On 1st draw, VI(R)TUS H4 24 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other moves: VIST(A) H4 22, VIST(O) H4 22, VIS(I)T H4 22, VITT(A) H4 22, VIT(A)S H4 22
On 2nd draw, FO(R)ELAYS 6F 73 --- FORELAY to wait in ambush [v]
Other moves: FO(R)AYS 6F 27, FE(R)LY 6F 26, FO(R)AY 6F 26, SAVELOY 4F 26, SALIFY 5E 24
On 3rd draw, WIDELY L1 34 --- WIDE having great extent from side to side [adv] --- WIDELY in a wide manner [adv]
Other tops: WIELDY L1 34
Other moves: DEWILY L1 30, DOWIE 5E 30, WAYED L4 28, AVOWED 4G 26, DAWT 7E 26
On 4th draw, CATHODES 9A 66 --- CATHODE a negatively charged electrode [n]
Other moves: CAHOW 1H 39, OWCHE 1K 39, ACHIOTE 2I 36, ODAH M1 35, CHIDE 2J 34 WHAT 1L 30 charmz
On 6th draw, BURGANET C2 74 --- BURGANET a light helmet [n]
Other moves: BEGNAW 1G 36, BRIGUE 2J 30, BEING 2J 28, BHANG D8 28, BRING 2J 28 BLUER 5K 24 charmz
On 7th draw, UNVIEW(E)D 1G 92 --- UNVIEWED not viewed [adj]
Other tops: UNVI(E)WED 1G 92
Other moves: INDUVI(A)E 2G 76, UNDIVI(N)E 2G 76, U(N)DIVINE 2G 76, VENIDIU(M) 2G 76, UNL(E)VIED J4 63 WIVE 1L 30 charmz
On 8th draw, TRINE 2J 27 --- TRINE to place in a particular astrological position [v]
Other moves: THINNER D8 25, RAILE B8 23, RAINE B8 23, RHINE D8 21, THEIN D8 21
On 9th draw, HARMONY D9 38 --- HARMONY agreement [n]
Other moves: RAYA B8 37, G*Y*MGOYIM 5E 36, HYGROMA D9 34, RAY B8 34, MAYO B1 33
On 10th draw, MONTARIA 14B 74 --- MONTARIA a light canoe [n]
Other moves: ANIMATOR 14C 68, AMIA C12 31, ABRAM 2B 30, ABRIM 2B 30, ATOM C12 29
On 11th draw, FEIS 15H 38 --- FEIS an ancient assembly [n]
Other tops: FAAS 15H 38, FEUS 15H 38
Other moves: EFS 15G 37, FAA 15H 35, FAE 15H 35, FAS 15H 35, FES 15H 35
On 12th draw, SAWYER 15A 49 --- SAWYER one that saws wood for a living [n]
Other moves: WARDS 3I 36, WARY 15A 36, SAWER 10C 34, WARES 13I 34, WAURS 13I 34
On 13th draw, ZLOTE 5K 52 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: TOZIE 5E 46, ZERO 4A 46, PLOTZ 5K 42, POUT 13C 34, PUTZES K10 34 PUTZES K10 34 kellybelly
On 15th draw, PAX L10 48 --- PAX a ceremonial embrace given to signify Christian love and unity [n]
Other tops: PLEXAL O3 48
Other moves: AXEL L11 42, AXLE L11 42, EXPEL O5 42, PAX B1 41, AXE L11 40 PAX L10 48 kellybelly
On 17th draw, JOULE 13C 61 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: JO 13C 44, JOW C13 44, JUREL 4A 40, JURE 4A 38, JUBILE 2A 34 JOULE 13C 61 kellybelly
On 18th draw, QI 5E 27 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI D1 25, GOOL M11 24, QI N7 24, COG B1 23, LOGO B1 23 QI 5E 27 kellybelly