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Game of October 3, 2013 at 00:59, 1 player
1. 114 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?klnopt   H8    32    32   plonk
 2. benrsty  13H    43    75   ybrent
 3. bhhiopt  10F    24    99   booth
 4. ?aaciuy   M7    63   162   audacity
 5. aelmnow   N8    34   196   mow
 6. aeejlst   K8    37   233   jestee
 7. ?aeggin   O9    88   321   naggier
 8. aceiort  11A    76   397   reaction
 9. adeiorw   A9    39   436   wordier
10. adeiluv   D7    28   464   advice
11. aefgltz   C5    50   514   faze
12. dilnors   B2    32   546   solid
13. aehlnss   E1    82   628   hansels
14. aadefqr   A1    44   672   fader
15. eilprtu   1D    45   717   philtre
16. agimruv   2J    42   759   murva
17. egnotuu   9F    22   781   ogle
18. innotuu   D1    20   801   ptui
19. innoqux  14A    50   851   equinox

Remaining tile: n

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3211 Filedan65       0  9:43  -737  114     1.3211 dan65       0  9:43  -737  114 

On 1st draw, PLONK H8 32 --- PLONK to fall or drop heavily [v]
Other tops: KL(E)PTO H4 32, PLONK(O) H8 32, PLONK(S) H8 32, PLONK(Y) H8 32, PL(O)NKO H8 32
Other moves: KNOP(S) H4 30, KNO(S)P H4 30, PLO(N)K H8 30, PLO(O)K H8 30, PLO(U)K H8 30

On 2nd draw, YBRENT 13H 43 --- BURN to destroy by fire [v]
Other moves: PLONKERS H8 42, SENTRY 13C 35, SENTRY 13H 32, BRENTS 13C 30, BYRES 13G 29

On 3rd draw, BOOTH 10F 24 --- BOOTH a small enclosure [n]
Other moves: HOI 12K 23, BOTHIE K8 22, HITHE K9 22, OPHITE K8 22, BOI 12K 20

On 4th draw, AU(D)ACITY M7 63 --- AUDACITY boldness [n]
Other moves: (R)IANCY L10 28, ACUI(T)Y 11A 27, KAU(R)I 12H 27, AI(R)Y 12L 26, CAN(D)Y L11 26

On 5th draw, MOW N8 34 --- MOW to cut down standing herbage [v]
Other tops: MAW N8 34, MEW N8 34
Other moves: ANEW N7 33, ANOW N7 33, ENOW N7 33, ANOW L12 31, NAW N8 30

On 6th draw, JESTEE K8 37 --- JESTEE the object of a jest [n]
Other moves: JEATS L4 34, JEELS L4 34, JETES L4 34, TAJES L4 34, JEST K8 33

On 7th draw, NAGGIE(R) O9 88 --- NAGGY given to nagging [adj]
Other moves: GEA(L)ING O9 83, GEA(R)ING O9 83, EAG(L)ING O9 82, (L)IGNAGE L1 68, (S)IGNAGE L1 68

On 8th draw, REACTION 11A 76 --- REACTION the act of reacting [n]
Other tops: CREATION 11A 76
Other moves: EROTICA L1 72, EROTICA I2 67, CERTAIN 11B 24, EIRACK 12C 24, RECTION 11B 24

On 9th draw, WORDIER A9 39 --- WORDY using many or too many words [adj]
Other moves: ARROWED A9 36, REWARD A7 36, REWORD A7 36, WEARED B10 36, WEIRDO A8 36

On 10th draw, ADVICE D7 28 --- ADVICE recommendation regarding a decision or course of conduct [n]
Other tops: VIALED C9 28
Other moves: CAVED D11 26, AVAILED C9 24, VEDALIA C8 24, VAILED L2 23, VALUED L2 23

On 11th draw, FAZE C5 50 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: GLAZE C4 49, GAZE C5 48, LAZE C5 47, FEZ C5 46, ZA C7 45

On 12th draw, SOLID B2 32 --- SOLID a substance with particles firmly cohering [n] --- SOLID having definite shape and volume [adj]
Other tops: SLOID B2 32, SOYLE 14K 32
Other moves: DOITS I7 27, DROITS I6 27, REINS B10 27, DROILS E2 26, INDOLS E2 26

On 13th draw, HANSELS E1 82 --- HANSEL to give a good luck gift to [v]
Other moves: HALES A1 40, LEASH E4 35, SLASH E4 35, SNASH E4 35, LASH E5 33
LIFES 5A 16 dan65

On 14th draw, FADER A1 44 --- FADER one that fades [n]
Other moves: FADE A1 35, FEED B10 35, AHEAD 1D 30, FEE B10 30, HAAF 1E 30
FADER 2D 13 dan65

On 15th draw, PHILTRE 1D 45 --- PHILTRE to put under the spell of a love potion [v]
Other tops: PHILTER 1D 45
Other moves: HIRPLE 1E 33, THRIP 1D 33, PIET D2 30, HELP 1E 27, HEPT 1E 27
HILT 1E 21 dan65

On 16th draw, MURVA 2J 42 --- MURVA a bowstring hemp [n]
Other moves: MAURI 2J 36, ERUVIM 14A 34, MIRV 2J 25, MAGI 2J 23, MARG 2J 23
EMIR J1 12 dan65

On 17th draw, OGLE 9F 22 --- OGLE to stare at lecherously [v]
Other moves: GENE B8 21, GONE B8 21, OUT D3 20, TENE B8 19, TONE B8 19
ROGUE L2 12 dan65

On 18th draw, PTUI D1 20 --- PTUI used to express the sound of spitting [interj]
Other tops: OUT D3 20
Other moves: NONE B8 19, TONE B8 19, IT D4 16, UT D4 16, NEON B10 15
VINO M2 14 dan65

On 19th draw, EQUINOX 14A 50 --- EQUINOX the time when the sun crosses the equator [n]
Other moves: EQUINOX 5E 46, OX B13 38, QUIN L4 28, VOX M2 26, XI F5 24
VOX M2 26 dan65

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