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Game of November 13, 2013 at 08:05, 2 players
1. 361 pts mordeckhi
2. 130 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eilostu   H7    66    66   outlies
 2. ?eeefin  11E    36   102   feminie
 3. deinorr  13C    72   174   indorser
 4. aalmrtv  10J    30   204   malva
 5. ?ddhior   N8    74   278   rhabdoid
 6. enopqrs  14B    43   321   snoep
 7. aceglno   G1    65   386   congeal
 8. adeijln   8J    63   449   injera
 9. aeklmru  15L    42   491   kade
10. egirttu   3A    68   559   uttering
11. aeinrvy   1E   110   669   vicenary
12. aabemsz  15F    53   722   smaze
13. bdhisuy  15A    54   776   bish
14. aefgotu   4A    39   815   goaf
15. adoruwy  10B    39   854   duroy
16. bloptuw   2I    28   882   ow
17. beipttw   5B    33   915   wettie
18. aclpqtu   M3    36   951   calque

Remaining tiles: bptx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4197 Filemordeckhi   0 20:02  -590  361     1.6917 charmz      0  3:18  -821  130 
  2.6917 Filecharmz      0  3:18  -821  130            Group: not rated
                                             1.4197 mordeckhi   0 20:02  -590  361 

On 1st draw, OUTLIES H7 66 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other tops: OUTLIES H2 66, OUTLIES H3 66, OUTLIES H4 66, OUTLIES H6 66, OUTLIES H8 66
Other moves: OUTLIES H5 64, LOUIES H3 14, LOUIES H4 14, LOUIES H7 14, LOUIES H8 14
LOUSE H7 10 mordeckhi

On 2nd draw, FE(M)INIE 11E 36 --- FEMINIE women collectively [n]
Other moves: (D)EFENSE 13C 22, NEIF(S) I4 21, NEIF(S) I8 21, NE(A)FE I8 21, NIEF(S) I4 21
EFT 9F 10 mordeckhi

On 3rd draw, INDORSER 13C 72 --- INDORSER one that endorses [n]
Other moves: DRONIER I2 65, DRONIER I1 63, DRONER 12A 25, IRONED 10A 25, ROINED 10A 25
FEND E11 8 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, MALVA 10J 30 --- MALVA a plant of the marrow genus [n]
Other moves: MALAR 10J 27, LAMA 10H 26, MALVA 12K 26, MAA 12C 25, MALA 10F 25
MORAL 7G 11 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, RHA(B)DOID N8 74 --- RHABDOID a rodlike body [n]
Other moves: H(Y)DROID G1 70, H(Y)DROID I1 70, DI(C)HORD G1 68, DI(C)HORD I1 68, ODDI(S)H O6 40
HOOD 7G 13 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, SNOEP 14B 43 --- SNOEP (Afrikaans) tight-fisted [adj]
Other moves: PRONE O4 36, PROSE O4 36, REOS O7 34, PERNODS 15I 33, RESPOND 15H 33
PONDS 15K 27 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, CONGEAL G1 65 --- CONGEAL to change from a fluid to a solid [v]
Other moves: CONGE 15A 45, GLANCED 15H 42, CLANGED 15H 39, CONGE O4 39, GLEAN 15D 39
ARC 8M 15 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, INJERA 8J 63 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other moves: JADE 15L 60, JEDI 15L 60, JIRD 8L 60, JEAN F2 59, JARL 8L 57
JADE 15L 60 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, KADE 15L 42 --- KADE a wingless fly that attacks sheep [n]
Other tops: AMUCK 1D 42, CAULKER 1G 42, MACKLE 1E 42, MUCKER 1E 42, MUCKLE 1E 42
Other moves: CALKER 1G 39, CAUKER 1G 39, MARCEL 1D 39, ARK F4 38, KEA F2 38
MUCK 1E 36 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, UTTERING 3A 68 --- UTTER to give audible expression to [v] --- UTTERING the circulation of counterfeit notes [n]
Other moves: GUTTIER I1 64, GUERITE 5E 32, TETRI 15D 31, TITER 15D 31, TITRE 15D 31
CITER 1G 21 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, VICENARY 1E 110 --- VICENARY pertaining to the number twenty [adj]
Other moves: VINY 15A 57, CAIRNY 1G 45, CARNEY 1G 45, VEINY 15E 45, NERVY 15E 42
CRAVEN 1G 36 mordeckhi
YEARN 15E 36 charmz

On 12th draw, SMAZE 15F 53 --- SMAZE an atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze [n]
Other moves: BEAMS 2J 47, SAZ 15F 41, SEZ 15F 41, BEAMS 15E 38, BEMAS 15E 38
ZA 6F 31 charmz
AMAZES J1 25 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, BISH 15A 54 --- BISH a blunder [n]
Other moves: DISH 15A 51, STUDY B2 34, BY F5 32, DAISY O7 29, UH 2I 28
BY F5 32 charmz
HOY 13M 18 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, GOAF 4A 39 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: TEF 10D 32, EF 10E 31, OF 10E 31, EF F5 28, FAGOT 10B 28
EF 10E 31 charmz
FOOT 13L 14 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, DUROY 10B 39 --- DUROY a coarse woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: ROYAL 10D 35, YOW 10D 35, DROW 10C 34, AROW 10C 33, DOW 10D 33
AY J1 13 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, OW 2I 28 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other moves: IWI F1 27, WO 2F 27, BLOW I4 23, OW M12 23, OWL 9D 23
PLUG A1 21 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, WETTIE 5B 33 --- WETTIE (New Zealand) a wetsuit [n]
Other moves: PETITE 5B 30, WITE 5B 29, IWI F1 27, WEPT 9E 27, WO 2F 27
YEW L1 9 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, CALQUE M3 36 --- CALQUE to model a word's meaning upon that of an analogous word in another language [v]
Other tops: CLAQUE M3 36, PLAQUE M3 36
Other moves: QUOP 13L 30, QAT 12A 26, QUA 12A 26, PACK L12 24, PUCK L12 24
QUAD B7 14 mordeckhi

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