On 11th draw, VISAED 14A 43 --- VISA to put an official endorsement on, as a passport [v]
Other tops: VISIED 14A 43
Other moves: AVISED N9 41, DIVIDES D4 35, ADVISE N9 33, VISED 14A 33, ASIDE 14B 31 VISED 14A 33 naomiari
On 12th draw, BEZOAR H10 81 --- BEZOAR a gastric mass [n]
Other moves: ZOUAVE A10 57, BRAZER H10 54, BROUZE H10 54, RAZURE 15E 50, REZ M7 49 RAZER 15E 47 naomiari
On 14th draw, FLANK 12A 32 --- FLANK to be situated to the side of [v]
Other tops: LOCKUP 11A 32, PRONK 3C 32
Other moves: KO(R)(E) 9I 31, FLAK 12A 30, KLAP 12A 30, KNAP 12A 30, KOAP 12A 30 FLANK 12A 32 naomiari
On 15th draw, APOGEE N9 35 --- APOGEE the point in the orbit of a body which is farthest from the earth [n]
Other moves: EIGNE E5 30, FAVE A12 30, FIVE A12 30, PEAGE C1 29, APE I12 28 FIVE A12 30 naomiari
On 16th draw, FIVE A12 30 --- FIVE a number [n]
Other moves: NITER O11 28, NITRE O11 28, IURE M11 25, ETUI E3 24, INTI O12 23 FIVE A12 30 naomiari
On 17th draw, HURRA O11 40 --- HURRA to cheer [v]
Other moves: TORAH I9 35, AHI I12 32, AH I12 29, HUI E4 29, AH M12 27 HA O14 20 naomiari
On 18th draw, QUINTAIN A3 68 --- QUINTAIN an object used as a target in a medieval sport [n]
Other moves: QUININE F2 38, QUA 6F 32, QUIRT 3A 28, QUIT 2A 26, QUINA A4 24 QUA 6F 32 naomiari