On 1st draw, POUCH H8 32 --- POUCH to put in a pouch (a small, flexible receptacle) [v]
Other tops: PUNCH H8 32
Other moves: DUNCH H8 30, POUCH H4 30, PUNCH H4 30, DUNCH H4 26, HOUND H4 26
On 2nd draw, EVICTOR 11E 48 --- EVICTOR one that evicts [n]
Other moves: POUCHIER H8 45, OVERHIT 12D 26, OVERHOT 12D 26, HOOVER 12H 24, THRIVE 12G 24
On 3rd draw, KAYA(K)ERS K5 78 --- KAYAKER one that rides in a kayak [n]
Other tops: (K)AYAKERS K5 78
Other moves: S(N)EAKY 13C 50, KA(R)SEY L8 47, KA(R)SY 10J 47, AS(H)KEY L10 45, KA(R)SY L8 45
On 4th draw, GREI(N)ED L2 87 --- GREIN to long [v]
Other moves: GE(L)IDER L2 85, E(N)ERGID I3 72, GREI(N)ED I3 71, GRIE(C)ED I3 71, GRIE(V)ED I3 71
On 5th draw, POUCHIER H8 45 --- POUCHY resembling a pouch [adj]
Other moves: HEM J6 41, PREADMIT 8H 39, HER J6 37, HET J6 37, BERTHE 10J 35
On 6th draw, BAC J6 35 --- BAC baccalaureate, a university degree [n]
Other tops: CAB J6 35
Other moves: BAD J6 33, BED J6 33, CAD J6 33, BAT J6 31, BET J6 31 CAGED 2J 30 fatcat
On 8th draw, DISA O12 31 --- DISA a type of orchid [n]
Other moves: CADDIS 8J 30, MIDAIRS 3G 30, SIMA L11 29, MEDIAS 10J 27, MESIAD 10J 27 FIRMS 3J 20 fatcat
On 9th draw, ZETA 10J 64 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other tops: ZED 10J 64
Other moves: ZEA 10J 63, MOZ G7 52, MAZUT 12A 40, MOTZA 12A 40, TZARDOM 3I 40 ZED 10J 64 fatcat
On 10th draw, TENEBRIO 3G 74 --- TENEBRIO a night prowler [n]
Other moves: BEGONE 2J 30, BEGET 2J 28, BEGIN 2J 28, BEGOT 2J 28, BIGOT 2J 28 BEGET 2J 28 fatcat
On 11th draw, OARED 2F 25 --- OAR to propel with oars (long, broad-bladed poles) [v]
Other moves: AGOOD 2K 24, AREDE H1 24, D*G*DAGO 2J 23, OARED 4D 23, OREAD 4D 23 NEED H1 21 fatcat
On 12th draw, TINGE 1D 36 --- TINGE to apply a trace of color to [v]
Other moves: GEIT 1F 33, TIGE 1E 30, GITE 1E 29, GET 1G 28, GIE 1G 28 GREEN H1 21 fatcat
On 13th draw, WISP O1 47 --- WISP to twist into a wisp (a small bunch or bundle) [v]
Other moves: LISP O1 38, OPSIN O1 35, PLOWS N6 34, POWNS N6 34, WINOS N6 34 WISP O1 47 fatcat
On 14th draw, MOONER N2 32 --- MOONER one that moons [n]
Other moves: MOOL N2 24, MOON N2 24, MOOR N2 24, MELON 12A 22, MONER 12A 22 QI 13G 21 charmz ME 15L 16 fatcat
On 15th draw, FINAL 12A 26 --- FINAL the last examination of an academic course [n]
Other tops: FAINT 12A 26, FITNA 12A 26, FLAVINE E5 26, FLINT 12A 26, VINAL 12A 26, VITAL 12A 26
Other moves: ANVIL 12A 20, INFLATE E5 20, NIVAL 12A 20, ALIF 12B 19, FA 13L 19 FLINT 12A 26 charmz FAT 9M 19 fatcat
On 16th draw, WHITY B10 44 --- WHITY a white person [n] --- WHITY whitish [adj]
Other moves: ASHY 12J 32, THAW L12 32, TWAY L12 32, AHOY G6 31, HOAST 12H 30 TWAY L12 32 charmz HOW 9M 22 fatcat
On 17th draw, JAM 9M 37 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAI 9M 35, MAJLIS 4B 35, JA 9M 34, JA 13L 31, JAMS 4D 31 JAM 9M 37 charmz, fatcat
On 18th draw, INVOLVES F6 77 --- INVOLVE to contain or include as a part [v]
Other moves: OLIVES 4C 30, OVINES 4C 30, VOILES 4C 30, FENI A12 28, FENS A12 28 OLIVES 4C 30 fatcat FINE A12 28 charmz
On 19th draw, FLUX E3 37 --- FLUX to melt [v]
Other moves: FOX E4 35, TUX 13B 33, OX A14 32, LOX E4 29, LUX E4 29 TUX 13B 33 fatcat OX A14 32 charmz