On 9th draw, BILINEAR N5 64 --- BILINEAR pertaining to two lines [adj]
Other moves: BILGIER O6 33, ILEA 8L 30, ILIA 8L 30, BASE 15A 26, BISE 15A 26 BASE 15A 26 Kalikokat BRAG O6 21 naomiari
On 10th draw, AMIA 8L 36 --- AMIA a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: ARAME O1 34, AROMA O1 34, REAME O1 34, OGAM O8 33, MEARE O11 31 MASE 15A 26 naomiari
On 11th draw, EASY 15A 44 --- EASY a communications code word for the letter E [n] --- EASY not difficult [adj] --- EASY to stop rowing [v]
Other moves: APERY O1 40, PARLY O1 40, REPAY O1 40, REPLY O1 40, REPAY O11 38 PARLY O1 40 naomiari
On 12th draw, GRIKE O1 49 --- GRIKE a ravine [n]
Other moves: KIORE O1 34, GROK M3 28, GRIKE C3 25, KIN I13 25, QI O4 25 QI O4 25 naomiari QIS G13 22 ChiliB.
On 13th draw, TENUE O11 23 --- TENUE a manner of dress [n]
Other tops: TEENE O11 23
Other moves: TOEY E7 20, TONY E7 20, ETEN 3G 19, NETE 3F 19, NOTE 3F 19 NOTE E5 15 naomiari TWEEN 4G 8 ChiliB.
On 15th draw, QATS 13G 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 13G 48, JOBES L1 44, JOBE L1 42, JOBS L1 42, JOTAS L1 40 JOBS L1 42 ChiliB. JA 1L 36 naomiari, Kalikokat
On 16th draw, JOBED L1 46 --- JOBE to reprimand tediously [v]
Other moves: JOBE L1 42, JIBE B6 35, JOBE B6 35, JOBE G3 33, JOBE I3 33 JOBED L1 46 ChiliB. JOE G3 25 Kalikokat JO L1 17 naomiari
On 17th draw, LIFE M2 34 --- LIFE the quality that distinguishes animals and plants from inanimate matter [n]
Other tops: FIRE 12I 34, RIFE 12I 34
Other moves: FOGIE I3 29, FIERE 12K 27, FIGO K4 27, FEG K4 25, FIER K4 25 FIG K4 25 naomiari FOG K4 25 Kalikokat FRIDGE 6E 15 ChiliB.
On 18th draw, RIGOUT 3C 29 --- RIGOUT a person's distinctive costume [n]
Other moves: TIRO 12I 25, OUTGROW 4B 22, ROOTY E6 21, GRIOT 3D 20, GROUT 3D 20 TOG I3 13 Kalikokat, naomiari GROAT 5E 12 ChiliB.