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Game of October 5, 2013 at 20:39, 4 players
1. 572 pts musdrive
2. 271 pts tonikay
3. 187 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?beijnu   H4    86    86   bunjies
 2. abdfott   I7    26   112   oft
 3. aegilnu   J1    72   184   linguae
 4. ?bgiiou   1J    33   217   lobing
 5. adeklpr   3I    30   247   knead
 6. ahloqsw   4L    41   288   wash
 7. aeflmrz   O4    51   339   hazer
 8. eeillsx   9K    38   377   lexes
 9. aeoosty   G3    33   410   toyos
10. deenopr   L8    78   488   reopened
11. aegilru   F2    29   517   rugae
12. adioqty  15J    33   550   oddity
13. acdelrt  14D    73   623   clarted
14. einosuv   E6    74   697   niveous
15. aaclnpt  12H    66   763   placenta
16. efhinrv  D12    30   793   inch
17. eimrtvw   C9    31   824   write
18. afimmrv  F10    26   850   mm
19. afioqrv   2B    34   884   faqir

Remaining tiles: iorv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7529 Filemusdrive    6 16:15  -312  572     1.7529 musdrive    6 16:15  -312  572 
  2.6169 Filetonikay     0 13:45  -613  271            Group: intermediate
  3.3235 Filedan65       1 15:29  -697  187     1.6169 tonikay     0 13:45  -613  271 
  4.6880 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -867   17     2.6880 GLOBEMAN    0  1:04  -867   17 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3235 dan65       1 15:29  -697  187 

On 1st draw, BUNJIE(S) H4 86 --- BUNJIE a strong rubber rope [n]
Other moves: BUNJIE(S) H2 82, BUNJIE(S) H3 82, BUNJIE(S) H7 82, BUNJIE(S) H8 82, BUNJIE(S) H5 80
JIBE(D) H4 42 musdrive

On 2nd draw, OFT I7 26 --- OFT often [adv]
Other tops: AFT I7 26
Other moves: OAF I6 24, TOAD I5 23, FAB G9 22, FADO G9 22, FOB G9 22
AFT I7 26 musdrive

On 3rd draw, LINGUAE J1 72 --- LINGUA the tongue or a tonguelike part [n]
Other tops: UNAGILE J1 72
Other moves: LINGUAE G9 65, UNGULAE 5E 32, GENIAL J2 23, LINAGE J2 23, LAGUNE J2 21
BALING 4H 18 musdrive
BEGIN 4H 16 dan65

On 4th draw, LOBI(N)G 1J 33 --- LOBING a division into lobes [n]
Other tops: GU(M)BOIL 1D 33, LUBI(N)G 1J 33
Other moves: LIBI(D)O 1J 30, LOBU(L)I 1J 30, OBLIG(E) 1H 30, BOGU(S) G3 29, BILIOU(S) 1H 27
LOBI(N)G 1J 33 musdrive
BIGO(T) 4H 14 dan65

On 5th draw, KNEAD 3I 30 --- KNEAD to work into a uniform mixture with the hands [v]
Other moves: KELP G9 28, KNARL 3I 28, (N)ARKED N1 28, KADE G9 27, KAED G9 27
(N)ARKED N1 28 musdrive
KELP(S) 10D 12 dan65

On 6th draw, WASH 4L 41 --- WASH to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v]
Other moves: BAGHS 4H 37, GALOSH 4J 37, HAS K5 35, HAWS 4L 35, HOWL 4L 35
SHAWL K7 33 musdrive
WON 6F 14 dan65

On 7th draw, HAZER O4 51 --- HAZER one that hazes [n]
Other tops: HAZEL O4 51
Other moves: FAZE(S) 10D 36, MAZE(S) 10D 35, HARMEL O4 33, LAZE(S) 10D 33, RAZE(S) 10D 33
HAZER O4 51 musdrive
HAZEL O4 51 dan65

On 8th draw, LEXES 9K 38 --- LEX law [n] --- LEXIS the vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field [n]
Other tops: LEXIS 9K 38
Other moves: EXES 9L 37, XIS 9M 36, SILEX K7 35, XIS G5 34, EXIES 9K 31
LEXE(S) 10D 27 musdrive
DALLES M3 8 dan65

On 9th draw, TOYOS G3 33 --- TOYO a smooth straw used for making hats [n]
Other moves: EXTASY M8 32, SAY K5 32, SEY K5 32, STY K5 32, TAY K5 32
YEAR 8L 31 musdrive
YA 8L 27 tonikay
LAYS K9 14 dan65

On 10th draw, REOPENED L8 78 --- REOPEN to open again [v]
Other moves: REPONED G9 67, EXPEND M8 32, PEER 8L 27, OPENED L7 24, PEENED L8 24
PEER 8L 27 musdrive
DORR 8L 23 tonikay
LEPER K9 14 dan65

On 11th draw, RUGAE F2 29 --- RUGA an anatomical fold or wrinkle [n]
Other moves: ALLURE K8 28, GAUDIER 15I 27, GLADIER 15I 27, GLAIRED 15F 27, GUILDER 15H 27
GUILDER 15H 27 musdrive
GUILD 15H 21 tonikay

On 12th draw, ODDITY 15J 33 --- ODDITY one that is odd [n]
Other moves: QI(S) 10F 31, DIDY 15L 27, DYAD 15L 27, DAINTY 13I 24, DOTY 15L 24
QI(S) 10F 31 musdrive, tonikay
DINO 13J 10 dan65

On 13th draw, CLARTED 14D 73 --- CLART to dirty [v]
Other moves: CLARETED 12H 66, DECRETAL 12H 64, CLARETED 12F 62, TREACLED 12F 62, CARED 14F 25
CARED 14F 25 musdrive
CARTEL(S) 10B 16 tonikay
PAD 11L 6 dan65

On 14th draw, NIVEOUS E6 74 --- NIVEOUS resembling snow [adj]
Other moves: VETO H12 33, VETS H12 33, VITE H12 33, VOTE H12 33, UNVOICE D9 26
VETS H12 33 musdrive
VITE H12 33 tonikay
SUPINE 11J 16 dan65

On 15th draw, PLACENTA 12H 66 --- PLACENTA a vascular organ in most mammals [n]
Other moves: EPATANT N9 30, APT F9 25, CALPS 12A 24, CAPAS 12A 24, CAPSTAN 12B 24
CLAPS 12A 24 tonikay
CAPAS 12A 24 musdrive
PAST 12C 12 dan65

On 16th draw, INCH D12 30 --- INCH to move very slowly [v]
Other tops: FIVES 12A 30, HIVES 12A 30
Other moves: RHINE 15C 29, EF F9 28, EH F9 28, HIRE 15D 28, FINE D9 27
FIVES 12A 30 musdrive
FINE D9 27 tonikay

On 17th draw, WRITE C9 31 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other tops: EWT F9 31
Other moves: UREMIA 5J 30, WITH 15A 30, WIVE C10 30, METH 15A 27, RIVE C10 24
WRITE C9 31 musdrive
WITH 15A 30 tonikay

On 18th draw, MM F10 26 --- MM used to express assent or satisfaction [interj]
Other tops: MM F9 26
Other moves: MM K5 24, VIM G9 23, AM F9 22, IF 14N 22, FAR G9 21
MIM F9 21 tonikay
FAR G9 21 musdrive

On 19th draw, FAQIR 2B 34 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: FAVOR 2B 22, IF 14N 22, FARO B6 20, FORA B6 20, OCA K11 20
FAQIR 2B 34 musdrive
FAR B13 18 tonikay

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