On 5th draw, TORPID 8A 36 --- TORPID a racing boat [n]
Other moves: PIROG 6J 30, PIROG 2J 28, PIROG F10 28, DIPT F8 27, DIP F8 26 PROG F10 23 charmz BORD 1L 21 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, STANDER 11E 104 --- STANDER one that stands [n]
Other tops: STARNED 11E 104
Other moves: STRANDER C6 72, TORNADES B7 72, STRANDER C1 70, STANDER I8 65, STARNED I8 65 STANDER 11E 54 charmz STERN 11E 32 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, SANDBAG 1H 33 --- SANDBAG to surround with bags of sand [v]
Other moves: DEBAGS 1J 30, SEDAN M5 28, ADAGES 10I 26, SANED L11 25, SED M5 25 BAGS 1L 21 mordeckhi SAND L11 19 charmz
On 8th draw, VAN 6H 23 --- VAN to transport in a van (a type of motor vehicle) [v]
Other tops: VAE 6H 23
Other moves: DARNEL 6J 22, LAVED 3C 22, NALED H11 21, DAVEN 3C 20, DEARN 2I 20 NALED H11 21 charmz
On 9th draw, HAULER 10J 34 --- HAULER one that hauls [n]
Other tops: HALERU 10J 34
Other moves: HALER 10J 33, H**L*HAOLE 10J 33, HORAL 10J 33, HALE 10J 30, HALO 10J 30 HAULER 10J 34 charmz HERO 3K 14 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, EARSTONE O8 131 --- EARSTONE a hard mass that forms in the inner ear [n]
Other moves: EARSTONE C6 70, RESONATE C8 68, SATEEN O1 57, SENATE O1 57, STEANE O1 57 SENATE O1 57 mordeckhi STONE O1 54 charmz
On 11th draw, FINGAN 14J 36 --- FINGAN a small cup without a handle [n]
Other moves: FANION 14J 34, FIGO 7G 32, FOALING M7 32, FLACON M9 30, INCOG 12I 30 OF N14 19 charmz FLAG M9 12 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, HORNET 15F 34 --- HORNET a stinging insect [n]
Other moves: THRONE 15E 32, HOTEN 15G 31, RHONE 15F 29, THROE 15F 29, THEN 15H 28 HORE 15G 26 charmz THEN 3J 14 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, GOOLEY N1 36 --- GOOLEY a small stone [n]
Other tops: GOOILY N1 36
Other moves: LOOEY 2F 35, EYER 2I 33, YORE 2J 33, OILY 2G 32, LOVEY 3C 30 YE 12H 21 charmz EYE 3L 12 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, YUCK 14D 38 --- YUCK to laugh loudly [v]
Other tops: YACK 14D 38
Other moves: ICK 14E 34, YEUK 12J 34, YUCKIER C2 34, ICY 14E 32, RICKEY C8 32 KEA 13K 29 charmz YE 12J 17 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, JUMBIE 4A 51 --- JUMBIE a ghost [n]
Other moves: BAJU 15A 48, JUBA 15A 48, JUBE 15A 48, MAQUI 4A 38, JAMB 13A 37 JA 15C 16 charmz
On 16th draw, FETE 15A 30 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other moves: FEMITER C2 26, TIP 7G 26, DIPT F8 24, PEE 12J 21, PET 12J 21 FETE 15A 30 charmz
On 17th draw, WIG 7G 28 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: DIP 7G 28, GAWP 13A 28, GIP 7G 28
Other moves: PIG 7G 26, GAWD 13A 25, PAW 13B 25, DIG 7G 24, DIPT F8 24 WAG M12 14 charmz
On 18th draw, COXA 13C 49 --- COXA the hip or hip joint [n]
Other moves: COAX 13B 41, COX 13C 39, PAX 13C 39, POX 13C 39, COXA 9J 37 PAX O3 29 charmz
On 19th draw, QUID 2F 39 --- QUID a portion of something to be chewed [n]
Other moves: QUOP B6 35, QUOD B6 34, QUIM C1 30, QUIT 12L 26, DIPT F8 24 QUIP B3 21 charmz