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Game of November 8, 2013 at 05:47, 1 player
1. 63 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cilnopw   H8    28    28   pilow
 2. ??ahstw   8H   104   132   pathways
 3. aeegimp   G9    27   159   mega
 4. aaeenrt   O8    77   236   serenata
 5. aeeeils   F8    27   263   easel
 6. aaceikn   K4   118   381   icekhana
 7. ahilnor  14J    34   415   harlot
 8. cefiort   N1    78   493   ferocity
 9. deeoruy   O1    63   556   yeed
10. deeiost   L6    37   593   dowiest
11. eimnoru  15G    37   630   murine
12. einoort   1H    45   675   renotify
13. lopqrsu  13B    38   713   quops
14. abfiorz   8A    54   767   braize
15. dflnouy   2I    34   801   fy
16. bgijlno  14A    47   848   jig
17. dinnotu   E5    28   876   ditz
18. glnnouv   D1    29   905   vulgo
19. bdnnouv   4H    28   933   bovid

Remaining tiles: nnux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6904 Filecharmz      0  2:00  -870   63     1.6904 charmz      0  2:00  -870   63 

On 1st draw, PILOW H8 28 --- PILOW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other tops: WILCO H4 28
Other moves: CLOWN H4 26, PILOW H4 26, POWIN H4 26, CLOWN H8 22, COWP H5 22

On 2nd draw, P(A)THWA(Y)S 8H 104 --- PATHWAY a path [n]
Other tops: PATHW(A)(Y)S 8H 104
Other moves: SAWTO(O)(T)H 11D 98, SAW(T)O(O)TH 11D 98, WASHO(U)T(S) 11D 98, WA(S)HO(U)TS 11D 98, (O)(U)TWASH 13C 93

On 3rd draw, MEGA G9 27 --- MEGA great in size or importance [adj]
Other tops: MEGA 9K 27
Other moves: HEMPIE K8 26, IMPHEE K5 26, WAMPEE 12H 26, WAMPEE L8 26, MEG 9K 25

On 4th draw, SERENATA O8 77 --- SERENATA a dramatic cantata [n]
Other moves: ANTEATER J3 62, ANTEATER J6 62, ARSENATE O6 59, NEATER F7 28, EATEN F8 27

On 5th draw, EASEL F8 27 --- EASEL a three-legged frame [n]
Other moves: SEELIE 13H 25, EALES F10 24, EASEL F10 24, EASLE F10 24, EALE F10 21

On 6th draw, ICEKHANA K4 118 --- ICEKHANA an automotive event held on a frozen lake [n]
Other moves: KACHINA K5 64, ACHKAN K6 30, ACKNEW L3 30, AKIN N12 30, HACKIE K8 30

On 7th draw, HARLOT 14J 34 --- HARLOT a prostitute [n]
Other moves: WHORL L8 31, INHALE 8A 30, KOHA 7K 30, HILA N11 27, OHIA N12 27

On 8th draw, FEROCIT(Y) N1 78 --- FEROCITY fierceness [n]
Other moves: FICTOR 15F 40, FECIT 15G 37, FIERCE 8A 36, FORCE 15F 35, COIF L1 34

On 9th draw, YEED O1 63 --- YEED to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: ERED O1 45, REDEFY 1J 45, YE O1 41, DEFY 1L 39, DUROY 15G 37

On 10th draw, DOWIEST L6 37 --- DOWIE dreary [adj]
Other moves: STEDE 15H 32, SDEIN 12K 30, SETON 12K 28, STEDE 13H 28, STEEN 12K 28

On 11th draw, MURINE 15G 37 --- MURINE any of the family of small rodents [n]
Other moves: MOIRE 15H 34, MUREIN 15F 31, MERINO 15E 29, MURINE 15E 29, ENORM 15F 28

On 12th draw, RENOTIFY 1H 45 --- NOTIFY to inform [v] --- RENOTIFY to notify again [v]
Other moves: ENTIRE 8A 21, NERITE 8A 21, NORITE 8A 21, RETINE 8A 21, TOONIE 8A 21

On 13th draw, QUOPS 13B 38 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: QUOP E5 34, SOUPLE 8A 33, POLLS M11 30, QUIP 4I 30, SPLORE 8A 27

On 14th draw, BRAIZE 8A 54 --- BRAIZE a marine fish [n]
Other moves: IZAR M1 48, Z(A)RF I7 40, FRIZED 6G 39, BAIZED 6G 38, BIRO 14A 38

On 15th draw, FY 2I 34 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FOODY D11 32, NY 2I 28, OOFY D12 28, YO 2J 28, YOOF D12 28

On 16th draw, JIG 14A 47 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: JIN 14A 44, BIG 14A 37, JO 7C 36, BIN 14A 34, JINGLED 6F 34
JO 7C 36 charmz

On 17th draw, DITZ E5 28 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: JO A14 27, ID M3 17, OD M3 17, OUD 7A 17, INDUNA C3 16
JO A14 27 charmz

On 18th draw, VULGO D1 29 --- VULGO commonly [adv]
Other moves: JO A14 27, VOLING 6B 20, GLOVED 6G 19, GLUON F2 19, LOVED 6H 17

On 19th draw, BOVID 4H 28 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other moves: JO A14 27, BOUND 2B 24, B(A)ND I7 22, BLOND 3C 20, BOUDIN 4G 20

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