Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6546 jimbo 1 6:31 -715 287 1.6546 jimbo 1 6:31 -715 287
2.3844 ebbel5 1 11:06 -848 154 Group: not rated 1.3844 ebbel5 1 11:06 -848 154
On 1st draw, TEABOWL H7 82 --- TEABOWL a teacup having no handle [n]
Other tops: TOWABLE H2 82
Other moves: TOWABLE H8 80, TEABOWL H2 76, TEABOWL H3 76, TEABOWL H4 76, TEABOWL H6 76 TOWABLE H2 82 jimbo
On 2nd draw, RESINER 14F 74 --- RESINER a resin gatherer [n]
Other tops: RERISEN 14D 74
Other moves: RERISEN G3 68, RERISEN G2 64, RERISEN I2 64, RESINER G2 64, RESINER I2 64 RINSER 14E 23 jimbo
On 3rd draw, ACTORISH 11E 102 --- ACTOR a theatrical performer [adj] --- ACTORISH like an actor [adj]
Other moves: CHARIOTS 11C 76, HARICOTS 11C 76, STRAICHT 7G 69, ARCHAIST 9D 68, CITHARAS 9D 68 CHARTIST 7A 65 jimbo
On 4th draw, AXONE(M)AL E5 78 --- AXONEMAL pertaining to an axoneme [adj]
Other moves: AXONE(M)AL 9B 73, AXONE(M)AL 9H 72, BOXE(S) 10H 62, XO(A)NA 10J 60, XOAN(A) 10J 59 X(I) 10J 50 jimbo
On 5th draw, YODHS L8 32 --- YODH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: SYNOD D3 32, YOGHS L8 32
Other moves: SUNDOG D2 31, DOUGHY L7 30, DUNGY D1 29, GUNDY D1 29, BOGUS 10H 28 YO D5 19 jimbo
On 6th draw, VAUNTAGE 5D 74 --- VAUNTAGE a cavern [n]
Other moves: VEGAN 8A 30, VAGUE D1 28, VEGAN D1 28, GYNAE 8K 27, VAGUE F3 27 YATE 8L 21 jimbo
On 7th draw, WINN(S) L1 34 --- WINN a penny [n]
Other moves: UNWIV(E) D1 32, WYNN(S) 8K 30, INWIN(D) 8A 27, INWIT H1 27, UNWIN(D) 8A 27 Y(A)WN 8L 27 jimbo
On 8th draw, JAPE M7 39 --- JAPE to mock [v]
Other moves: DEFAT 15K 36, JADE M7 35, JAP M7 35, PAVED D3 34, ADEPT H1 33
On 9th draw, WADY 1L 33 --- WADY the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: YAD N6 31, YAG N6 31, YAGI N10 31, YOD N6 31, YOGA N10 31
On 14th draw, BEVUE 1A 30 --- BEVUE a blunder [n]
Other moves: *B*ABO 14B 28, ABORE I8 28, OBA 14B 28, OBE 14B 28, VIBE 2K 28 VOID 3A 16 ebbel5
On 15th draw, VOID C1 29 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other moves: ODE 14B 25, UDO 14B 25, DOITED N1 24, DOUTED N1 24, DUTIED N1 24 ODD 3C 10 ebbel5
On 16th draw, KIAUGH B10 48 --- KIAUGH care or trouble [n]
Other moves: ELK B1 32, ILK 15M 30, KAING 3I 30, KIANG 3I 30, KLANG 3I 30 YAK O1 10 ebbel5
On 17th draw, RETUNING 3F 72 --- RETUNE to tune again [v]
Other tops: TENURING 3F 72
Other moves: RETUNING 3H 70, REUNITING J7 62, TIGRINE 2H 32, IGNITE 2I 30, UNITER C8 28 GRUNT H1 21 ebbel5
On 18th draw, ZO A12 44 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: MOZO N4 44, QUIZ 13A 44
Other moves: ZO N6 40, ZOOM C9 37, ZIT H1 36, QI J10 31, QUIM 13A 30 QUIZ 13A 44 ebbel5