Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6528 jimbo 3 9:29 -441 430 1.6528 jimbo 3 9:29 -441 430
2.4202 mordeckhi 0 12:08 -697 174 Group: not rated 1.4202 mordeckhi 0 12:08 -697 174
On 1st draw, (E)XTR(E)ME H3 94 --- EXTREME existing in a very high degree [adj] --- EXTREME farthest from centre [adj] --- EXTREME the highest degree [n]
Other tops: EXTR(E)M(A) H3 94, EXTR(E)M(E) H3 94, M(A)RTEX(T) H7 94, M(A)R(T)EXT H7 94, M(I)XT(U)RE H2 94, (E)XTREM(A) H3 94, (E)XTREM(E) H3 94, (P)REM(I)XT H7 94
Other moves: EXTR(E)M(A) H7 84, EXTR(E)M(E) H7 84, M(A)RTEX(T) H4 84, M(A)R(T)EXT H4 84, M(I)XT(U)RE H4 84 EXTR(E)M(E) H3 94 jimbo
On 2nd draw, OFTENEST 5A 72 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other tops: OFTENEST 5F 72
Other moves: ENFOREST 6D 71, RESOFTEN 6H 65, SOFTENER 6A 65, SOFTEN 10H 32, EFTS 10E 30 SOFTEN 10H 32 jimbo
On 3rd draw, BRAVOED A1 51 --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other moves: AVODIRE A3 45, AVOIDER A3 45, BOVID A4 42, BRAVO A1 42, VOIDER A4 42 AVOIDER A3 45 jimbo
On 4th draw, HINDERS 10B 86 --- HINDER to impede [v]
Other moves: DRISH(E)EN 3C 82, HINDERS I7 82, SHRINED 10H 82, HINDERS 10C 80, NERDISH 10C 80 HINDERS 10B 86 jimbo SHED 9F 14 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, JINKER D1 50 --- JINKER a horse drawn vehicle [n]
Other tops: JANKER D1 50
Other moves: KANJI D8 42, FINJAN D8 40, KAIF 9C 37, KNIFER D1 36, JAK 9A 35 KI 9C 24 jimbo
On 7th draw, EXOTIC 4G 32 --- EXOTIC something from another part of the world [n]
Other moves: OCELLI 2I 30, TELCO 11H 30, TELIC 11H 30, EXTOLL 4G 28, TICE 11H 28 CHILL B9 10 mordeckhi, jimbo
On 8th draw, IMAGINES 8G 62 --- IMAGINE to form a mental picture of [v]
Other moves: EASING M2 34, EASING M3 32, GAINS M3 30, GEANS M2 28, GENAS M1 28 GINS M1 26 mordeckhi EATINGS J2 12 jimbo
On 9th draw, TOBY 11H 34 --- TOBY a type of drinking mug [n]
Other moves: BETOIL 11A 33, EYER 6A 33, EYEBOLT M8 32, OB(E)Y 3F 32, B(E)Y 3G 31 YOB 7M 23 jimbo JOVIALLY 1D 21 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, IODATE 12J 25 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: DIOTA 12I 24, TOZIE 9A 24, TINEA 11A 23, DIET 12I 22, DOAT 12I 22 EDIT 12K 15 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, SAIL(E)D 7D 35 --- SAIL to move across the surface of water by the action of wind [v]
Other tops: SARD(E)L 7D 35
Other moves: DALIS 13K 30, DARIS 13K 30, SLAD(E) 7D 30, SLID(E) 7D 30, SUID 13J 30
On 16th draw, GLOWER 13H 43 --- GLOWER to scowl [v]
Other moves: LOWER 13I 39, ROWEL 13I 39, OWER 13J 35, WERO 13K 32, W*GWOG 13K 32
On 17th draw, QUELEA O10 45 --- QUELEA an African weaverbird [n]
Other moves: QUEP 6J 35, QAT N10 32, SUQ N8 32, QUAIL K1 28, QUA N1 26 QAT N10 32 jimbo
On 18th draw, WEEM 9F 32 --- WEEM a subterranean dwelling [n]
Other moves: EWE 14K 26, ACADEME E7 24, AWN 14A 24, NEEM 11C 24, NEUM D10 24 WAGE 12A 24 jimbo