On 1st draw, JAKES H4 48 --- JAKES an outhouse [n]
Other tops: JAUKS H4 48, JUKES H4 48
Other moves: JAKES H8 34, JAUKS H8 34, JUKES H8 34, JAKES H5 32, JAKES H6 32
On 2nd draw, ENVA(U)LT 5E 36 --- ENVAULT to enclose in a vault [v]
Other tops: LEVANT(S) 5E 36, V(O)LANTE 5E 36
Other moves: PENALT(Y) 5E 32, J(A)VEL 4H 28, J(U)LEP 4H 26, P(A)VEN G7 24, P(A)VE G7 23 V(A)N I3 19 charmz
On 3rd draw, TAILLIES J1 62 --- TAILLIE a tax [n]
Other tops: ALIENIST F1 62, LATINISE F1 62, LITANIES F1 62, TAILLIES J2 62
Other moves: LIAISE L1 24, ISLET L4 22, ISTLE L4 22, LEATS L1 22, LITAS L1 22 TALES L1 22 charmz
On 5th draw, PISTOU L3 28 --- PISTOU a sauce made of olive oil, garlic, basil, and often cheese [n]
Other tops: UPSTIR L3 28
Other moves: PROSIT 2B 27, PUTOIS 2B 27, ROUPIT 2B 27, SIRUPS 8J 27, SITUPS 8J 27
On 6th draw, ZERIBA 4A 60 --- ZERIBA an improvised stockade [n]
Other moves: ZEBRA 4A 54, ZAIRE 4A 50, FRIZE 4A 44, ZEBRA 6B 44, ZAIRE 6B 42
On 7th draw, F(O)RZA A1 48 --- FORZA (musical term) force, power, strength [n]
Other tops: GRAZ(E)D A1 48, ZARF(S) A4 48
Other moves: FR(I)Z A1 45, DARZ(I) A1 42, GRAZ(E) A1 42, Z(E)RDA A4 42, RA(Z)Z A1 36
On 8th draw, F(O)RZANDO A1 60 --- FORZANDO a suddenly emphasised passage of music [n]
Other moves: ROUND 6B 25, UDON 3C 25, COND 6C 24, COURD K7 24, RUDD 6C 24
On 9th draw, SOUMED 8J 27 --- SOUM to determine the ratio of cattle to pasture [v]
Other moves: BEMOILED E4 26, DIMPLE 3I 26, MOILED K7 26, MOOLED K7 26, MEED B2 25
On 10th draw, MIOCENE M8 24 --- MIOCENE of or pertaining to a certain geologic time period [adj]
Other moves: MANIOC M8 22, MENACE M8 22, SCAN M1 22, AEONIC B6 21, AREIC C3 20
On 11th draw, TUMBREL 14H 34 --- TUMBREL a type of cart [n]
Other tops: BARM L12 34, MUTABLE N2 34, TUMBLER 14H 34
Other moves: AMBLER 14I 32, UMBREL 14I 32, AMULET 14I 28, BAM L12 28, BUM L12 28 BARM L12 34 charmz
On 12th draw, CORTIN 15D 41 --- CORTIN a hormone [n]
Other tops: CITRON 15D 41
Other moves: QI 15G 39, CORNI 15D 36, CITO 15G 30, CONI 15G 30, ORCIN 15E 29
On 13th draw, BEPOWDER E4 32 --- BEPOWDER to powder over [v]
Other tops: POWERED 12H 32, WORD L12 32
Other moves: WEED B2 29, DORP L12 28, GIPPED 3I 28, POWDER G7 28, POWRED G7 28
On 14th draw, AX F9 53 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ADIEUX 12J 44, AX B1 39, UNWAXED 12H 38, WUXIA G7 38, WAX G7 36
On 15th draw, FAW G7 39 --- FAW a gypsy [n]
Other tops: FEW G7 39
Other moves: WAVE D10 35, WOVE D10 35, WOVE G9 35, OVERAWE 12G 34, WOF G9 34
On 16th draw, GRUNTLED C3 74 --- GRUNTLE to put in a good humor [v]
Other moves: DUNG D10 25, GRUNTED C3 24, TRUDGEN C3 24, DEG D10 23, DELT D10 23
On 17th draw, YORE L12 28 --- YORE time past [n]
Other moves: EYING B10 27, GOONEY K7 24, SYEN M1 24, GOOEY K7 22, GOONY K7 22
On 18th draw, HAIQUE N3 38 --- HAIQUE an Arab head covering [n]
Other moves: QUA K10 30, QUAHOG 10I 25, QUOAD O4 25, QUOHOG 10I 25, HAE B2 24