 --- AVE an expression of greeting or farewell [n]
Other tops: AVOS 4C 39, SAVE 4B 39
Other moves: SOAVE 15E 38, VASE 4D 37, SIEVE O1 36, SAV 4B 35, SOAVE L11 35

On 15th draw, DOWIE 15E 42 --- DOWIE dreary [adj]
Other moves: OWED 15F 34, OWED O1 30, WED 7A 30, WEED O1 30, WUD 7A 30

On 16th draw, FLURRIED O7 63 --- FLURRY to confuse [v]
Other moves: DEFRAY B1 34, REEF O1 33, RUDER 7A 33, RUDE 7A 32, FEUD 10J 31

On 17th draw, VIEWS O1 45 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: VIEW O1 42, STEW O1 33, STOW L11 31, SWOT L11 31, STOW 1L 30

On 18th draw, OBE 10D 25 --- OBE a form of sorcery of African origin [n]
Other moves: BE A14 24, BI A14 24, BO A14 24, BOET N12 24, OBIT N12 24

On 19th draw, TITER 7D 24 --- TITER the strength of a chemical solution [n]
Other tops: TOTER 7D 24
Other moves: OUTATE A3 21, CENOTE I6 20, OTTO N11 20, ROUE 7H 19, TOIT N12 18

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