On 1st draw, PR(O)BATE H4 76 --- PROBATE to establish the validity of a will [v]
Other tops: BE(W)RAPT H4 76, BE(W)RAPT H7 76, T(Y)PEBAR H2 76, T(Y)PEBAR H8 76
Other moves: BE(W)RAPT H3 72, BE(W)RAPT H6 72, BE(W)RAPT H8 72, PR(O)BATE H3 72, PR(O)BATE H6 72 PERT H7 12 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, PINWHEE(L) 4H 80 --- PINWHEEL a child's toy resembling a windmill [n] --- PINWHEEL to move like a child's toy windmill [v]
Other tops: WHEEPIN(G) 4D 80
Other moves: WHI(T)ENER 5A 76, WHITENE(D) 9E 65, WHITENE(R) 9E 65, WHEREIN 5E 52, WHEREI(N) 5E 48 WITH 9F 15 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, PEARLING M3 76 --- PEARL to adorn with pearls (smooth, rounded masses formed in certain mollusks) [v] --- PEARLING lace made from silk [n]
Other moves: PARLING G8 71, PEARLING 10G 67, PEARLING N3 67, GRAPLINE 10A 65, PAR(O)LING 6E 64 PIL(L) O1 15 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, MISE 8L 27 --- MISE an agreement or settlement [n]
Other tops: MISO 8L 27
Other moves: MOOSE 11J 26, MOOSE 11E 25, SEMIE 11H 25, EMES 11J 24, EMOS 11J 24 MISE 8L 27 charmz
On 5th draw, RETOLD 11C 26 --- RETELL to tell again [v]
Other moves: DOTER 11H 24, DROLE 11H 24, ROTED 11D 24, TOLED 11D 24, TRODE 11E 24 QI I3 21 charmz, mordeckhi
On 6th draw, SOOEY 10B 37 --- SOOEY used for calling pigs [interj]
Other moves: OOSY 10C 34, EYES 11J 26, OOSY 11K 26, OYES 11J 26, SOOEY N1 25 SOY(L)E O1 21 charmz ROSY C11 14 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, MOTORAIL C7 28 --- MOTORAIL a train system [n]
Other tops: MOTORIAL C7 28
Other moves: DOMAL I6 26, MODAL I6 26, AMID I7 24, AMIDOL L10 23, MODI G6 23 WILD K4 16 mordeckhi AM I7 14 charmz
On 8th draw, GREX D5 41 --- GREX a group of plants with a common hybrid ancestor [n]
Other moves: DEX D6 40, AXED B12 39, AXONE 8A 39, RAX D6 39, RAXED D4 39 DEX D6 40 charmz AXE(L) O1 30 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, VINIFERA 13B 66 --- VINIFERA a European grape [n]
Other moves: FENIS B6 33, RAVEN B4 31, RIVEN B4 31, FIERE N2 30, FLAVINE 14B 30 VEA(L) O1 18 charmz FOX 8B 13 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, EUGLENID O8 83 --- EUGLENID a euglena [n]
Other moves: INDULGE B1 81, ELUDING 14H 76, DUELING 12I 75, DUELING 14I 75, ELUDING 12I 74 NED 14E 18 charmz DIL(L) O1 12 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, ZEKS J10 52 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: JEEZ 12I 49, ZEAS J10 48, ZEES J10 48, ZAS 15A 47, JAKS J10 46 ZAS 15A 47 charmz ASK 15B 23 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, ANOXIC 8A 45 --- ANOXIA deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues [adj] --- ANOXIC relation to a deficiency of oxygen to the tissues [adj]
Other moves: FANO K9 35, BANI K9 33, BONA K9 33, CONI K9 33, OAF K9 33 FAI(L) O1 18 mordeckhi, fatcat VAN B13 16 charmz
On 13th draw, TORO K9 29 --- TORO a bull [n]
Other tops: ROTO K9 29
Other moves: ONO K10 27, BON K9 25, BOR K9 25, BOT K9 25, OBO N13 23 BOR K9 25 charmz BOO 3I 22 fatcat
On 14th draw, AIDOI L11 31 --- AIDOS shame [n]
Other moves: ADIT L12 26, AID L11 25, AITU L11 25, AITU L12 24, AUTO L12 24 AID L11 25 fatcat DUA(L) O1 12 charmz
On 15th draw, HUITAIN 15G 30 --- HUITAIN a group of eight lines of verse [n]
Other moves: AHI N13 27, TAHINI 15G 27, NAH N12 26, THU(L)IA O1 24, HA N14 23 WHAT K4 20 fatcat RAH H13 18 charmz
On 16th draw, BYDE I6 35 --- BYDE to bide (Chaucer) [v]
Other moves: JEED N2 31, BYE I6 28, DYE I6 26, BENDY J2 25, BY I6 25 WEY K4 18 charmz J*W K2JEW K2 13 fatcat
On 17th draw, FUSC 15A 47 --- FUSC dusky brown [adj]
Other tops: JUNCOS J2 47
Other moves: JUS 15A 41, JUNCO J2 38, JUCO E2 32, JA G6 30, SAJOU E1 30 JOWS K2 28 fatcat JO E4 24 charmz
On 18th draw, JUNTA J2 36 --- JUNTA a political or governmental council [n]
Other tops: JUNTO J2 36
Other moves: JOU(L)E O1 33, JA G6 30, JATO E2 28, JOE E4 28, JANE J2 27 JOE E4 28 fatcat VEA(L) O1 18 charmz