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Game of October 27, 2013 at 14:56, 4 players
1. 655 pts OrangeCup
2. 314 pts mordeckhi
3. 246 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aiqrww   H4    46    46   quair
 2. addenos   7C    64   110   adenoids
 3. ?aegnot   9F    72   182   onstage
 4. ainptyy   8L    43   225   pyin
 5. adeillo   8A    30   255   eliad
 6. aefgrtx  10B    55   310   retax
 7. abelnoo  11D    34   344   obole
 8. aefttuv   A1   104   448   fauvette
 9. efiorsu   O1    86   534   refusion
10. iilmnow  10J    36   570   wino
11. doprsuw  A10    48   618   pudors
12. aghiirv   2J    36   654   hirage
13. aceehns   1F    99   753   enchase
14. cegilrv   3I    43   796   virge
15. bejlnow  11K    46   842   benj
16. aekmotu   N4    41   883   mak
17. ceilotu  N11    28   911   juice
18. ilmotwz   E3    38   949   towzed

Remaining tiles: illmty

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7803 FileOrangeCup   8 15:38  -294  655     1.7803 OrangeCup   8 15:38  -294  655 
  2.4172 Filemordeckhi   0 18:24  -635  314     2.7318 SQUAW1      1 10:04  -703  246 
  3.7318 FileSQUAW1      1 10:04  -703  246     3.7196 Ansuyah     0  1:13  -933   16 
  4.7196 FileAnsuyah     0  1:13  -933   16            Group: not rated
                                             1.4172 mordeckhi   0 18:24  -635  314 

On 1st draw, Q(U)AIR H4 46 --- QUAIR a twentieth part of a ream [n]
Other moves: WAQ(F) H5 30, WAQ(F) H6 30, WAQ(F) H7 30, WAQ(F) H8 30, Q(U)AIR H8 28
Q(U)AIR H4 46 OrangeCup

On 2nd draw, ADENOIDS 7C 64 --- ADENOID an enlarged lymphoid growth behind the pharynx [n]
Other moves: ANODISED 7D 63, ADONISED 7D 62, DADOES 9C 25, DEDANS 9C 25, SANDED 9H 25
SANDED 9H 25 OrangeCup
SADDEN 9H 24 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, ON(S)TAGE 9F 72 --- ONSTAGE being on a part of the stage visible to the audience [adj]
Other moves: D(R)AGONET D7 68, E(L)ONGATE E7 66, A(U)TOGEN(Y) 5G 64, O(U)T(R)ANGE 5G 64, STONE(R)AG J7 64
Q(U)ANGO 4H 30 OrangeCup
TONE 8A 21 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, PYIN 8L 43 --- PYIN a protein compound contained in pus [n]
Other tops: PATY 8L 43, PINY 8L 43, PITY 8L 43, PYAT 8L 43
Other moves: TYPY 8L 42, PANTY 10B 37, AYIN 10I 35, PAIN 8L 34, PAINTY 10A 34
PITY 8L 43 OrangeCup
PANTY C6 11 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, ELIAD 8A 30 --- ELIAD an amorous glance [n]
Other tops: AILED 8A 30, ALDOL 8A 30, ALLOD 8A 30, OILED 8A 30, OLDIE 8A 30
Other moves: DOLIA 8A 29, IDEAL 8A 29, ILEAL 8A 26, OLLIE 8A 26, AIDE 8A 25
OILED 8A 30 OrangeCup
AIDE 8A 25 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, RETAX 10B 55 --- RETAX to tax again [v] --- TAX to place a tax (a charge imposed by authority for public purposes) on [v]
Other moves: FAX 10D 54, AXE 10E 53, GREX 10C 53, AX 10I 52, EX 10I 52
RETAX 10B 55 OrangeCup
RETAXED E2 30 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, OBOLE 11D 34 --- OBOLE a coin of medieval France [n]
Other tops: ABOON 11D 34, LOBO 11C 34
Other moves: EBON 10I 32, EBON 11D 32, OBOE 10I 32, OBOE 11D 32, OBOL 11D 32
LOBO 11C 34 OrangeCup
BOLE 11E 30 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, FAUVETTE A1 104 --- FAUVETTE a warbler [n]
Other moves: FAUVE 12H 39, FETTA 12A 35, FAVE 12A 34, FETTA 12H 33, AFT 7L 29
FAUVE 12H 39 OrangeCup
FATED E4 18 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, REFUSION O1 86 --- REFUSION the act of fusing again [n]
Other moves: QUOIFS 4H 36, FIERS 12A 35, FIRES 12A 35, FORES 12A 35, FOURS 12A 35
QUOIFS 4H 36 OrangeCup
FAUVETTES A1 15 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, WINO 10J 36 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: MOWN 10J 36
Other moves: MOW 10J 35, WIN 10J 35, WON 10J 35, IMINO 10I 33, WINO N2 33
WINO 10J 36 OrangeCup
TOWN D10 14 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, PUDORS A10 48 --- PUDOR sense of shame [n]
Other moves: PROWS 12A 43, DOWPS 12A 41, DROWS 12A 39, WORDS 12A 39, PROW 12A 36
PROWS 12A 43 OrangeCup
PROWS A10 26 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, HIRAGE 2J 36 --- HIRAGE the fee for hiring something [n]
Other moves: AHI N1 29, AH N5 28, GARVIE 2J 28, VIRID I3 27, AH B1 25
AHI N1 29 OrangeCup
GRAVY M4 16 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, ENCHASE 1F 99 --- ENCHASE to place in an ornamental setting [v]
Other moves: ACHENES 1D 94, ENCHASE 1D 94, ACHENES 1E 93, ACHENES 12H 79, ENCHASE 12H 79
NACHES 1F 40 OrangeCup
ACHES 2A 20 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, VIRGE 3I 43 --- VIRGE the brink [n]
Other moves: ICER 3J 30, LEIR 11J 30, RAVEL M1 29, GIRL 11K 28, ELVER H11 27
VIRED I3 27 OrangeCup
ALIVE 2A 16 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, BENJ 11K 46 --- BENJ narcotic hemp [n]
Other moves: JOBE 6C 39, JOB 12C 37, JOLE 6C 35, JOW 6C 34, JOWLED E3 34
JOB 12C 37 OrangeCup
JOY M6 14 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, MAK N4 41 --- MAK to make [v]
Other moves: OAK N4 37, OUK N4 37, KOI N6 35, DOUMA 12A 31, EMOTE H11 30
MAK N4 41 OrangeCup
RAKE 14A 16 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, JUICE N11 28 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: JUCO N11 26, ECO 12C 25, DOUC 12A 24, ELECT H11 24, JOULE N11 24
JUICE N11 28 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
ELITE H11 18 mordeckhi
CLUED E4 16 Ansuyah

On 18th draw, TOWZED E3 38 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: L*Z 15M 36, OWLET 15K 36, TIZWAS 5J 36, ZEL 15M 36, MOTZAS 5J 34
L*Z 15M 36 OrangeCup, SQUAW1

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