On 1st draw, STIGMA H8 24 --- STIGMA a mark of disgrace [n]
Other tops: AMIGOS H3 24, IMAGOS H3 24, MAGOTS H4 24
Other moves: AGISM H8 22, MAGOT H4 22, MISGO H4 22, AMIGOS H4 20, AMIGOS H7 20 MAGOTS H4 24 charmz
On 2nd draw, STIGMATA H8 33 --- STIGMA a mark of disgrace [n]
Other moves: GAUD G10 23, TOAD I10 21, DAUT G10 19, DOAT I10 19, DOUT I10 19 DAG G13 12 charmz
On 3rd draw, TRIOX(I)DS 8A 98 --- TRIOXID a type of oxide [n]
Other tops: TR(I)OXIDS 8A 98
Other moves: T(E)TROXID 14H 84, TRIOXID(E) 10F 83, TRIOXID(S) 10F 83, T(E)TROXID 9H 73, T(E)TROXID 14F 69 (E)XIT I12 42 charmz
On 4th draw, MAGGOTS 11E 44 --- MAGGOT the legless larva of certain insects [n]
Other moves: SAMBO 7A 36, AMBOS 7B 35, GAMBS G10 34, AMBO 7B 33, GAMB G10 31 BOAT 7C 28 charmz
On 5th draw, ADIEUX E3 28 --- ADIEU a farewell [n]
Other moves: SEDUM 12D 26, SUDATE 9D 26, DEUS 9C 24, DIES 7C 24, DESI 7D 23 SUED 10C 20 charmz
On 6th draw, (S)UBPOLAR 13B 76 --- SUBPOLAR situated just outside the polar circles [adj]
Other moves: POURABL(E) 3A 74, POURABL(E) 13D 65, POURABL(E) 15D 64, (S)UBPOLAR 15B 64, BL(O)OP 10B 34 PROB 10C 28 charmz
On 7th draw, URETERAL B3 62 --- URETER the duct that conveys urine from the kidney to the bladder [adj] --- URETERAL resembling a ureter [adj]
Other moves: LAUREATE 3D 60, LAUREATE 15C 59, LAUREATE 15G 59, RELATE D1 26, ARTEL D1 22 RULE D1 18 charmz
On 8th draw, COZ 10D 69 --- COZ a cousin [n]
Other moves: SEZ 10D 67, ZONES D1 58, COZES D1 57, ZONE D1 54, COZE D1 53 COZ 10D 69 charmz
On 9th draw, DECISION K7 61 --- DECISION the act of deciding [n] --- DECISION to win a victory over a boxing opponent on points [v]
Other tops: ICONISED K6 61
Other moves: CONED A1 35, CONED D1 33, CEDI D1 29, CIDE D1 29, CODE D1 29 CONED A1 35 charmz
On 10th draw, REFINE 8J 39 --- REFINE to free from impurities [v]
Other moves: NAIF 14C 38, NEIF 14C 38, NIEF 14C 38, REIF 14C 38, FINER A1 34 REFINE 8J 39 charmz
On 11th draw, PAYER A1 43 --- PAYER one that pays [n]
Other moves: YIPE D1 36, YAP 14D 35, YEP 14D 35, YIP 14D 35, YIPE D3 35 PRY A1 29 charmz
On 12th draw, PREBASAL 1A 95 --- PREBASAL situated in front of a base [adj]
Other moves: PARABLES 1A 89, PARSABLE 1A 89, ERASABLE O1 83, ERASABLE O8 83, RAISABLE M6 74 SABLE 15K 36 charmz
On 13th draw, NOAH 14C 38 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other tops: NIHONGA N8 38
Other moves: OOH 14D 35, HAIN 2F 32, NIGH D3 32, OOH F4 32, HAO 2F 31 AH 14E 30 charmz
On 14th draw, QI 7M 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: WEID 15A 41, WEND F3 29, WIND F3 29, INDECISION K5 26, INDEW 12K 26 QI 7M 44 charmz
On 15th draw, FEINT 15A 41 --- FEINT ruled with faint lines [adj] --- FEINT to make a deceptive movement [v]
Other moves: FEH D3 34, BEFIT D1 33, THIN 15A 33, ETH F4 32, THIEF 2F 32 FE 6N 27 charmz
On 16th draw, SED C3 27 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other tops: BIDES D1 27, BODES D1 27, BUDIS D1 27, BUDOS D1 27
Other moves: STIVED 6A 25, STOVED 6A 25, SEI C3 24, VISIE C5 24, AVISED 15H 23
On 17th draw, OH F5 28 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: HE 2F 28, HI 2F 28
Other moves: HE 6N 27, HI 6N 27, HO 6N 27, INDECISION K5 26, HIE C7 23 HE 2F 28 charmz
On 18th draw, KNOWN 14J 44 --- KNOWN a mathematical quantity whose value is given [n]
Other tops: KNOWE 14J 44
Other moves: KO 6N 33, WONK 2G 28, GOWK 2G 27, WE 6N 27, WO 6N 27 KO 6N 33 charmz
On 19th draw, EYE 15M 28 --- EYE the organ of sight [n] --- EYE to watch closely [v]
Other moves: YE 6N 27, YU 6N 27, YE 15L 23, LEVYING N3 22, VINYL N6 21 EYE 15M 28 charmz
On 20th draw, JINGLER J2 36 --- JINGLER one that jingles [n]
Other moves: JINGLE N6 32, JINNE N6 30, JINNI N6 30, LIVENING N2 28, JINN N6 27 JIN N6 26 charmz