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Game of October 28, 2013 at 19:55, 1 player
1. 58 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeegpr   H4    24    24   parage
 2. abhitwy   G7    39    63   bawty
 3. abeersu   5E    36    99   subarea
 4. eijlmrz   4K    47   146   jiz
 5. ?ilmnsu   I8    76   222   emulsin
 6. eghinos  15I    95   317   shoeing
 7. ?ddostv   M2    38   355   vozhds
 8. adiilot   N8    72   427   dilation
 9. acefitu   O4    56   483   faucet
10. egnootv  14I    23   506   nonego
11. deeelru  15G    39   545   reshoeing
12. adiiknt   E1    63   608   antiskid
13. eelorty   1B    42   650   royalet
14. aaeoruw   8A    30   680   wared
15. hilnopv   6J    39   719   hind
16. ceimnoo  14B    34   753   oncome
17. adepqrt   2J    32   785   parve
18. deefitv  13E    28   813   def
19. eilouvx   3C    46   859   vitex

Remaining tiles: loqtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.3238 Filedan65       0  4:59  -801   58     1.3238 dan65       0  4:59  -801   58 

On 1st draw, PARAGE H4 24 --- PARAGE equality of birth or rank [n]
Other moves: PAGER H4 22, PARAGE H8 22, PARGE H4 22, PEAGE H4 22, PERAEA H4 22

On 2nd draw, BAWTY G7 39 --- BAWTY bawtie [n]
Other moves: HAW G7 38, HAY G7 38, YAH G7 38, YAW G7 38, HABIT G7 36

On 3rd draw, SUBAREA 5E 36 --- SUBAREA a subdivision of an area [n]
Other moves: ABUSE H11 35, BARES F6 34, REBUS I7 32, SABER I7 32, SABRE I7 32

On 4th draw, JIZ 4K 47 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: JEEZ J3 40, MEZE J4 35, ZEL 4K 35, L*Z J4 32, LUZ F4 32

On 5th draw, (E)MULSIN I8 76 --- EMULSIN a type of enzyme [n]
Other moves: MUSLIN(S) I9 73, MU(R)LINS I9 73, MU(S)LINS I9 73, M(O)ULINS I9 73, EMULSIN(S) J5 67

On 6th draw, SHOEING 15I 95 --- SHOE to provide with a covering for the foot [v] --- SHOEING the act of nailing shoes on horses [n]
Other tops: HONGIES 15C 95
Other moves: SHOEINGS E5 74, HINGES 15D 51, HOGENS 15D 51, HONGIS 15D 51, HOSING 15G 45

On 7th draw, VOZ(H)DS M2 38 --- VOZHD a supreme Russian leader [n]
Other moves: D(I)SPARAGE H1 36, VOZ(H)D M2 34, D(I)VOTS 6J 31, DOZ(E)D M2 30, DZ(H)OS M3 30
VOID(E)D 13G 14 dan65

On 8th draw, DILATION N8 72 --- DILATION the act of dilating [n]
Other tops: DILATION 14B 72
Other moves: DILDO 6J 30, DOLIA 14K 26, DI 6J 24, LIANOID 14F 24, DALTON N10 22
DIVA 2K 16 dan65

On 9th draw, FAUCET O4 56 --- FAUCET a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe [n]
Other moves: FACTIVE 2H 42, CUIF O6 41, FACET O5 41, FECIT O5 41, CUTIE O4 39
FATE L12 14 dan65

On 10th draw, NONEGO 14I 23 --- NONEGO all that is not part of the ego [n]
Other moves: ENVOY 11C 22, GENTOO 4A 22, GOON J10 22, NONEGO 14G 21, ENVY 11D 20
LOVE 11I 14 dan65

On 11th draw, RESHOEING 15G 39 --- RESHOE to shoe again [v]
Other moves: DELVER 2J 28, DEEVE 2J 26, DELVE 2J 26, REEVED 2J 24, RELEVE 2I 22

On 12th draw, ANTISKID E1 63 --- ANTISKID designed to prevent skidding [adj]
Other moves: KADI M9 33, KINDA 4A 32, KATI M9 31, KAT M9 28, DINKY 11C 26

On 13th draw, ROYALET 1B 42 --- ROYALET a petty king [n]
Other moves: EYALET 1C 39, YARTO 1D 36, TEENY 2B 32, EYE F1 31, LYE F1 31

On 14th draw, WARED 8A 30 --- WARE to beware of [v]
Other tops: AWARD 8A 30, REWAN 2A 30, REWON 2A 30, ROWED 8A 30
Other moves: REAVOW 2J 28, AWED 6J 27, AWAVE 2J 26, AW 6J 24, AWEARY 11B 24

On 15th draw, HIND 6J 39 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other tops: HILD 6J 39
Other moves: HI 6J 36, HOI J10 31, POH J10 31, PHONILY 11A 30, HI J10 28

On 16th draw, ONCOME 14B 34 --- ONCOME a coming on [n]
Other tops: INCOME 14B 34
Other moves: CONVO 2J 32, MOOVE 2J 32, ECONOMY 11A 28, MONOECY 11A 28, CYMLIN 11F 26

On 17th draw, PARVE 2J 32 --- PARVE made without meat or milk also PAREV, PAREVE [adj]
Other moves: QADI 4B 28, TRANQ C11 28, DEPARTEE L8 26, DRAVE 2J 26, YEAD D1 26

On 18th draw, DEF 13E 28 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other tops: REIVED B1 28, REVIED B1 28, RIFTED B1 28
Other moves: FETE M9 27, DEFECT D10 26, DEVICE D10 26, EYELIFT 11F 26, FED M9 26

On 19th draw, VITEX 3C 46 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other moves: EXO 15A 41, EXON 2B 40, VEX 2A 39, EX D3 38, EX 15A 36

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