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Game of November 4, 2013 at 22:42, 2 players
1. 673 pts musdrive
2. 15 pts dan65

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeillns   H8    66    66   nellies
 2. ?aelnor   8H    74   140   neuronal
 3. ginottu   K4    86   226   tutoring
 4. abhkort   L1    36   262   koha
 5. bdeefry   M1    49   311   yfere
 6. aeilptu   1L    39   350   kype
 7. aimnosw  13A    78   428   womanise
 8. beorstt   N8    74   502   abettors
 9. aefioru  A10    39   541   frowie
10. ?eitwxy  15L    66   607   xyst
11. abdiprv  12C    31   638   abid
12. ?ajmouv  11C    47   685   raj
13. dlmotuz  12L    46   731   lutz
14. deggiov   2J    41   772   goofed
15. adenpru   B4    73   845   undrape
16. accenor   8A    39   884   cancer
17. aehiisv   1F    36   920   shiva
18. adgimuv   A1    37   957   gaum
19. deioqtv  14F    38   995   vised
20. aiioqtw   C2    29  1024   qat

Remaining tiles: iiow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7509 Filemusdrive    5 15:34  -351  673     1.7509 musdrive    5 15:34  -351  673 
  2.3238 Filedan65       0  1:56 -1009   15            Group: not rated
                                             1.3238 dan65       0  1:56 -1009   15 

On 1st draw, NELLIES H8 66 --- NELLY an effeminate male [n]
Other tops: NELLIES H2 66, NELLIES H3 66, NELLIES H4 66, NELLIES H6 66, NELLIES H7 66
Other moves: NELLIES H5 64, EISELL H3 14, EISELL H4 14, EISELL H7 14, EISELL H8 14
NELLIES H4 16 musdrive

On 2nd draw, NE(U)RONAL 8H 74 --- NEURON the basic cellular unit of the nervous system [adj] --- NEURONAL pertaining to a neuron [adj]
Other tops: NON(G)LARE 8H 74
Other moves: RELOAN(S) I7 70, ALER(I)ON I6 68, ALER(I)ONS 14A 68, ALE(U)RONS 14A 68, AL(I)ENORS 14A 68
LOAN I9 14 musdrive

On 3rd draw, TUTORING K4 86 --- TUTOR to instruct privately [v] --- TUTORING the act of tutoring [n]
Other moves: TROUTING K7 68, OUTRING K5 32, TOURING K5 32, NUTTING M3 22, TOUTING M3 22
TOURING K5 32 musdrive

On 4th draw, KOHA L1 36 --- KOHA a gift or donation when visiting a marae [n]
Other tops: HOOKA 7I 36
Other moves: HOKA L1 34, KORAT L1 34, KOHA L3 33, KHAT G12 32, KHOR G12 32
KHAT G12 32 musdrive

On 5th draw, YFERE M1 49 --- YFERE in company [adv]
Other moves: FEYED M2 45, BEEFY M2 43, FEYER M2 43, YEED M1 41, BEDYE M2 40
FEYED M2 45 musdrive

On 6th draw, KYPE 1L 39 --- KYPE a hook on the lower jaw of a male salmon [n]
Other moves: KYAT 1L 33, KYLE 1L 33, KYTE 1L 33, TALIPES 14B 30, ET N1 26
KYPE 1L 39 musdrive

On 7th draw, WOMANISE 13A 78 --- WOMANISE to pursue women amorously [v]
Other moves: WOMANIST 6D 71, WOMANISE 9A 67, WOMANISE I1 67, SWAMI 12K 32, ASWIM 12J 30
SWAM 12K 28 musdrive

On 8th draw, ABETTORS N8 74 --- ABETTOR one that abets [n]
Other tops: BATTEROS N7 74, TABORETS N7 74
Other moves: BOTTLERS O4 63, BLOTTERS O7 61, BESTROW A7 39, BESOT 14B 38, BORES 14B 38
BESTOW A8 36 musdrive

On 9th draw, FROWIE A10 39 --- FROWIE musty or rancid [adj]
Other moves: FUSE 15L 33, AFRO I11 32, FARE 14B 32, FARO 14B 32, FIRE 14B 32
FUSE 15L 33 musdrive

On 10th draw, XYST 15L 66 --- XYST a roofed area for athletic training ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: XYS(T) 15L 63, EXIST 15K 60, T(A)XWISE 15I 60, (S)EXIST 15J 60, EXIS(T) 15K 57
EXIST 15K 60 musdrive

On 11th draw, ABID 12C 31 --- ABIDE to accept without objection [v]
Other moves: BAP 12D 28, DIV I13 28, DRIB I12 28, DRIP I12 28, PAID M10 28
ABID 12C 31 musdrive

On 12th draw, (R)AJ 11C 47 --- RAJ dominion; sovereignly [n]
Other tops: (H)AJ 11C 47, (T)AJ 11C 47
Other moves: JAY M13 46, JOY M13 46, J(A)Y M13 43, J(O)Y M13 43, ROJA(K) 11A 43
(T)AJ 11C 47 musdrive

On 13th draw, LUTZ 12L 46 --- LUTZ a jump in figure skating [n]
Other moves: MOZED 9E 34, MOZED I5 34, MOZO 7J 33, TOUZED 9D 33, TOUZED I4 33
LUTZ 12L 46 musdrive
HEM 3L 8 dan65

On 14th draw, GOOFED 2J 41 --- GOOF to blunder [v]
Other moves: VISED 14F 38, VISE 14F 32, VIS 14F 31, DIV I13 28, DIG I13 26
VISED 14F 38 musdrive
EDGE O1 7 dan65

On 15th draw, UNDRAPE B4 73 --- UNDRAPE to strip of drapery [v]
Other moves: UNREAPED 9B 72, DEPURANT 6D 69, POA 13M 29, AND I11 27, PENDU 1F 27
POA 13M 29 musdrive

On 16th draw, CANCER 8A 39 --- CANCER a malignant growth [n]
Other moves: CAECA 8A 36, CORNEA A1 35, EARCON 8A 33, CACAO 8A 30, ECCO A1 30
CANCER 8A 39 musdrive

On 17th draw, SHIVA 1F 36 --- SHIVA a period of mourning [n]
Other tops: SHEVA 1F 36, VISIES 14F 36
Other moves: VISAS 14F 35, VISES 14F 35, VISIE 14F 35, HOA 13M 33, VISA 14F 32
HOA 13M 33 musdrive

On 18th draw, GAUM A1 37 --- GAUM to smear [v]
Other moves: VISA 14F 32, VIS 14F 31, MADID F10 29, MOA 13M 29, DIV I13 28
MOA 13M 29 musdrive

On 19th draw, VISED 14F 38 --- VISE to hold in a vise (a clamping device) [v]
Other moves: VISTO 14F 35, VISE 14F 32, VIS 14F 31, VIDEO C2 29, DIV I13 28
VOE 14J 23 musdrive

On 20th draw, QAT C2 29 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: IWI 14A 27, OW B1 23, QAT 15E 23, WOOT 7I 23, WAIT 15D 22
OW B1 23 musdrive

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