On 1st draw, (E)ARBOB H7 24 --- EARBOB an earring [n]
Other tops: AB(S)ORB H3 24, AB(S)ORB H7 24, BARB(E)R H4 24
Other moves: BABO(O) H4 22, BAB(O)O H4 22, BARB(E) H4 22, BARB(S) H4 22, BARB(Y) H4 22
On 2nd draw, JUBES 10F 32 --- JUBE a platform in a church [n]
Other moves: JUBE 10F 29, GUSLES 13C 26, JOUGS 11G 26, JOULES 11G 26, JESUS 13F 24
On 3rd draw, F(E)RR(Y)MEN 7G 67 --- FERRYMAN a man who operates a ferry [n]
Other moves: FERR(Y)M(E)N 7B 66, FERR(Y)MAN 8B 63, FREEM(A)N I7 37, FREEM(E)N I7 37, FR(E)EMEN I7 35 FEM(S) 13E 20 charmz
On 4th draw, ATIMY L4 28 --- ATIMY loss of honour [n]
Other moves: AMINITY L6 26, DAY 8M 26, JANTY F10 23, AYIN 6L 22, BANDY 12H 22 DAY 8M 26 charmz
On 5th draw, APERIENT 5E 90 --- APERIENT a mild laxative [n]
Other moves: PERINEA M2 29, EPEIRA 11A 25, PEREIA 11A 25, PIANO 11D 25, YEAN 8L 25 YEAR 8L 25 charmz
On 6th draw, ENDURO 4C 28 --- ENDURO a long race [n]
Other tops: YAUD 8L 28, YEAD 8L 28
Other moves: DAUNER 6B 27, ADORE 4D 26, ANODE 4D 26, DONOR 11E 25, UNDEAR 6B 25 YEAD 8L 28 charmz
On 7th draw, YEED 8L 28 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: DELVE 3F 27, DEVEL 3F 27, BELOVED 12H 26, DOVE 3F 26, DOE 6E 25 YEED 8L 28 charmz
On 8th draw, SOLAHS 13C 36 --- SOLAH an Indian plant [n]
Other tops: SHOALS 13H 36, SHOLAS 13H 36
Other moves: NOAHS M1 32, HALONS 13C 30, LAHS M2 30, LOHANS 13C 30, SHOALS 13C 30 SHOALS 13H 36 charmz
On 9th draw, IDIOT 3B 29 --- IDIOT a mentally deficient person [n]
Other moves: DORIS 14B 26, IRIDS M1 26, TRODS M1 26, DIRTS M1 25, DOITS M1 25 DO 14F 19 charmz
On 10th draw, XI 14F 55 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: NIX 14D 55, NOX 14D 55
Other moves: ANOXIC 11F 52, AX 14E 52, OX 14E 52, TOXIN 14B 45, COAX D12 42 NOX 14D 55 charmz
On 11th draw, TABOOED 12F 36 --- TABOO to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: IODATE 15A 34, EDIT 15F 32, DIOTA 15G 25, ETA 15F 25, DIOTA 12A 24 EDIT 15F 32 charmz
On 12th draw, MORCHA 15A 59 --- MORCHA (India) a hostile demonstration against the government [n]
Other moves: CHROMA 15A 53, CHAM 12A 38, CHOG 2A 38, MACHO 11K 35, MARCH 11K 35 HARM 11K 31 charmz
On 15th draw, LAZES M1 41 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other tops: ZEALS M1 41
Other moves: ZEAS M2 39, ZELS M2 39, ZAS M3 37, VAWS M2 36, WAVES 11K 35 LAZES M1 41 charmz
On 16th draw, QI 2B 48 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FIVE 11K 33, FLEE 1L 33, VLEI 1L 33, VENAE 2J 32, QI 10B 31 QI 2B 48 charmz