On 3rd draw, LORIS 8K 33 --- LORIS an Asian lemur [n]
Other moves: ORLOPS 3C 32, OXLIPS L8 32, OXSLIP L8 32, PROLIX L4 32, OXLIP L8 30 PO 8K 19 naomiari
On 4th draw, (V)OLPLANES K4 90 --- VOLPLANE to glide in an aeroplane [v]
Other moves: PELO(T)ONS 5E 86, POLON(I)ES 5E 86, POLON(I)SE 5E 86, ESP(A)NOL 3G 84, LEP(T)ONS 3B 78 PEN 7L 24 naomiari
On 5th draw, FRESHENED M7 90 --- FRESHEN to improve the condition of [v]
Other moves: FRESHED M7 36, FRESHEN M7 34, SHEND L11 34, SPHENE 7J 33, PHENE 7K 32 HEN 10I 20 naomiari
On 7th draw, DZHO 14E 41 --- DZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: MATZOH 5D 40, ZHO 14F 39, MOZ 14I 38, NOSH 10K 38, ZHOMO 5D 38 DZHO 14E 41 naomiari
On 8th draw, GLAREOUS O1 80 --- GLAREOUS growing on gravel [adj]
Other moves: GLAREOUS 12D 70, ERUGO 15A 27, LARGE 15A 27, LARGO 15A 27, ROUGE 15A 27 GEO 15D 20 naomiari
On 9th draw, VARIA 15A 30 --- VARIA a collection of various literary works [n]
Other moves: MAAR N11 27, MARIA 15A 27, ARM N4 25, VIA 15D 24, AMIA 15C 23 ARM N4 25 naomiari
On 10th draw, TIETACKS 12D 80 --- TIETACK a tie clip [n]
Other moves: KITTEL 2J 40, TEAK N3 40, STEAK 12K 28, STEEK 12K 28, TACKIER C9 28 KA 14B 26 naomiari
On 11th draw, RANCOURED H1 36 --- RANCOURED having feelings of rancor [adj]
Other moves: AERY N3 34, NARY N3 34, ANY N4 31, ARY N4 31, NOI(S)IER N6 31 YA 14B 22 naomiari
On 13th draw, BOEP N3 32 --- BOEP a big belly (South African) [n]
Other tops: BOEP 11E 32, BOEP 2C 32
Other moves: BEAUT 2F 29, NOUP 2C 28, PUBE 11C 28, BOI(S) N6 27, POI(S) N6 27 PEA 2F 23 naomiari
On 14th draw, MAGNUM 11C 38 --- MAGNUM a large wine bottle [n]
Other moves: GUMMA 11C 36, IMAUM 11D 36, GAMMA 2D 35, GUMMA 2D 35, IMAM N11 35 MM 4C 24 naomiari
On 16th draw, GNAW 1A 36 --- GNAW to wear away by persistent biting [v]
Other moves: GNATTY 1A 33, WATT M2 30, WAG M2 28, YAG M2 28, TW*TTWAT M1 27 YAW 10B 27 naomiari
On 17th draw, QI A4 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: DENET A4 36, QI F2 31, TINED A4 31, ENDITE A5 28, DIENE 4A 24 QI A4 44 naomiari
On 18th draw, OXID L8 22 --- OXID oxide [n]
Other moves: IDEE 14J 19, WINK J9 19, NED N12 18, TED N12 18, UNITED D3 18 DEN 10B 15 naomiari
On 19th draw, JITNEY F2 34 --- JITNEY a small bus [n]
Other moves: JEE 10B 33, JET 10B 33, ENJOY 5E 30, JITNEY 8D 29, JEU 6F 26 JITNEY F2 34 OrangeCup JET 10B 33 naomiari