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Game of November 11, 2013 at 06:14, 1 player
1. 37 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeeglsx   H4    26    26   lexes
 2. aegoptt   3H    87   113   pottage
 3. ?hhqrtu   L1    54   167   quatch
 4. aaijprs   O1    59   226   jasp
 5. iinorsv   5B    72   298   visioner
 6. degoorv   8A    92   390   overdogs
 7. aaeinru   G4    24   414   anergia
 8. ?bilnrw  10F    72   486   warbling
 9. defnosy   6F    43   529   yexed
10. efgiotu  11K    29   558   fouet
11. abcefho  O11    42   600   theca
12. aaimnst  12E    66   666   manatis
13. deeenru   H1    54   720   duplexes
14. aaenouz   D1    48   768   zones
15. aeeikmr  14J    48   816   karmic
16. bglnory  13C    47   863   globy
17. aefilot  15F    94   957   foliate
18. ceinnrw   A7    64  1021   cowinner

Remaining tiles: deiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6894 Filecharmz      0  2:05  -984   37     1.6894 charmz      0  2:05  -984   37 

On 1st draw, LEXES H4 26 --- LEX law [n] --- LEXIS the vocabulary of a language, a group, or a subject field [n]
Other tops: AXELS H4 26, AXELS H8 26, AXLES H4 26, AXLES H8 26, LAXES H4 26, LAXES H8 26, LEXES H8 26
Other moves: AXELS H5 24, AXELS H6 24, AXELS H7 24, AXLES H5 24, AXLES H6 24

On 2nd draw, POTTAGE 3H 87 --- POTTAGE a thick soup [n]
Other moves: POTTAGES 8A 86, POTTAGE G7 74, PLOTTAGE 4G 72, GATEPOST 8B 62, POTAGE 3H 35

On 3rd draw, QUAT(C)H L1 54 --- QUATCH to stir or move [v]
Other moves: QUA(S)H L1 52, QUET(C)H N1 50, HU(S)H O1 49, QUART L1 48, QUART(E) L1 48

On 4th draw, JASP O1 59 --- JASP a precious stone [n]
Other moves: RASP O1 38, RISP O1 38, HAJI 6L 30, JAPERS 5E 30, JASPER 5D 30

On 5th draw, VISIONER 5B 72 --- VISIONER a person who sees visions [n]
Other moves: VISIONER 7B 64, OR(C)INS 5J 24, RI(C)INS 5J 24, NORIS G5 23, I(C)ONS 5K 22

On 6th draw, OVERDOGS 8A 92 --- OVERDOG one that is dominant or victorious [n]
Other moves: OVERDOG K6 79, OVERDOG M6 72, OVERDOG G8 69, OVERDOG I8 69, GROOVED B1 28

On 7th draw, ANERGIA G4 24 --- ANERGIA lack of energy [n]
Other tops: VAURIEN B8 24
Other moves: ROARIE I2 21, NAEVI B2 20, NAIVE B2 20, RAX 6F 18, REX 6F 18

On 8th draw, WARBLIN(G) 10F 72 --- WARBLE to sing with melodic embellishments [v] --- WARBLING the act of warbling [n]
Other moves: BRAWLIN(G) 10E 66, BRAWNIL(Y) 10E 66, I(M)PLEXES H1 48, (E)LBOW F2 43, BOW F4 42

On 9th draw, YEXED 6F 43 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: ROYNED H10 42, DOY F4 40, YEXES 6F 40, NOSEY 11E 39, ROYNES H10 39
WARBLIN(G)S 10F 15 charmz

On 10th draw, FOUET 11K 29 --- FOUET a leek [n]
Other moves: RIGOUT H10 27, FEU N2 26, FIGOS D1 26, FOUEST D1 26, FUNGI L8 26
FE 11K 22 charmz

On 11th draw, THECA O11 42 --- THECA a protective anatomical covering [n]
Other tops: BEATH O8 42
Other moves: CHAFT O7 39, FECHT O7 39, FOB 12K 35, CHOTA O8 33, TACHE O11 33

On 12th draw, MANATIS 12E 66 --- MANATI a large aquatic mammal [n]
Other moves: IMPLEXES H1 57, VIMANAS B8 36, INSEAM N8 34, RAMINS H10 33, MAIST 12H 32

On 13th draw, DUPLEXES H1 54 --- DUPLEX to make duple [v]
Other moves: ENURED 13C 28, NEEDER 13C 28, REEDEN 13C 28, ENURED 13E 26, ENDURE 13B 25

On 14th draw, ZONES D1 48 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZOEAS D1 48
Other moves: REZ 7G 44, REZ I5 44, OZAENA 13B 41, ZOUAVE B1 40, AZAN H12 39

On 15th draw, KARMIC 14J 48 --- KARMA the force generated by a person's actions [adj] --- KARMIC pertaining to karma [adj]
Other tops: MAIZE 1A 48, MIRZA 1A 48
Other moves: KAMI C2 34, KERAMIC 14I 34, KAIM 11B 32, A(C)KEE 5K 30, KAM 11C 30

On 16th draw, GLOBY 13C 47 --- GLOBY like a globe [adj]
Other moves: BORNYL 15F 44, BOYG 15H 42, GLOBY 15F 42, GLORY 13C 41, GOBONY 2A 40

On 17th draw, FOLIATE 15F 94 --- FOLIATE to hammer into thin plates [v]
Other moves: EMANATIST 12D 54, TOAZE 1A 42, FOLATE 15G 41, FLITE 15H 38, FLOTE 15H 38

On 18th draw, COWINNER A7 64 --- COWINNER one of two or more winners [n]
Other moves: WINZE 1A 51, WINCE 11A 30, WICE 11B 28, REWIN 7G 25, CRINE 11A 24

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