On 1st draw, PARAGE H4 24 --- PARAGE equality of birth or rank [n]
Other moves: PAGER H4 22, PARAGE H8 22, PARGE H4 22, PEAGE H4 22, PERAEA H4 22
On 2nd draw, BAWTY G7 39 --- BAWTY bawtie [n]
Other moves: HAW G7 38, HAY G7 38, YAH G7 38, YAW G7 38, HABIT G7 36
On 3rd draw, SUBAREA 5E 36 --- SUBAREA a subdivision of an area [n]
Other moves: ABUSE H11 35, BARES F6 34, REBUS I7 32, SABER I7 32, SABRE I7 32
On 4th draw, JIZ 4K 47 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: JEEZ J3 40, MEZE J4 35, ZEL 4K 35, L*ZLEZ J4 32, LUZ F4 32
On 5th draw, (E)MULSIN I8 76 --- EMULSIN a type of enzyme [n]
Other moves: MUSLIN(S) I9 73, MU(R)LINS I9 73, MU(S)LINS I9 73, M(O)ULINS I9 73, EMULSIN(S) J5 67
On 6th draw, SHOEING 15I 95 --- SHOE to provide with a covering for the foot [v] --- SHOEING the act of nailing shoes on horses [n]
Other tops: HONGIES 15C 95
Other moves: SHOEINGS E5 74, HINGES 15D 51, HOGENS 15D 51, HONGIS 15D 51, HOSING 15G 45
On 8th draw, DILATION N8 72 --- DILATION the act of dilating [n]
Other tops: DILATION 14B 72
Other moves: DILDO 6J 30, DOLIA 14K 26, DI 6J 24, LIANOID 14F 24, DALTON N10 22 DIVA 2K 16 dan65
On 9th draw, FAUCET O4 56 --- FAUCET a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe [n]
Other moves: FACTIVE 2H 42, CUIF O6 41, FACET O5 41, FECIT O5 41, CUTIE O4 39 FATE L12 14 dan65
On 10th draw, NONEGO 14I 23 --- NONEGO all that is not part of the ego [n]
Other moves: ENVOY 11C 22, GENTOO 4A 22, GOON J10 22, NONEGO 14G 21, ENVY 11D 20 LOVE 11I 14 dan65
On 11th draw, RESHOEING 15G 39 --- RESHOE to shoe again [v]
Other moves: DELVER 2J 28, DEEVE 2J 26, DELVE 2J 26, REEVED 2J 24, RELEVE 2I 22
On 12th draw, ANTISKID E1 63 --- ANTISKID designed to prevent skidding [adj]
Other moves: KADI M9 33, KINDA 4A 32, KATI M9 31, KAT M9 28, DINKY 11C 26
On 13th draw, ROYALET 1B 42 --- ROYALET a petty king [n]
Other moves: EYALET 1C 39, YARTO 1D 36, TEENY 2B 32, EYE F1 31, LYE F1 31
On 14th draw, WARED 8A 30 --- WARE to beware of [v]
Other tops: AWARD 8A 30, REWAN 2A 30, REWON 2A 30, ROWED 8A 30
Other moves: REAVOW 2J 28, AWED 6J 27, AWAVE 2J 26, AW 6J 24, AWEARY 11B 24
On 15th draw, HIND 6J 39 --- HIND a female red deer [n]
Other tops: HILD 6J 39
Other moves: HI 6J 36, HOI J10 31, POH J10 31, PHONILY 11A 30, HI J10 28
On 16th draw, ONCOME 14B 34 --- ONCOME a coming on [n]
Other tops: INCOME 14B 34
Other moves: CONVO 2J 32, MOOVE 2J 32, ECONOMY 11A 28, MONOECY 11A 28, CYMLIN 11F 26
On 17th draw, PARVE 2J 32 --- PARVE made without meat or milk also PAREV, PAREVE [adj]
Other moves: QADI 4B 28, TRANQ C11 28, DEPARTEE L8 26, DRAVE 2J 26, YEAD D1 26
On 18th draw, DEF 13E 28 --- DEF excellent [adj]
Other tops: REIVED B1 28, REVIED B1 28, RIFTED B1 28
Other moves: FETE M9 27, DEFECT D10 26, DEVICE D10 26, EYELIFT 11F 26, FED M9 26
On 19th draw, VITEX 3C 46 --- VITEX a genus of tropical plants [n]
Other moves: EXO 15A 41, EXON 2B 40, VEX 2A 39, EX D3 38, EX 15A 36