Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.4195 mordeckhi 0 1:59 -661 49 1.6542 jimbo 0 0:08 -686 24
2.6542 jimbo 0 0:08 -686 24 Group: not rated 1.4195 mordeckhi 0 1:59 -661 49
On 1st draw, DRUDGE H4 22 --- DRUDGE to do hard, menial, or tedious work [v]
Other tops: DODGER H4 22, DRUDGE H8 22
Other moves: DODGE H4 20, DODGER H3 20, DODGER H7 20, DODGER H8 20, DROGUE H4 20
On 2nd draw, NOWTS 10D 26 --- NOWT a zero [n]
Other tops: TOWNS 10D 26
Other moves: IWIS 10E 25, OWNS 10E 25, OWTS 10E 25, SOWN 10H 25, TWOS 10E 25
On 3rd draw, CYM(E) 11C 37 --- CYME a flower cluster [n]
Other moves: LYM(E) 11C 33, C(O)NKY D8 32, M(A)NKY D8 32, CLU(C)KY 6F 30, CLU(N)KY 6F 30
On 4th draw, REIF I6 30 --- REIF robbery [n]
Other moves: AFORE 9B 28, FARE 9C 27, FARO 9C 27, FORA 9C 27, FORE 9C 27
On 5th draw, ES(T) 12D 25 --- EST a program designed to raise awareness [n]
Other moves: (H)ES 12C 24, E(G)OS J6 23, E(V)OS J6 23, OO(H)S 12A 23, ES 12D 21
On 6th draw, FERTILE 5F 28 --- FERTILE capable of reproducing [adj]
Other tops: LEFTIE J7 28
Other moves: LEFTE J7 27, FETE J7 26, LEFT J7 26, LOFT J7 26, LEFT J5 25
On 7th draw, QADI J2 34 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAID J3 26, IDLE J5 25, LURDANE 6G 25, LURDAN 6G 24, ALINED J3 23
On 8th draw, TOWZES L1 38 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: TOWZE L1 36, SAZ 6L 34, AZOTES L1 32, COZES L2 32, TOAZES L1 32
On 9th draw, TIKIED 4C 29 --- TIKI to take a scenic tour [v]
Other moves: QUOIT 2J 28, QUOTA 2J 28, QUOTE 2J 28, EA M3 25, TAKE 1L 24
On 10th draw, POOR M2 48 --- POOR lacking the means of support [adj]
Other moves: SOAR M2 42, OAR M3 38, OOR M3 38, POA M2 35, POO M2 35
On 11th draw, SIJO 6L 34 --- SIJO a Korean verse [n]
Other moves: JIAO 3A 28, CHAIN C11 26, CHANT C11 26, CHIAO C11 26, CHINA C11 26
On 12th draw, ETA N2 34 --- ETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: TEA N2 34
Other moves: HET N1 28, CHEAT C11 26, CHIAO C11 26, CHOTA C11 26, CHAI C11 24
On 13th draw, ROAMER O5 24 --- ROAMER one that roams [n]
Other tops: ROOMER O5 24
Other moves: CRAME C11 21, CREAM C11 21, CROME C11 21, MORAE O5 21, MORRA O5 21
On 14th draw, ELUVIA N10 26 --- ELUVIUM a soil deposit [n]
Other moves: ALIVE N10 24, UVEAL N10 24, CLAVE C11 23, CLAVI C11 23, VAG 3B 21
On 15th draw, ABBAS 15K 36 --- ABBA father -- used as a title of honor [n]
Other moves: BLAB 15L 33, NABLAS 15J 33, BABAS 15K 30, BASINAL 15I 30, BAAL 15L 27
On 16th draw, ANTLION 13F 64 --- ANTLION a predatory insect [n]
Other moves: ANTLION 14E 63, NOTAL J7 21, INTO J7 20, IOTA J7 20, LOTA J7 20
On 17th draw, NATIVE C2 20 --- NATIVE one who belongs naturally to an area [n]
Other moves: TAV H13 18, VEINAL 11I 18, VENIAL 11I 18, VENIN J10 18, VENNEL 11I 18
On 18th draw, EXED 13A 32 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: TEX H13 30, EXUL 12L 28, OXID D2 26, EXO 12I 23, EXON L10 22
On 19th draw, ROUCHE A8 45 --- ROUCHE a pleated strip of fine fabric [n]
Other moves: HUN 14A 37, COHUNE A8 36, OCHONE A8 36, HERN A12 33, HERO A12 33
On 20th draw, AXIL B12 27 --- AXIL the angle between the upper side of a leaf and its supporting stem [n]
Other moves: PANGING 2A 26, PANING 2A 26, PINANG 2A 26, IN 14B 24, ANGLING 2B 22 PIN L11 10 mordeckhi
On 21th draw, GLYPH 15A 51 --- GLYPH an ornamental groove [n]
Other moves: PLAY 15A 39, PYA 12J 29, HAPU 12K 27, HAY B1 27, THY H13 27 PLAY 15A 39 mordeckhi PLY 15A 24 jimbo