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Game of November 5, 2013 at 06:16, 1 player
1. 596 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. agimost   H8    24    24   stigma
 2. adgootu   H8    33    57   stigmata
 3. ?diortx   8A    98   155   trioxids
 4. abgmost  11E    44   199   maggots
 5. aadeisu   E3    28   227   adieux
 6. ?blopru  13B    76   303   subpolar
 7. aeelrtu   B3    62   365   ureteral
 8. cenosvz  10D    69   434   coz
 9. cdeiino   K7    61   495   decision
10. aaefinr   8J    39   534   refine
11. aeiprvy   A1    43   577   payer
12. aabelrs   1A    95   672   prebasal
13. aghinoo  14C    38   710   noah
14. deeinqw   7M    44   754   qi
15. efhintu  15A    41   795   feint
16. deiosuv   C3    27   822   sed
17. eehinov   F5    28   850   oh
18. egknoww  14J    44   894   known
19. eegluvy  15M    28   922   eye
20. egijlnv   J2    36   958   jingler

Remaining tiles: uvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6869 Filecharmz      6 12:53  -362  596     1.6869 charmz      6 12:53  -362  596 

On 1st draw, STIGMA H8 24 --- STIGMA a mark of disgrace [n]
Other tops: AMIGOS H3 24, IMAGOS H3 24, MAGOTS H4 24
Other moves: AGISM H8 22, MAGOT H4 22, MISGO H4 22, AMIGOS H4 20, AMIGOS H7 20
MAGOTS H4 24 charmz

On 2nd draw, STIGMATA H8 33 --- STIGMA a mark of disgrace [n]
Other moves: GAUD G10 23, TOAD I10 21, DAUT G10 19, DOAT I10 19, DOUT I10 19
DAG G13 12 charmz

On 3rd draw, TRIOX(I)DS 8A 98 --- TRIOXID a type of oxide [n]
Other tops: TR(I)OXIDS 8A 98
Other moves: T(E)TROXID 14H 84, TRIOXID(E) 10F 83, TRIOXID(S) 10F 83, T(E)TROXID 9H 73, T(E)TROXID 14F 69
(E)XIT I12 42 charmz

On 4th draw, MAGGOTS 11E 44 --- MAGGOT the legless larva of certain insects [n]
Other moves: SAMBO 7A 36, AMBOS 7B 35, GAMBS G10 34, AMBO 7B 33, GAMB G10 31
BOAT 7C 28 charmz

On 5th draw, ADIEUX E3 28 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: SEDUM 12D 26, SUDATE 9D 26, DEUS 9C 24, DIES 7C 24, DESI 7D 23
SUED 10C 20 charmz

On 6th draw, (S)UBPOLAR 13B 76 --- SUBPOLAR situated just outside the polar circles [adj]
Other moves: POURABL(E) 3A 74, POURABL(E) 13D 65, POURABL(E) 15D 64, (S)UBPOLAR 15B 64, BL(O)OP 10B 34
PROB 10C 28 charmz

On 7th draw, URETERAL B3 62 --- URETER the duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the bladder [adj] --- URETERAL resembling a ureter [adj]
Other moves: LAUREATE 3D 60, LAUREATE 15C 59, LAUREATE 15G 59, RELATE D1 26, ARTEL D1 22
RULE D1 18 charmz

On 8th draw, COZ 10D 69 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: SEZ 10D 67, ZONES D1 58, COZES D1 57, ZONE D1 54, COZE D1 53
COZ 10D 69 charmz

On 9th draw, DECISION K7 61 --- DECISION the act of deciding [n] --- DECISION to win a victory over a boxing opponent on points [v]
Other tops: ICONISED K6 61
Other moves: CONED A1 35, CONED D1 33, CEDI D1 29, CIDE D1 29, CODE D1 29
CONED A1 35 charmz

On 10th draw, REFINE 8J 39 --- REFINE to free from impurities [v]
Other moves: NAIF 14C 38, NEIF 14C 38, NIEF 14C 38, REIF 14C 38, FINER A1 34
REFINE 8J 39 charmz

On 11th draw, PAYER A1 43 --- PAYER one that pays [n]
Other moves: YIPE D1 36, YAP 14D 35, YEP 14D 35, YIP 14D 35, YIPE D3 35
PRY A1 29 charmz

On 12th draw, PREBASAL 1A 95 --- PREBASAL situated in front of a base [adj]
SABLE 15K 36 charmz

On 13th draw, NOAH 14C 38 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other tops: NIHONGA N8 38
Other moves: OOH 14D 35, HAIN 2F 32, NIGH D3 32, OOH F4 32, HAO 2F 31
AH 14E 30 charmz

On 14th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WEID 15A 41, WEND F3 29, WIND F3 29, INDECISION K5 26, INDEW 12K 26
QI 7M 44 charmz

On 15th draw, FEINT 15A 41 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj] --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other moves: FEH D3 34, BEFIT D1 33, THIN 15A 33, ETH F4 32, THIEF 2F 32
FE 6N 27 charmz

On 16th draw, SED C3 27 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: BIDES D1 27, BODES D1 27, BUDIS D1 27, BUDOS D1 27
Other moves: STIVED 6A 25, STOVED 6A 25, SEI C3 24, VISIE C5 24, AVISED 15H 23

On 17th draw, OH F5 28 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: HE 2F 28, HI 2F 28
Other moves: HE 6N 27, HI 6N 27, HO 6N 27, INDECISION K5 26, HIE C7 23
HE 2F 28 charmz

On 18th draw, KNOWN 14J 44 --- KNOWN a mathematical quantity whose value is given [n]
Other tops: KNOWE 14J 44
Other moves: KO 6N 33, WONK 2G 28, GOWK 2G 27, WE 6N 27, WO 6N 27
KO 6N 33 charmz

On 19th draw, EYE 15M 28 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YE 6N 27, YU 6N 27, YE 15L 23, LEVYING N3 22, VINYL N6 21
EYE 15M 28 charmz

On 20th draw, JINGLER J2 36 --- JINGLER one that jingles [n]
Other moves: JINGLE N6 32, JINNE N6 30, JINNI N6 30, LIVENING N2 28, JINN N6 27
JIN N6 26 charmz

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