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Game of November 7, 2013 at 05:21, 2 players
1. 448 pts fatcat
2. 197 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdhnopu   H8    32    32   pouch
 2. eioortv  11E    48    80   evictor
 3. ?aaeksy   K5    78   158   kayakers
 4. ?deegir   L2    87   245   greined
 5. behimrt   H8    45   290   pouchier
 6. aabcdet   J6    35   325   bac
 7. adgnrtu  14H    26   351   enguard
 8. adfiims  O12    31   382   disa
 9. admotuz  10J    64   446   zeta
10. beeinot   3G    74   520   tenebrio
11. adenoor   2F    25   545   oared
12. eginttt   1D    36   581   tinge
13. ilnopsw   O1    47   628   wisp
14. elmnoqr   N2    32   660   mooner
15. afilntv  12A    26   686   final
16. ahotuwy  B10    44   730   whity
17. aijlmst   9M    37   767   jam
18. eilnosv   F6    77   844   involves
19. flotuux   E3    37   881   flux
20. elooqtu   4A    48   929   quell

Remaining tiles: oot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6405 Filefatcat      4 13:31  -481  448     1.6405 fatcat      4 13:31  -481  448 
  2.6904 Filecharmz      2  5:48  -732  197     2.6904 charmz      2  5:48  -732  197 

On 1st draw, POUCH H8 32 --- POUCH to put in a pouch (a small, flexible receptacle) [v]
Other tops: PUNCH H8 32
Other moves: DUNCH H8 30, POUCH H4 30, PUNCH H4 30, DUNCH H4 26, HOUND H4 26

On 2nd draw, EVICTOR 11E 48 --- EVICTOR one that evicts [n]
Other moves: POUCHIER H8 45, OVERHIT 12D 26, OVERHOT 12D 26, HOOVER 12H 24, THRIVE 12G 24

On 3rd draw, KAYA(K)ERS K5 78 --- KAYAKER one that rides in a kayak [n]
Other tops: (K)AYAKERS K5 78
Other moves: S(N)EAKY 13C 50, KA(R)SEY L8 47, KA(R)SY 10J 47, AS(H)KEY L10 45, KA(R)SY L8 45

On 4th draw, GREI(N)ED L2 87 --- GREIN to long [v]
Other moves: GE(L)IDER L2 85, E(N)ERGID I3 72, GREI(N)ED I3 71, GRIE(C)ED I3 71, GRIE(V)ED I3 71

On 5th draw, POUCHIER H8 45 --- POUCHY resembling a pouch [adj]
Other moves: HEM J6 41, PREADMIT 8H 39, HER J6 37, HET J6 37, BERTHE 10J 35

On 6th draw, BAC J6 35 --- BAC baccalaureate, a university degree [n]
Other tops: CAB J6 35
Other moves: BAD J6 33, BED J6 33, CAD J6 33, BAT J6 31, BET J6 31
CAGED 2J 30 fatcat

On 7th draw, ENGUARD 14H 26 --- ENGUARD to guard [v]
Other moves: GURNARD 3G 24, HADST 12H 23, DOUAR J10 21, DOURA J10 21, GERUND 10J 21
DRAG 3K 12 fatcat

On 8th draw, DISA O12 31 --- DISA a type of orchid [n]
Other moves: CADDIS 8J 30, MIDAIRS 3G 30, SIMA L11 29, MEDIAS 10J 27, MESIAD 10J 27
FIRMS 3J 20 fatcat

On 9th draw, ZETA 10J 64 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: ZED 10J 64
Other moves: ZEA 10J 63, MOZ G7 52, MAZUT 12A 40, MOTZA 12A 40, TZARDOM 3I 40
ZED 10J 64 fatcat

On 10th draw, TENEBRIO 3G 74 --- TENEBRIO a night prowler [n]
Other moves: BEGONE 2J 30, BEGET 2J 28, BEGIN 2J 28, BEGOT 2J 28, BIGOT 2J 28
BEGET 2J 28 fatcat

On 11th draw, OARED 2F 25 --- OAR to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) [v]
Other moves: AGOOD 2K 24, AREDE H1 24, D*G* 2J 23, OARED 4D 23, OREAD 4D 23
NEED H1 21 fatcat

On 12th draw, TINGE 1D 36 --- TINGE to apply a trace of color to [v]
Other moves: GEIT 1F 33, TIGE 1E 30, GITE 1E 29, GET 1G 28, GIE 1G 28
GREEN H1 21 fatcat

On 13th draw, WISP O1 47 --- WISP to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) [v]
Other moves: LISP O1 38, OPSIN O1 35, PLOWS N6 34, POWNS N6 34, WINOS N6 34
WISP O1 47 fatcat

On 14th draw, MOONER N2 32 --- MOONER one that moons [n]
Other moves: MOOL N2 24, MOON N2 24, MOOR N2 24, MELON 12A 22, MONER 12A 22
QI 13G 21 charmz
ME 15L 16 fatcat

On 15th draw, FINAL 12A 26 --- FINAL the last examination of an academic course [n]
Other tops: FAINT 12A 26, FITNA 12A 26, FLAVINE E5 26, FLINT 12A 26, VINAL 12A 26, VITAL 12A 26
Other moves: ANVIL 12A 20, INFLATE E5 20, NIVAL 12A 20, ALIF 12B 19, FA 13L 19
FLINT 12A 26 charmz
FAT 9M 19 fatcat

On 16th draw, WHITY B10 44 --- WHITY a white person [n] --- WHITY whitish [adj]
Other moves: ASHY 12J 32, THAW L12 32, TWAY L12 32, AHOY G6 31, HOAST 12H 30
TWAY L12 32 charmz
HOW 9M 22 fatcat

On 17th draw, JAM 9M 37 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAI 9M 35, MAJLIS 4B 35, JA 9M 34, JA 13L 31, JAMS 4D 31
JAM 9M 37 charmz, fatcat

On 18th draw, INVOLVES F6 77 --- INVOLVE to contain or include as a part [v]
Other moves: OLIVES 4C 30, OVINES 4C 30, VOILES 4C 30, FENI A12 28, FENS A12 28
OLIVES 4C 30 fatcat
FINE A12 28 charmz

On 19th draw, FLUX E3 37 --- FLUX to melt [v]
Other moves: FOX E4 35, TUX 13B 33, OX A14 32, LOX E4 29, LUX E4 29
TUX 13B 33 fatcat
OX A14 32 charmz

On 20th draw, QUELL 4A 48 --- QUELL to suppress [v]
Other tops: QUOLL 4A 48
Other moves: QUELL 4B 28, QUOLL 4B 28, SUQ 12K 24, HOLS 12H 21, QUOTE C6 21
QUOLL 4A 48 fatcat
QUOTE C6 21 charmz

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