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Game of November 2, 2013 at 14:15, 2 players
1. 480 pts naomiari
2. 346 pts kellybelly

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dfirwz   H8    52    52   fritz
 2. eginoty  12H    38    90   zygote
 3. abginpr  11J    31   121   aping
 4. adnoruu  10J    29   150   duro
 5. aalnotv   M7    30   180   valonea
 6. aeintvx   8K    36   216   avant
 7. ?aaders  14I    79   295   araised
 8. beertuu  O12    30   325   bede
 9. adeensu   O3    60   385   unseated
10. aimoqrs  15D    83   468   qormas
11. acelsuy   N4    31   499   uey
12. ehiiotu   G7    22   521   hout
13. deegiot   F4    23   544   toged
14. eelnopr   4D    72   616   petronel
15. befhijl   E1    32   648   jebel
16. efiimnn   2D    71   719   feminine
17. acikotw   1K    50   769   wacko
18. iiiistw   L3    30   799   isit
19. hiiortx   1G    59   858   hox
20. ciilrtw  E11    20   878   wilco

Remaining tiles: iirt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6548 Filenaomiari    2 20:49  -398  480     1.7530 kellybelly  4 11:18  -532  346 
  2.7530 Filekellybelly  4 11:18  -532  346            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6548 naomiari    2 20:49  -398  480 

On 1st draw, FRI(T)Z H8 52 --- FRITZ a non functioning state, out of order [n]
Other tops: FRI(Z)Z H8 52
Other moves: FRIZ(E)D H4 44, WIZ(A)RD H4 44, FRIZ(E) H4 40, FRIZ(E)D H7 40, FRIZ(Z) H4 40
WIF(E)D H4 30 naomiari

On 2nd draw, ZYGOTE 12H 38 --- ZYGOTE a cell formed from the union of two gametes [n]
Other moves: ZINGY 12H 36, ZYGON 12H 36, GENIZOT 12D 34, TEN(T)IGO 11E 28, EGOITY 10E 22
OYE I12 21 naomiari

On 3rd draw, APING 11J 31 --- APE to mimic [v]
Other moves: BAP 11K 28, BARP 11K 28, BANG 11K 26, BARP 13K 26, BING 11K 26
GAB 11K 24 naomiari

On 4th draw, DURO 10J 29 --- DURO a Spanish silver dollar [n]
Other tops: DURA 10J 29
Other moves: DAN 10J 25, DUN 10J 25, UNAU 10K 22, DA 10J 21, RAD 10J 21
ADO 10K 16 naomiari

On 5th draw, VALONEA M7 30 --- VALONEA a tanning material [n]
Other moves: LAVA I5 16, NOVA I5 16, TAVA I5 16, VOLAN(T) 11C 16, AVA I6 15
TAV 9M 12 naomiari

On 6th draw, AVANT 8K 36 --- AVANT before [prep] --- AVANT culturally or stylistically new [adj]
Other tops: TAXA 8L 36, TAXI 8L 36
Other moves: VAIN 8L 33, VANE 8L 33, VANT 8L 33, AVIATE 8J 30, AXE 8M 30
AXE 8M 30 naomiari

On 7th draw, ARA(I)SED 14I 79 --- ARAISE to raise [v]
Other tops: ARA(Y)SED 14I 79, AR(R)ASED 14I 79, DARESA(Y) 14I 79
Other moves: A(R)RASED 14I 75, AR(C)ADES J2 72, A(B)RADES J2 72, A(D)READS G5 71, ADREA(D)S 14G 70
RASED 14K 23 naomiari

On 8th draw, BEDE O12 30 --- BEDE a prayer [n]
Other tops: BEDU O12 30
Other moves: TUBER 15G 29, BERET 15G 27, BURET 15G 27, BRUTE 15F 25, BEER 15H 24
BEDE O12 30 naomiari

On 9th draw, UNSEATED O3 60 --- UNSEAT to remove from a seat [v]
Other moves: SNEAD 15H 34, SNEED 15H 34, NEEDS 15H 30, DEENS 15H 29, SEANED 15F 28
DUNES 15E 20 naomiari

On 10th draw, QORMAS 15D 83 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: QORMA 15E 50, QIS J6 41, QIS 15G 38, MORIAS 15D 35, QI 15H 35
QIS 15G 38 naomiari, kellybelly

On 11th draw, UEY N4 31 --- UEY a U turn [n]
Other moves: AY N5 28, ACYLS J4 27, SCYE N1 25, YUCAS J4 25, AYES J5 24
AY N5 28 kellybelly
LACY I5 20 naomiari

On 12th draw, HOUT G7 22 --- HOUT to hoot [v]
Other moves: ETH M3 21, HOE 14E 21, HUE 14E 21, THO M3 21, THIO G6 20
EH 14F 18 kellybelly
THE I6 15 naomiari

On 13th draw, TOGED F4 23 --- TOGED clad in a toga [adj]
Other moves: GED F6 21, GOD F6 21, GEED F5 20, GIED F5 20, GEO F6 19
TOGED F4 23 kellybelly
DOT I6 11 naomiari

On 14th draw, PETRONEL 4D 72 --- PETRONEL a portable firearm [n]
Other moves: LEEP E2 22, NEEP E2 22, LEP E3 20, LERP M2 20, NEP E3 20
LEEP E2 22 kellybelly
REP E3 20 naomiari

On 15th draw, JEBEL E1 32 --- JEBEL a mountain [n]
Other tops: JIBE 3H 32
Other moves: JIB 3H 29, JIB M2 29, FEH E3 28, JEEL J2 27, FEEB E2 26
JIBE 3H 32 kellybelly
JEE J2 26 naomiari

On 16th draw, FEMININE 2D 71 --- FEMININE a word or form having feminine gender [n]
Other moves: JINNE 1E 36, JINNI 1E 36, JINN 1E 33, FENI 5H 27, FENMEN 2A 26
JINNE 1E 36 kellybelly
FEM 5H 19 naomiari

On 17th draw, WACKO 1K 50 --- WACKO a person who is wacky [n]
Other moves: JATO 1E 45, JOTA 1E 45, IKAT 1H 40, KATI 1G 40, TAKI 1G 40
WACKO 1K 50 kellybelly
KIT 1G 35 naomiari

On 18th draw, ISIT L3 30 --- ISIT is it? (South Africa) [interj]
Other moves: SIT L4 28, IS L3 26, SI L4 26, ST L4 26, WIS J6 23
SI L4 26 kellybelly
SIT 1G 19 naomiari

On 19th draw, HOX 1G 59 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other moves: TIX 1G 47, OX 1H 42, XI 1G 42, HIT 1G 31, HOT 1G 31
HOX 1G 59 kellybelly, naomiari

On 20th draw, WILCO E11 20 --- WILCO used to indicate that a message received will be complied with [interj]
Other moves: TWIT 6I 15, CIT M1 14, LEW N13 14, REW N13 14, TEW N13 14
WIT 6J 14 kellybelly
KI N1 12 naomiari

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