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Game of October 21, 2013 at 02:30, 1 player
1. 324 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eefilos   H4    26    26   filose
 2. ?adelnt   5D    82   108   entailed
 3. abceims   F3    72   180   betacism
 4. aeirrst  11F    79   259   serrati
 5. adfiort  10J    38   297   fiord
 6. anoopqt   6B    34   331   qat
 7. ceoprsv   O5    43   374   proves
 8. aiooopt   N2    26   400   potoo
 9. aaimnwx   O1    52   452   wax
10. cdinouw   M3    48   500   wud
11. ?aehhiu   4A    38   538   hash
12. deiinor   7A    30   568   ride
13. aenootu   A1    21   589   tanh
14. aeeilnr   1A    77   666   treenail
15. eijnntv   L7    30   696   injoint
16. agilnvy   A7   101   797   ravingly
17. ceegioy  H11    33   830   ricey
18. egmoouu   6H    26   856   lome
19. egkouuu  B13    26   882   ouk
20. beegguu  C12    25   907   bug

Remaining tiles: eeguz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4385 Filedenbay      0 16:21  -583  324     1.4385 denbay      0 16:21  -583  324 

On 1st draw, FILOSE H4 26 --- FILOSE resembling a thread [adj]
Other tops: FOLIES H4 26
Other moves: FEELS H4 24, FILES H4 24, FILOS H4 24, FLEES H4 24, FLIES H4 24
FLIES H8 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, ENTAIL(E)D 5D 82 --- ENTAIL to restrict the inheritance of to a specified line of heirs [v]
Other tops: DENTI(N)AL 5D 82, DE(N)TINAL 5D 82, (E)NTAILED 5D 82, (P)ANTILED 5D 82, (U)NTAILED 5D 82
Other moves: S(C)ANTLED 8H 77, S(H)ETLAND 8H 77, (W)ETLANDS 8A 77, FLA(U)NTED 4H 76, (I)NFLATED 4F 72
DENTAL 9G 10 denbay

On 3rd draw, BETACISM F3 72 --- BETACISM mispronunciation of B [n]
Other moves: CEIBAS 4A 38, BLAMES 6G 34, CEIBA 4A 34, BLAME 6G 33, LIMACES 6H 33
CAME D2 16 denbay

On 4th draw, SERRATI 11F 79 --- SERRATUS a muscle of the thorax [n]
Other tops: ARTSIER 11C 79, TARSIER 11C 79
Other moves: ARTERIES D2 68, REASTIER D4 68, TARRIES I8 64, TARSIER I8 64, ARTSIER I9 62
TIERS 11B 25 denbay

On 5th draw, FIORD 10J 38 --- FIORD a narrow inlet of the sea between steep cliffs [n]
Other moves: FIORD 6J 36, FADO 10J 34, FAITOR 6J 34, FIDO 10J 34, FAD 10J 33
FEDORA D4 22 denbay

On 6th draw, QAT 6B 34 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 4B 28, QATS 9C 23, ATOP 4A 22, NOOP 4A 22, PANT 4A 22
PAD N8 6 denbay

On 7th draw, PROVES O5 43 --- PROVE to establish the truth or validity of [v]
Other tops: CORVES O5 43, COVERS O5 43
Other moves: CORVEE 4A 42, COPERS O5 40, CORPSE O6 40, COVES O6 40, PERVS O6 40
COPS O7 34 denbay

On 8th draw, POTOO N2 26 --- POTOO a type of bird [n]
Other moves: ATOP 4A 24, PITA 7A 24, POOT 4A 24, PIE 4D 22, POTAE 4B 22
POOR 6L 8 denbay

On 9th draw, WAX O1 52 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: LAX 6H 52, XI 6J 52
Other moves: MALAX I3 49, MAX O1 49, MIX I7 49, MIX O1 49, MIX 7A 48
MI O1 16 denbay

On 10th draw, WUD M3 48 --- WUD insane [adj] --- WUD to cover with trees [v]
Other moves: CION M3 46, CID M3 44, CUD M3 44, NID M3 36, DOWIE 4B 32
NIB 3D 5 denbay

On 11th draw, HA(S)H 4A 38 --- HASH to mince [v]
Other tops: HA(T)H 4A 38, HE(C)H 4A 38, HE(T)H 4A 38, HI(G)H 4A 38, HI(S)H 4A 38, HU(N)H 4A 38, HU(S)H 4A 38
Other moves: H(O)H I7 35, HEI(S)HI 8A 33, RHEA(S) H11 33, RHEU(M) H11 33, RHIE(S) H11 33

On 12th draw, RIDE 7A 30 --- RIDE to sit on, control, and be conveyed by an animal or machine [v]
Other tops: NIDE 7A 30
Other moves: IDE 7B 29, DINE 7A 27, DIRE 7A 27, RINE 7A 26, IRE 7B 25
RIDER H11 21 denbay

On 13th draw, TANH A1 21 --- TANH a hyperbolic tangent [n]
Other tops: EATH A1 21, NOAH A1 21, OATH A1 21, RATOON A7 21
Other moves: EAT 3B 18, ETALON I2 18, NAT 3B 18, NET 3B 18, NOT 3B 18
ROUTE A7 15 denbay

On 14th draw, TREENAIL 1A 77 --- TREENAIL a wooden peg used for fastening timbers [n]
Other moves: RELEARN A7 24, EALE 12J 23, RALE 12J 23, ALIEN 12K 21, ALINE 12K 21
REALER A7 21 denbay

On 15th draw, INJOINT L7 30 --- INJOINT to join [v]
Other moves: JIV(E) J2 29, ENJOIN L7 28, E(E)JIT J4 27, RIVEN H11 27, RIVET H11 27
RIVEN H11 27 denbay

On 16th draw, RAVINGLY A7 101 --- RAVINGLY in a delirious manner [adv]
Other moves: RANGILY A7 36, RAVING A7 36, RAYING A7 36, RAYLING A7 36, RANGY H11 30
DIVAN N10 18 denbay

On 17th draw, RICEY H11 33 --- RICEY like rice [adj]
Other moves: YOGI M12 25, DIOECY N10 24, EGOITY 13H 24, ICY G1 23, DECOY N10 22
VOICES 9A 12 denbay

On 18th draw, LOME 6H 26 --- LOME to cover with loam [v]
Other moves: ME 6J 22, MO 6J 22, OOM B13 22, MOE I7 21, OOM I7 21
YOM 14A 16 denbay

On 19th draw, OUK B13 26 --- OUK a week [n]
Other moves: YEUK 14A 22, YOKE 14A 22, YOUK 14A 22, YUKE 14A 22, YUKO 14A 22
YOKE 14A 22 denbay

On 20th draw, BUG C12 25 --- BUG to annoy [v]
Other tops: EGG C12 25
Other moves: GUB C11 22, BEG C11 20, BUG C11 20, OBE 7H 20, GJU 9K 19
LOBE 13A 12 denbay

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